W1th04t h3r.| F4yh1k0 Kuzuryu

50 1 0

TW M4RD3R, B!00D, 3X3C4T!0N, D34TH, TR4M4

He went in. He had to go in. There was no other way. He didn't want a tool, but that's what she became. He went in with two eyes that could perfectly see. he went in with his childhood friend still alive. He went in to try to save her. He came out with one eye he could see through. He came out with his childhood friend dead. He came out with all the trama he could have.

Without her, He didn't have any words to say.
Without her, He was lonely.
Without her, he was hated.
Without her, he felt NUMB.

He got over it in time. She still was in his mind, but less. He started focusing on different things.
He slowly started feeling happy again, at night he always wished for her back. Wishes don't always come true.

One day, he wished for something different.

He wished he wasn't blind even before he came in.

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