Violin Dreams

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Akiko shook her head. "Whatever! We don't need him, right?" She asked.
"Right!" Everyone else replied. As the evening turned to night, the group was done playing outside, so they returned to the Marcovaldos' house to rest. When they got to the house, Giulia knocked on the door. Massimo answered the door to see his daughter and her friends. "Oh! There you are! Why don't you all get some riposo for today? You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow. Are you going to start practicing?" Massimo asked.
"Yep! But not too early, though, we'll start at about 9:00 to 10:00." Alberto said as everyone agreed.
"I'll start a little later than that to give the group time." Akiko said.
"I'm sure you'll all do grande!" Giulia smiled. Massimo chuckled as he walked off, bidding the kids goodnight. "Well, I'm off to bed. Buonanotte, gli amici!" Giulia said as she yawned and walked to her room. Luca and Alberto walked outback to their outdoor bed that Giulia gave them. "Ci vediamo domani mattina, ragazze." Guido said as he and Ciccio walked off.
"朝に会いましょう、男の子。" Akiko said as she and Bella walked off. "See you in the morning." Bella added. Akiko slept on the roof as Bella slept in an individual bedroom that was next to Guido's. Akiko wasn't tired just yet, and she still had her Violin with her, so she got it out and started to play it. She played a beautiful song called 'Cast Your Anxiety Away' by one of her favorite Violin Artists, 'Prayer Pray'. As she played, her Musical Positive Energy filled the sky with pink, Northern Light rays. The Positive Energy spread throughout the streets of Portorosso and surrounded the Marcovaldos' house. Everyone contained in the circle of Positive Energy received only good and magical dreams as the music filled their ears. Akiko continued playing her Violin as she smiled warmly and closed her eyes. Soon enough, the Positive Energy started forming a ball above Akiko's head and when she was almost finished with the song, it gently, and quietly, exploded with only pink, glittery, magic dust being left behind as the magic dust fell gracefully onto the streets. Alberto, from where he was sleeping, smiled warmly as he snuggled up and fell completely into a deep sleep.

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