Sign Up

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As the group walked into the town, away from the water, they saw the location of the Talent Show Signup Booth. "Is anyone, other than me, not doing the Spettacolo di Talenti?" Giulia asked.
"Why aren't you gonna do it?" Alberto replied.
"I just don't want to." Giulia said.
"Okay. Well, Guido, Ciccio, Luca, Bella, and I decided to be a group." Alberto said.
"Va bene!" Giulia exclaimed.
"I'm flying solo." Akiko added.
"Finché sei felice!" Giulia smiled. As the group got to the Signup Booth, Signora Marsigliese greeted the group. "Ciao, bambini! Are you here to sign up for the Spettacolo di Talenti?" She asked.
"Not all of us, Signora. I'm not. But, my friends are!" Giulia replied.
"Are you sure, Giulia?" Signora Marsigliese was skeptical of Giulia's decision.
"Sto bene!" Giulia said.
"Okay. But Signups will be available tutto il giorno domani and Mercoledì, so you can change your mind during those days if you'd like. But I won't force you, that's your decision." Signora Marsigliese replied. Giulia nodded in understanding as she let her friends sign up. "Okay. Who's all signing up?" Signora asked. Just then, a chillingly familiar voice yelled from behind Luca. "ME!" The voice boomed. It was Ercole! "Oh, mannagia, here we go." Guido said flatly. Ercole walked proudly from the back of the line all the way to the front. Akiko was shocked. "Ercole! Weren't you in Jail?!" She exclaimed. Giulia was confused. "Aspetta cosa?" She asked.
"They let me out early." Ercole lied. Akiko didn't buy what Ercole was selling. "I'm fairly certain that they don't let you out for about 18-40 years for the crimes you committed." She said.
"What crimes did he commit?" Giulia was curious.
"Kidnapping, child abuse, and attempted murder." Akiko replied.
"Oh, yeah. You definitely should still be in Jail." Giulia said. Ercole got frustrated. "Like I said, Spewlia, they let me out! PRESTO!" He yelled. "Now, sign me up for the Spettacolo di Talenti! Subito!" Ercole demanded. Signora Marsigliese refused. Ercole took the pen and paper from the woman and signed himself up. Signora Marsigliese was annoyed. "There's a reason I didn't sign you up, Ercole." She said. Ercole just scoffed and left. Akiko's hair turned red, indicating anger. Signora Marsigliese was one of the first to notice. "How are you doing that?" She asked.
"My hair changes color depending on my emotions. Yellow equals happiness, blue equals sadness, red equals anger, and so on." Akiko replied. Signora Marsigliese nodded in understanding and smiled. "That's actually a very nice concept! Now, let's sign you all up. Giulia, did you change your mind?" She questioned.
"Nope!" Giulia replied.
"Okay, but you can if you want. There's now going to be a Spettacolo di Talenti every year, so you can participate any year if you'd like." Signora Marsigliese said. Giulia nodded as she let her friends sign up. Alberto and his group, Luca, Bella, Guido, and Ciccio, were the first ones to do so. "Ciao, ragazzi! Are you all in a group?" The woman asked.
", but, um, Bella is a ragazza. Not a ragazzo." Alberto replied.
"Oh! Mi dispiace per quella signorina." Signora Marsigliese said.
"It's okay!" Bella laughed. Signora Marsigliese smiled. "So, you and the ragazzi are a group, right? Also, bel nome!" The woman said.
"Grazie! And yes! Luca, Alberto, Guido, Ciccio, and I are a group." Bella smiled.
"Grande! Well, you're all signed up! Buona giornata!" Signora Marsigliese replied. Alberto and his group walked out of the way to let Akiko sign up. "Ciao, ragazza! What's your name, caro?" Signora Marsigliese asked.
"My name is Akiko Konomashī!" Akiko replied, smiling.
"And, you're going solo, is that corretto? Signora Marsigliese asked.
"Yes, ma'am." Akiko said.
"Va bene! You're signed up! Grazie!" Signora Marsigliese exclaimed.
"Thank you!" Akiko smiled as she and Giulia caught up with their friends.

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