Wellerman Rehearsal

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As Massimo and Alberto got back from fishing, Massimo grabbed the net as Alberto helped him carry it. "We're carrying this to the Pescheria." Massimo instructed. Giulia, who had a wheel barrow, Akiko, and Luca saw Massimo and Alberto. Giulia ran over to them with her wheel barrow. "Hey! We have this!" She exclaimed as she pointed to the barrow.
"Grazie, Giulietta!" Massimo laughed as he and Alberto carried the fish net to Giulia's cart. "I'll deliver this to the Pescheria! Torno subito! Ciao!" Giulia said as she walked away with her wheel barrow, which was now filled with pesce. Massimo smiled as he turned to Alberto. "If you want to rehearse with Bella and your group, you can, now." He said. Alberto smiled back. "Our rehearsal may take a couple of hours." He laughed as he scratched the back of his head.
"It doesn't matter how long it takes to me. Just as long as we get it down pat and ready for the Spettacolo di Talenti!" Bella said.
"!" Luca added.
"But, where's Akiko? Isn't she gonna rehearse for her act, too?" Alberto asked. Just then, Akiko arrived. "Hey! Sorry I took so long, Ercole stopped me." She said.
"Oh, mannagia, what'd he say?" Alberto said flatly.
"He said that we're all gonna do terrible and that he's gonna be the star of the show. So, if he was any of us, he'd back out of the Spettacolo di Talenti while he had the chance." Akiko said.
"Which is impossible, because we're gonna outshine him!" Alberto exclaimed. Massimo grew concerned. "Don't become competitive, now. Ercole is just trying to get under your skin, because he knows he can." He said.
"How exactly does he know he can do that?" Luca asked.
"Because you let him." Akiko said. Bella pointed to Akiko, agreeing with her. Alberto just shrugged as he nodded. "And plus, this is just an opportunity to have fun and show what you can do! This isn't a competition. Although, Ercole, being the jerk he is, treats it like a competition." Bella said. Akiko nodded in agreement. Alberto also nodded, but in understanding. "Sì. Mi dispiace." He said respectfully.
"It's okay!" Akiko replied. Alberto lightened up. "Alright, guys! Ready to rehearse?" He asked.
"Yeah!" Alberto's group replied in unison.
"And, Bella? I'm leaving you in charge of the song and choreography, if that's okay with you." Alberto said as he turned to Bella. Bella nodded as she smiled. "! That's fine! I'll teach you the lyrics, and we'll all come up with dance moves!" She exclaimed. Alberto smiled as Luca laughed with excitement. Guido jumped up and down and smiled as Ciccio clapped. Alberto led his group to a place they could rehearse. There was a decent sized building that had a stage inside. Signora Marsigliese said they could use that building to practice their acts. Akiko and Giulia laughed as they followed. Massimo chuckled as he walked the other way. Before he went any further, he looked back to say something. "Giulietta! I'll be at the casa if you need me!" Massimo explained. Giulia looked back and nodded in understanding. "Grazie, Papà!" She exclaimed as she smiled and waved to her father.
"Buona fortuna!" Massimo replied as he walked away.
"Ciao!" Giulia exclaimed again as she and Akiko went to the Luogo del palco. As they got to the Stage, Bella was already halfway through with teaching her group the lyrics, and was about to give out solos. "Alberto. If you want, I'll give you the first line to sing. Then Luca, second line, Ciccio, then Guido, then me. And everytime we sing 'soon may the Wellerman come', we'll sing those two whole lines all together. Got it?" Bella asked.
"Seems like a win to me!" Luca replied as Alberto nodded with agreement.
"I am actually molto eccitato to see and hear how this turns out!" Guido exclaimed.
"I know, right?!" Bella, along with the rest of her group, was ecstatic! "Alright, guys! Let's hit the stage!" Bella finished.
"Benissimo!" Luca replied as he jumped up with Alberto to the stage. The group was doing pirate freestyle of some sort for choreography. An instrumental version of the song played as Alberto waited for his cue to sing. After four beats, he started singing. "🎵🎶There once was a ship that put to sea, the name of the ship was the Billy of Tea. The winds blew up, her bow dipped down, oh blow, my bully boys, blow.🎵🎶" Alberto sang as the others made an effort noise. Then, it was everyone's turn to start singing. "🎶🎵Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguing is done, we'll take our leave and go.🎶🎵" As everyone sang, everyone danced like pirates, jumping around and spinning each other or themselves. Then, it was Luca's turn to sing. "🎵🎶She'd not been two weeks from shore, when down on her a right whale bore. The captain called all hands and swore: He'd take that whale in tow.🎵🎶" He sang as Musical Positive Energy started forming around him and the others. Luca glowed neon teal-green, Alberto glowed periwinkle blue, Bella glowed ultramarine blue, Guido glowed red-orange, and Ciccio glowed greenish-yellow. It was everyone's turn to sing again. "🎶🎵Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguing is done, we'll take our leave and go.🎶🎵" As they sang the line, they did a square dance. "🎵🎶Da-da-da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da.🎵🎶" They continued singing after they returned to their original spots and swayed to the beat of the music. Then, it was Ciccio's turn to sing. "🎶🎵Before the boat had hit the water, the whale's tail came up and caught her, all hands to the side, harpooned and fought her, when she dived down low.🎶🎵" Ciccio sang as he smiled. Then, the group was able to sing altogether again, and they danced around again. As Akiko and Giulia were both intrigued, they smiled to each other and started dancing, which unleashed Musical Positive Energy from them. Akiko glowed pink as Giulia glowed reddish-pink. "🎵🎶Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguing is done, we'll take our leave and go.🎵🎶" After the group of five sang, they returned to their original spots. Then, it was Guido's turn to sing. "🎶🎵No line was cut, no whale was freed, the captain's mind was not of greed. And he belonged to the Whaleman's creed, she took that ship in tow.🎶🎵" As Guido sang, the rest of the group made an effort noise, as done in the original song. Then, everyone was able to sing again. "🎵🎶Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguing is done, we'll take our leave and go.🎵🎶" The group did their square dance once more and then returned to their original spots. "🎶🎵Da-da-da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da.🎶🎵" As the group sang, they swayed to the beat of the music. Then, it was Bella's turn to sing. "🎵🎶For forty days or even more, the line went slack then tight once more. All boats were lost, there were only four, but still that whale did go.🎵🎶" As Bella sang, she smoothly walked into Alberto's spot for the square dance, as Alberto, Luca, Ciccio, and Guido did the same. "🎶🎵Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguing is done, we'll take our leave and go.🎶🎵" Then, it was Alberto's turn to sing again. "🎵🎶As far as I've heard, the fight's still on. The line's not cut, and the whale's not gone. The Wellerman makes his regular call to encourage the captain, crew and all.🎵🎶" As he sang, his group did the square dance one last time. Then, everyone sang again. "🎶🎵Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguing is done, we'll take our leave and go.🎶🎵" After the group did the square dance, they walked to the front of the stage as they made dramatic poses, one person after the other, to the beat of the music. "🎵🎶Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguing is done, we'll take our leave and go.🎵🎶" After the song, the Musical Positive Energy faded from the stage. Akiko and Giulia clapped, indicating that they enjoyed the song. "È stato fantastico! Bravo!" Giulia praised. Akiko agreed. "それは壮大でした!" She exclaimed. "I'm sure you'll do so well at the Spettacolo di Talenti!" Akiko finished. Alberto gave a big, thankful smile.

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