The Story is almost over: Book 2's second half.

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The group arrives at a port where Willow's boat would be, however Tigry stole her boat. The player ends up turning on the lighthouse, bringing attention to a ship. The group goes on the ship, and meets its captain, Budgy. Pony asks if she could help us, to which she says no. Willow, impatient, says that they need to get across the north sea fast. Budgy then states the ship, known as the Medora, has run out of fuel, and that there's some more below decks. Willow says she'll get it, but Budgy states her crew, which have become infected, are down there. The player agrees to go with Willow. The two find the fuel, but are trapped in a crate where the fuel is. The player states they should get to know eachother, and Willow disagrees. They argue about how Willow was trying to protect her family, and how the player couldn't do anything about it, before the others find them, and opens the door. It turns out, that all the infected just.... Disappeared like that. The group took the fuel and made their way to Doveport. The group docked at a dock (yes I just said docked at a dock), and Willow saw her boat, meaning Tigry was there. The player and Pony decide to go ahead first. However, Pony gets attacked by a... Well Markus doesnt appear to be infected soo... Well he was attacked while trying to protect the player. During this time, he can be heard mumbling about voices and something in his head. The player finds an exit while being chased by a seemingly smarter infected( Markus might not be infected) before finding Tigry. He apologizes for doing what he did in the refinery as he was only doing orders. He then tries to make a deal with the player to join him and ditch Willow to get the cure. However, the player declines and Tigry leaves, his offer still standing. Pony, seemingly fine, runs in asking who that was. The player explains, and Pony said they should have went with Tigry. The player said they should stay with Willow, and they bring the others to them. While out in the open, the player gets attacked by a robot, before Mimi's friend Kona tells them to come inside his.... Uh.... Is it a house? A base? Who knows. Anyways, once inside, Kona explains the robot's name is Robby, and he made the original mall security drones. Atleast, the ones without the chainsaw. He says that the military moved north, and that the infected seems to be getting smarter. He tells them they can go through the lab to catch up. Robby accompanies the player to clear the way.
And now the important stuff.
It turns out Kona built his lab inside of a temple. Some strange ?'s can be found around. The player and Robby clear the way but as soon as the others come out, the player starts hallucinating again. They see not only Bunny, but also Doggy and Zizzy, all of which weren't infected. Bunny tells the player that they finally woke up, but the player knows they're not real. Soon ??? appears,(name unknown, so I'm just gonna call him Dudeman because of Kreekcraft.) and tells the player that the distorted plant, and Doggy appearing at the end of school was his doing. Dudeman states he's fascinated at the player and they're different than the others. The reason being? Well, think back to house. The beginning starts with the player getting attacked by an infected. Yet they're not infected. Dudeman confirms that the player is immune to the infection and tries to make a deal with the player to see their friends again. The player declines, and tries punching him, and ends up almost punching Pony. Pony then asks if the player saw him too, to which the player says yes. Pony says he started seeing Dudeman after doing abandoning T.S.P with the thing. Willow almost makes Pony say something he did in T.S.P that he never speaks of, but Mimi broke up the fight. Robby says he will take care of the children, yet they disagree and go with the others, before they make their way to a beacon thing before Kona contacts Mimi by radio.

And well, that's the story so far, 2 chapters left before moving into Intercity. So uh....

That's all for now folks!

Edit: Chapter 11 is out!
Chapter 11 section: Kona tells Mimi the outpost has been quiet for awhile.. Turns out the military was ambushed by the infected. The player, Pony, and Willow clear the camp and Pony tells the others to stay there for a second. Pony then tells the player something important: He was the one who infected Doggy, and tried to infect the player, which is why they had traces of the infection in them by hospital. The player is mad at Pony, but Georgie reminds them what they said to him back at the plant about everyone makes mistakes. The player knows he can't forgive Pony, however they still decide to be friends. Our group goes in, and Pony says they should split up. Willow looks distressed and upset, the player asks what's wrong to which Willow says she's fine. Willow, and the player find Tigry, who ends up dueling with Willow. Before Willow literally snaps his neck(the way the model's hand is around his neck either suggests she was trying to chock him or snap his neck) A loud boom noise comes, and rubble separates the player and Willow and Tigry. The player says they're gonna have to find a way out by themselves before Shadow Penny appears behind a door.

Don't expect any updates to this for awhile, as chapter 12 is coming in October, however I will mention the character specific chapters.
Edit: The confusion that is Chapter 12 has come out.

So starting with Willow survivor: The player and Willow end up defeating Tigry, and getting the cure. Willow says she'll stay and grab the cure. The player then finds Pony on the ground to which Pony reveals he was attacked by an infected at the docks (which makes no sense, because unlike the other insolence/infected combo skins, there's no glowing eye besides the insolence eye on Markus. However, Delta doesn't have a glowing eye to show that delta isn't infected, however Delta does wear goggles, which could be covering the eye. Also, Markus canonically attacks Pony with his pitchfork, and as shown by Zizzy, direct contact by the infected is needed to turn. But whatever, I'm just some random person on the internet who studies a Peppa Pig horror game.) Pony then turns into an infected as the player walks away, and Willow takes the cure to... presumably un-infect Daisy.

Survivor Tigry: Player and Tigry defeat Willow. Tigry lets the player have the potion and leave. Copy paste Willow ending, but Tigry doesn't take the potion, and Pony tells the player about how he infected Doggy and the Player (which wasn't told in survivor, but was in savior chapter 11) Oh also since player has infection in him, Pony tells player to drink the cure (in this timeline, dudeman never told player they were immune)

Savior Willow: Survivor willow, but she stays and gives pony cure, before disappearing. Also Giraffy is ok

Savior tigry: whilst in the building, the dynamite tigry placed last chapter explodes, separating tigry from player and pony, pony tells about him being infected, and dude man appears and the player walks towards him.

True ending: After opening a door, the player finds a radio. They ask Mimi to do her magic while they find the cure. The player makes it to the cure, and stop willow and tigry from killing each other, before 3 survivors of the military come because they heard Mimi's distress call she sent out. Their leader, Sgt Monroe states Tigry was a deserter, which means he was in the military. Right before they continue their conversation boom, ??? teleported them into their memories. He reveals his name is TIO, and becomes a weird goo monster thing. The player goes through their memories and defeats TIO, and it turns out they escaped all fine, and they cure Zizzy. But no, the camera pans out showing the distorted memory jagged shape around the scene, meaning A:TIO is alive and B: We didn't save Zizzy.

Welp, see you when intercity comes back up, cause I'll be ready for that

Piggy: The Big RecapOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora