Trouble in Queens

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Earth 616

Jonathan's POV

"Spider-man has gone into hiding. None of Peter Parker's classmates or any of the Avengers know where he went. Though I doubt a majority of them would tell us where he is even if they knew. One of Peter's classmates, "Flash" Thompson is what they call him, is actually beginning a rally. This student along with Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones, and a good portion of the student body are starting a protest, claiming that Parker is innocent. While this would be a relief to the world if he were, unexpected changes across the globe from not only the Blip itself, but also of the aftermath, not a lot of us would be surprised. After all, many good people have fallen into less than likeable states after all of these events. It's just sad that Spider-man, just a teenage boy, would do the same. But never the less, we are still on the hunt for Parker. The last time he was seen was actually with Michelle Jones in the streets.

"In related news, May Parker, Peter's aunt, has also gone missing. Although it apears that May never knew of Peter's alter ego and that he was already gone by the time she was, the two may have gone into hiding together. But another variable that has been discovered was May's blood on the floor of her apartment. That is currently being looked into by investigators. As both May and Peter are missing we don't have a lot of clues further on this case, we will now go to Dale with the weather. Dale?"

After Jonathan cut out the live camera he had been manning he sighed a breath of relief. Jonathan did not believe that Spider-man was guilty, but as just a camera man, he couldn't do much about it.

Jonathan never did much about anything. As much as certain people get mad at him for it, he doesn't vote or try and get any jobs that involve him having a say in decisions.

His ex-boyfriend had told Jonathan that he was coward when they broke up. But Jonathan wasn't planning on changing that any time soon. Life was simpler when you didn't have anything tough on your shoulders.

"Hey Jonathan!" His co-worker, Lilah, called to him.

"Hey Lilah, do you need anything before we leave?" Jonathan asked. Lilah was less likely to actually ask for something from him if he didn't offer first.

"Yes, actually. My brother is going to be out of town for awhile and he needs someone to take care of his cat. And I for one, am not an animal person. Would you be a doll and take care of Yeamy?"

"Your brother's cat's name is Yeamy?"

"Yes. It is very unique, I know. I'm the one who named him. But I think I would die if I had to take care of him for a whole week."

How could Jonathan say no? Lilah was one of his friends, and even if Jonathan was a coward, he didn't let his friends down.

"Of course, Lilah. Do you still need a ride from me today?"

Lilah sighed, "Yes, thank you. Sorry I keep doing this to you. My car is still in the shop, they didn't say when it would be finished."

Jonathan smiled, "No your fine. I enjoy giving you rides. You ready to go?"

Lilah nodded and Jonathan led her to his car. He opened the passenger door for her and then went to the Driver's side. He put his keys in and started the car.

"How about when we get there you come in with me and I'll get you some tea. Then you can meet Yeamy and get a spare key. Yeamy needs to be fed and watered twice a day. Along with emptying his litter box at least once a day. Give him at least a little bit of attention. Most of the time you are taking care of him I will be at interviews for new job offers. Sound good?"

Jonathan nodded politely, but didn't show his slight disappointment. Jonathan already knew that she was going to get a new job but he was honestly going to miss her.

They drove the rest of the way in silence. When he parked, Jonathan opened the car door for Lilah and then she led him into her apartment.

"My brother left this morning and will be back next week on Tuesday, so it's only six days. I'll start on the tea. Look, Yeamy is just on the couch over there, you can meet him. Also if you don't mind, his food and bowls are just over in the corner if you would feed him."

"Yep, of course." Jonathan made a move towards the food and bowls with Yeamy following. Yeamy was actually a pretty cool cat. The pattern on his fur coat was like a tiger's on his front while his back had leopard like patches. It was cool. But then he noticed something strange on the floor.

"Hey Lilah?" Jonathan asked, getting a bad feeling.

"Hmm?" She was stirring the tea.

"What is this?"

A small metal triangular object sat on the floor. Lilah paused her stirring and came over. She furrowed her brow.

"I'm not sure, I saw my brother had it right before he left. Maybe he dropped it." She suggested, "I'll call him. It might be important."

She pulled out her phone and dialed a number on it and waited.

"Strange," She said, worry seeping into her voice, "It went straight to voicemail."

Jonathan bent down and picked it up. But the moment he touched it bright blue swirls started to form on the ground.

Lilah screamed as it got bigger and even Jonathan screamed as suddenly he, Lilah, Yeamy and Yeamy's bag of food were sucked in.


May's POV

May, single and very supportive, liked to think of herself as the 'cool' aunt.

Not only was she young, but her nephew was the Spider-man. And her boyfriend was the head of security for Stark Industries. How could you get any cooler than that?

May's best guess was that after getting grazed in the arm by a bullet, her knocking out a HYDRA scum then throwing him down the fire escape into a dumpster, and avoiding kidnap by some Italian girl, was how you got cooler than that.

May was pretty sure that the way she handled the man with a thick French accent asking her if she wanted a bagget while brandishing a gun was also pretty cool.

She threw a quick left hook to his face, breaking his nose, and ran like the wind.

What also made May somehow even cooler, was that she was given access to the Avengers Headquarters.

So obviously, that's exactly where she went.

No one was home so she decided to make herself at home. Meaning she claimed a bedroom, cleaned her wound, and using Happy's security passwords and help from Friday, hacked into some of Stark's technology.

And now, she would look for her nephew and make sure he was safe.

Guys you don't understand how many ideas I have for this story. It's making my brain explode.

But yay! May's not dead!

But I am on the inside, isn't that fun?👍

Alright guys, see ya later.


Word count: 1231

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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