Chapter 25 - Panic.

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Black Skinny Jeans.

Chapter 25 - Panic.




Everything and everyone was ready to begin our celebration.

The kids were outside, playing, having fun, being kids. Adults were in the kitchen. Jaime, Vic, Mike, Caleb, and I were in the living room.

'I wonder what's taking Sam and Tony so long?' Vic asked while looking at his watch.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

'I think the people behind that door may answer your question.' I smiled as I got up to get the door.

In fact, Tony holding a tray of cupcakes and a very happy looking Sam were standing there.

'Well come in, Mr. and Mrs. Perry.' I said in a phony British accent.

'Why thank you dear.' Tony said in an equally bad accent.

'Where the fuck is the party at?' Sam laughed.

'Great way to ruin in it Samantha.'

'Just for you bitch.' she laughed.

I laughed as they came in.

'Hey everyone. Please take a cupcake, we found out what I'm having today.' Sam beamed.

Tony walked around as everyone picked one up.

'Don't bite it yet.'

Once everyone had one, Tony sat down next to Jaime and Vic and gently pulled Sam on his lap.

Aw, she was starting to show.

'Okay everyone, dig in!' Tony smiled.

Everyone smiled and took a bite.

'Oh my God! You're having a boy?' Vic asked.

'Babe no, I got pink frosting.' Jaime laughed.

'But.. I g-got blu- oh my God, are you HAVING TWINS?!' Vic said jumping up and down.

Sam and Tony just smiled and nodded.

'That's awesome! Now little Caleb will have little cousins to take care of.' I smiled.

I was honestly so so happy for Sam and Tony and it kinda make me want another kid.

Although, I don't think that would be the best idea for now.


We were all gathered around the table to make a toast, saying why, what, or who we were thankful for.

First it was papa Fuentes' turn, since he was the head of the family and the oldest.

'We'll first of all, I am really thankful for my wonderful wife, Vivian. She is the love of my life and always will be, she has put up with me for 45 years, yet she still has so much fight in her. It makes me so proud. Second, I'm so proud of my son Vic. He finally found someone that made him happy and married him. It may not have been who we wanted to marry at first, but we know Jaime makes Vic extremely happy and that's all that matters to us. I'm also so proud of Mikey, he has not smoked in a year. That's a big accomplishment right there. Proud of you Michael. Last thing I wanna say is, I'm happy for you Allison. Even though you're not with Mike anymore, I'm glad you're happy.' he said raising his glass up. 'Cheers. Oh and Tony, Sam, don't think I forgot about you guys. I'm super happy for y'all. Starting a family and getting married. Congratulations.'

Black Skinny Jeans. [Sequel to White V-Neck]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt