The journey continues: Book 2's first half.

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Sometime after book 1, Mimi, A survivor with the safeplace, finds an old radio. She says she can get it working, but she needs batteries. The player, Zizzy, and Pony go to the store to find some. After another infected attack, they get the batteries, and return them to Mimi. She gets the radio working, and contacts some survivors. The group goes to meet them, but it turns out to be Willow and T.S.P! She notes on how Pony worked with them, and how the Player arrested her, but questions who Zizzy is. She takes her in for questioning, much to Pony's shock, and leaves the two behind. The two decide to storm Settlement 6, the base of T.S.P. Tigry, A member of the group, is ordered by Willow to stop the two. However, they find Zizzy, but she had been scratched by an infected, so she would turn into one at any moment. Saddened, the player and Pony return, and let everyone know Zizzy was gone.
Sometime after that, they were woken up to a loud boom, and went to check on it. Zizzy's sisters, Zee and Zuzy had disappeared, as they had climbed into a vent, which had been sealed.
Strangely, Pony had said a weird thing about how the insolence watches... And then forgot what he said.
It turns out the racket was Willow and T.S.P, as they were shooting rockets at the building and captures the group, holding them in a makeshift jail cell in a factory. However, the twins escape the vent, and take the player through the sewers under the cell, and help the others escape. They are spotted by Tigry, who is about to attack, but stops. Willow comes in, furious that the group escaped, and fires her gun at Pony, saying that she was avenging her brother. Giraffy jumps in front of the bullet, saving Pony. Mimi takes care of Giraffy, while the player and Pony face off against Willlow. The other members of T.S.P were trapped, so the player helped free them all, and defeated Willow. Willow made one more move to end it, but the other members say how the player saved their lives. Willow doesn't care, as the player ruined her life, but once Zee and Zuzy appear, and Willow learns that they were Zizzy's sisters, she stops, and Tigry knocks her gun out of her hand with one of his blades. Willow apologies, and tells them that the military was working on a cure up north, and that she'd take them their personally. The player isn't trusting her at first, but once Georgie says that they should, the player agrees. The other members of T.S.P say that they'll keep Giraffy safe, and they head off to find the cure.

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