worst best partner: spencer reid.

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{request for: juptersmoons <33}

spencer reid,
for once,
couldn't make sense of the thoughts in his head.
when he saw y/n l/n.
his face would contort into a scowl he couldn't rid himself of,
and the ire would settle deep inside of him.
it weighed him down everyday and all he wished for was an answer that made sense to his question of:
why do i dislike her so much?
she was a bit more clever when it came to riddles or crossword puzzles,
but the irritation following that only made up for a little of this dislike.
surely it wasn't jealousy,
or that he was threatened by a woman in power.
spencer reid and y/n l/n were just in an agreement:
they did not like one another.
spencer realized there was no need to make sense of it,
no need to think of the "why's."
only accept the reality.
"does it not bother you?"
jj asked y/n one day,
their conversation being held over coffee that was sweeter than either of them intended it to be.
"not really. i'm here to do my job, not impress him. we're cordial enough to complete our jobs and move on. more than enough for me."
jj nodded in understanding just before aaron announced their next case.
when y/n began walking,
she found that she was suddenly beside spencer.
their strides were even,
but she noticed spencer beginning to speed up.
whether it was to get away from her or beat her to the meeting,
she would never know.
when they sat down to discuss details of the case,
spencer watched y/n from his peripheral.
he found a slight aggravation arise at her action of drumming her fingers against the table,
though she had managed to do it silently.
how he wished she was making a racket so that either him or someone else could call her out on it.
spencer hated the fact that he almost laughed at the image of an embarrassed y/n.
he realized y/n brought out a darker side of him that he would never understand.
it was so foreign to feel;
he only hoped he could get past it enough to work alongside her.
"what did you miss?"
spencer asked y/n,
leaning over sprawls of paperwork while his mind worked other probabilities.
y/n crossed her arms at this accusing question.
"i'm sorry? what makes you think i missed anything?"
"it was only you and morgan on the scene,"
spencer explained,
uncapping the marker with his teeth.
y/n laughed mockingly.
"and morgan couldn't have possibly missed anything?"
once he heard the anger in her tone,
he stopped moving long enough to look at her.
"of course he would have. i'm asking because you're...you're more observant than morgan."
y/n stopped herself from ranting any further,
and found that she was surprised in his gentle tone.
"right. i apologize then. i thought you were getting around to calling me incompetent."
"no, not at all, y/n. i just think there's something that was overlooked at the scene."
y/n sat herself in the seat adjacent to him,
sending a wave of her perfume to cloud his thoughts.
he almost allowed himself a moment to imagine,
but quickly shook the thoughts from his mind.
it was a close call.
too close of a call to be comfortable for spencer.
"i got it!"
y/n announced,
snapping her fingers and drawing spencer away from his own damned mind.
"near the scene, on the wall, there's a mark."
y/n grabbed the most recent crime scene photo and pointed to the spray painted logo lying on the brick wall.
she began finding the other crime scene photos from prior,
finding each and everyone to have the same mark.
"their calling card,"
y/n said with a laugh of surprise.
"i can't believe i missed it."
"yeah, well...good thing you found it now."
y/n furrowed her eyebrows at him and his slightly demeaning tone,
but ignored it like she ignored most of his comments.
the two had a case to solve;
there was no time for trivial arguments.
y/n stretched out and yawned,
finally feeling the consequences of missed sleep.
she could no longer hold her eyes open,
the weight was growing too strong to fight.
once she closed them,
she quickly drifted off into the best sleep one could get on a jet.
during her time asleep,
y/n fell limp,
resulting in her head beginning to rest on the shoulder of spencer reid.
before now,
had been content and happy with his crossword puzzle before him.
his cheeks were turning a deep crimson at the action.
y/n's soft snores could be heard so closely to his ear,
along with the air that smelled of her gentle perfume.
he couldn't help but feel his heart soften;
the beginning of a growing adoration for her.
he tried to ignore the curious stares of his coworkers.
it was a causal thing for acquaintances to do,
it wasn't like she purposely did it anyways.
people lost control of their body well after falling into deep sleep.
there was a part of spencer that felt honored,
felt special,
and tried to swallow his rising nerves.
"hell has frozen over,"
spencer announced to keep the scene lighthearted.
everyone exhaled small laughs,
but no one was surprised when spencer had to hide his blushing face behind the newspaper.
a month has passed since that night on the jet.
as trivial as it seemed,
it changed the trajectory of spencer's life as he knew it.
the aggravation he once felt towards y/n had dissipated that night.
once they boarded off the plane,
he felt that his body missed the warmth she offered along with her peaceful company.
as though it couldn't get any worse,
this blooming enamor for her had started to effect their work lives.
including today.
"hey, spence,"
y/n greeted,
oblivious to his racing heart whenever she used that nickname;
oblivious that her mere presence made him flush.
"this was filed with the f's instead of the h's. is that by mistake or...?"
spencer leaned over to see the files in her hand and shook his head.
"f's, sorry. i filed it by, uh, his first name instead of last."
"no worries. it happens."
she gave him an understanding smile,
then a pat on the shoulder that made his skin shiver.
how would he ever be able to work when he became undone beneath her gaze?
it was nearly impossible.
"good job on catching that. i've always admired how attentive you are. never a detail that passes you."
y/n's words fell short as his sudden compliment.
spencer began to mentally curse himself for saying such an idiotic thing and acting like a high schooler with a silly crush.
but y/n only smiled and nodded.
"thank you. but, surely you haven't forgotten the case where i missed his calling card?"
spencer laughed and shrugged it off.
"you still found it eventually. and there hasn't been an indecent since."
"well...i appreciate your confidence, reid."
spencer gave her a small smile then returned to his work,
trying to steady the racing in his heart and the blush covering his cheeks.
how he had once disliked her only to end up like this,
deeply infatuated with her and seeking her attention,
would be a turn of events he'd never forget.
he busied himself throughout the whole day to avoid further embarrassment,
but the night rolled around quicker than he had anticipated.
when he examined the seemingly empty and dimmed workspace,
his eyes landed on y/n,
sitting at the desk adjacent to him.
"doing okay?"
y/n asked,
catching his staring eyes.
spencer nodded.
"y-yeah. fine. why are you still here, by the way?"
"some paperwork left to finish. you?"
y/n let out a soft laugh that made spencer's heart skip a few beats.
"really? you've been working quite diligently today. thought you'd be done by now."
"just...just trying to get it all out of the way."
she nodded her head in agreement then looked back to her work,
allowing a few moments to pass between them until she could no longer hold back.
"what's going on with you lately? you've been...different. not that it's a bad different. just curious."
spencer went to speak,
but found that the words got stuck in his throat on their way up.
he couldn't explain it,
not when he hardly understood it himself.
y/n seemed to take to his silence,
giving him an acknowledging nod,
then getting up to lay a card on his desk.
"call me if the words ever come to you. i'll pick up."
spencer watched in profound amazement as she walked out,
exuding confidence and beauty all at once.
how he could have been so ignorant to her true splendor all this time was astonishing to him.
but ever since he removed the film from his eyes,
not a day had passed where his admiration for y/n wasn't felt.
spencer had decided.
enough time had passed and y/n deserved an answer,
even a month later.
despite the hour,
he picked up his phone and dialed y/n's number on the card.
as the line began to ring,
he found himself tracing over her numbers with the pad of his thumb.
he could see the image of her writing it down like it was yesterday.
nerves quickly forced themselves his throat,
making it hard to speak.
he quickly hung up the phone.
spencer groaned and leaned his head against his headboard,
deciding that some things were just better left unsaid.

spencer had been so sure of it before.
just hours prior,
he had decided that y/n didn't need to know about his growing enamor for her.
but here he was,
practically bursting at the seams in anticipation of telling her.
he wanted to let her know more than anything;
to see her face fall in surprise only to be replaced by that gentle, lovely smile she wore.
but it would be different this time.
because the smile would be reserved for him.
growing tired of pacing,
spencer left his hotel room and knocked on y/n's door.
when she opened,
he hadn't expected her to be dressed in her leisure clothes with wine stained lips.
he also hadn't been expecting her to look so alluring that way.
"hey, spence. you doing okay?"
the words curled in his mouth and became silent when he tried say them.
all he could do was stare into those eyes that looked into his soul and yearn for her kiss.
instead of speaking,
spencer found a rise in courage and pulled her in gently by the nape of her neck.
their lips became one,
sending a wave of euphoria throughout spencer.
y/n was tense at first,
surprised that he made such a bold move,
but she melted into it and kissed him with just as much vehemence.
he had never imagined his body feeling so light,
producing such serotonin and adrenaline all at once.
this was all that he'd ever wanted and more.
when they pulled back to breathe in air,
tinged with each other's scent,
spencer smiled down at her and her reddening lips from his touch.
"i can't tell you how long i've been waiting for you to do that,"
y/n admitted in staggered breaths,
sending his cheeks into a deep crimson.
but he kissed the corners of her mouth,
then placed one last gentle peck to her lips,
and said,
"if only you knew how long i'd been wanting to do that."

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