The beginning of the infection: Book 1.

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One night, Georgie wakes up to find his sister missing. He looks all through the house, but didn't find her. However, he did find an infected, and ran. Once out the front, he finds his sister, but she runs away from him. Something happens, and he ends up and running to the city to find his grandma. Unfortunately, she's infected, so he hides in the mall, shutting the door closed. He had nightmares of that night, but every time it became more and more distorted, with him getting infected at the end of the nightmare before waking up once again. ( him being infected never actually happened, just a nightmare but the events of distorted memory did, which is why its called distorted memory, the memory is distorted.)
Sometime after the Willow arrest, the player gets promoted to officer. The player gets a call that Georgie has gone missing, and goes to the Piggy family house, and gets attacked by an infected!(possibly Penny, however Book 2's shadow creature makes it confusing) However, the player escapes alive, and returns to the station. However, another piggy follows then, and ends up in the station. As the player enters, an announcement on the intercom warns of the piggy coming. Once the player makes it to the garage, they find Doggy who was resting in the station as his boss gave him the day off, they find a car and they grab some fuel for the car before escaping. However, the car runs out of gas, and the two get surrounded by more infected. However, the player points out an entrance to a gallery, and the two run in there. Unbeknownst to them, an infected gets in, and they escape again. Out in the back, Doggy and the player end up talking about Willow's arrest in the alleys near the gallery, before fleeing to the forest. So, as the big lore reveal in chapter 11 shows that ____________ we have to assume TSP has been formed around now. While planning to rest for the night, Doggy becomes an infected because _______________ , to the horror of the player. Still upset about the loss of their friend, they find a radio. The person, being Mr. P says their friend is trapped in the school, and asks if the player can help. They agree, and go inside the school, evading the now infected teacher. Soon, the player frees Bunny, the person Mr. P was looking for. She and the player head down in the sewers to find Mr P. However, the reunion is cut short as the player passes out. While being carried to the hospital where Ms P was, he sees Doggy, not infected, before passing out once again.
Strangely, the researchers find traces of the infection in the player, however they're not infected. When the player wakes up Bunny says that the hospital is being evacuated because a researcher became infected. Once on the roof, the player and Bunny find that Mr P left them, and left a note saying it was for their own good. The player and Bunny go to the metro underneath the hospital, and Bunny, weak, decides to sit and catch her breath, while the player fixes the subway. However, once the subway is fixed, Bunny says that Mr P gave her a potion, and that its over for her. The player leaves, leaving Bunny to (Seemingly) become infected.
After getting out the subway, the player ends up at Mr P's carnival, and enters, thinking they'll find him there. However, they find Pony and Zizzy, survivors who were looking for more survivors. They take the player to their safe place in the city, before a strange figure appears behind a dumpster. The player and Zizzy follow the figure to the mall, where after unlocking the door, they find Georgie, and take him to the safe place. The trio find a signal from Mr P's helicopter and go to an outpost where the signal was. Georgie and the player go in, while Zizzy and Pony stay out and fight a swarm of infected. The player finds Mr P, who has gone crazy with guilt and anger and tries to kill the player. However, the player ends up blowing up the plant, and entering past locations, and seeing ghost versions of Bunny and Doggy, before stopping Mr P with a picture of Ms P. Georgie wants his revenge on Mr P for turning his family into the monsters, but the player stops him. The player asks Mr P his story, and Mr P tells the story of the infected, and his sad life. The player and Georgie leave Mr P, as he says he will keep fighting the infected until he dies. The player and Georgie then return to Pony and Zizzy, who took down the infected swarm. The four return to the safe place, swearing they will find a cure.
And that's book 1, but we're not done!

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