to choose: spencer reid.

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{request for my LOVE: JupiterzMoons <33}

"stop. don't look."
"what do you mean? she's right there."
"i know. i said don't look,"
spencer reid warns once more through gritted teeth, hiding his face beneath his palm as he turns away from the woman walking through the parted door.
y/n gideon stands just a few feet away now,
carrying a tray of something that she passes along to her father.
derek morgan gives that gentle, playful grin that he's always wearing.
"pretty boy has a crush, doesn't he?"
spencer scoffs,
shaking his head as he absentmindedly fixes the papers on his desk to busy his hands.
"i'm a full time agent with an 187 IQ. do you think i have time for something as futile as a crush?"
derek shrugs,
still grinning as he turns his attention towards y/n.
"even geniuses need love, too."
"yeah, well...not this one,"
spencer mumbles,
as though he may be trying to convince himself of this fact.
y/n greets as she arrives beside derek and spencer's desk,
wearing her best smile.
it's enough to make spencer blush from the mere sight of her.
"y/n. good to see you,"
spencer says,
though without looking at her as he tries to pretend he can focus on the paperwork against my desk.
this is not lost upon y/n,
who continues smiling down at spencer.
"i was wondering when you'd come back in. bring anything special this time around?"
derek asks,
stealing y/n's attention and momentarily relieving spencer from her scrutinizing, albeit warm, sights.
y/n laughs just before she shrugs.
"maybe, maybe not. is that all i'm good for, morgan? bringing in home-baked goods?"
she tilts her head curiously,
almost teasingly,
which the sight makes spencer's cheeks flush furiously.
wide eyed and shocked,
he stares at derek.
who, of course, responds with ease,
"nah. you're good for other things too. like standing there and giving me that perfect smile."
y/n rolls her eyes,
though it's accompanied by a laugh and an amused smile.
spencer knows enough to know that's a look of flattery.
and seeing y/n wear it so effortlessly because of derek's words,
it ignites something dark in spencer.
something almost to the point of jealousy.
"well, as much as i'd love to stand around and look pretty for you, derek, i do have a life,"
y/n says now,
her words sarcastic and almost biting.
it's enough to make a short laugh escape from spencer,
which earns the attention of both y/n and derek.
caught and nearly embarrassed,
spencer shrugs.
"what?'s funny,"
he offers,
pointing to the computer with his pen before looking back down again.
derek turns back to y/n to say something else,
probably something witty and something flirty,
but y/n stops him to ask spencer,
"what are you working on?"
spencer pauses,
giving another shrug before forcing himself to look back up and find y/n's gaze.
and when he does,
a wave of warmth suffocates him.
how is it that a girl of such angelic beauty can bring forth feelings so harsh and unwelcoming?
spencer reid does not want to feel this way,
but how can he deny the pleasures of a woman so flawless?
"just...wrapping up some stuff from our last case."
"if you want to hear more about it,"
derek begins,
stealing y/n's eye once more.
"i'd be more than happy to tell you. over dinner, of course."
"wow. dinner? with the derek morgan?"
y/n muses,
her voice dripping with playful sarcasm as he holds a playful hand to her chest.
"i'm flattered,"
y/n finishes,
just before she shakes her head with a laugh.
when y/n begins to head towards the exit,
derek calls,
"that's not a no!"
she says nothing,
only turning over her shoulder to give spencer one last smile.
"she'll break one day. they all do,"
derek says then,
shrugging with that effortless grin as if this is the most causal thing in the world.
as if that flawless smile thrown spencer's way is not making his heart ache and burst all at once.
as if y/n's attention isn't enough to make spencer want to fall to his knees in absolute worship.
it's enough to make spencer's heart stutter.
the possibility of y/n being with someone else,
someone who is so opposite of him,
someone who is not all of him,
it's almost nauseating.
spencer puts his head in his hands as he realizes the simple, torturous truth:
he has a crush.
y/n gideon is,
by no means,
a woman of analytical nature.
that is her fathers job,
to take the behaviors of others and scrutinize them until everything is laid out like a perfect puzzle.
but while she may not be a profiler,
y/n has spent the better half of her life learning from her father.
seeing spencer's flushed cheeks,
avoidance to her eye,
trembling hands,
and bouncing knee during her visits are not lost upon her.
despite the obvious fact spencer is rather smitten with her,
he is seemingly terrified of her all at once.
this is where y/n loses that touch of a profiler.
because all she can wonder is:
i am nice enough to him.
i've given him no reason to be so scared of me.
and as she paces her bedroom floor,
thinking and turning it over in her mind,
she finds herself in a rather juvenile position.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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