The transfer student has to have some kind of secret... right?

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It was the end of the world.

As the rising dead circled us, humanity's very last survivors, hope was truly lost.

I, the last leader that humanity will ever have, had to make a decision.

To sacrifice my loyal followers to survive and fight for another day, or to stand with them and die with honor.

And for me, only one option was acceptable.

To confirm my resolve, I picked my trusted weapon, the simple knife that my beloved left me, and stabbed my leg.

"Boss! Why would you-"

"Because Bucky, there is no going back, this is humanity's last battle. And these dead bastards are going to need the handicap. MAKE THEM RETURN TO THE GROUND, EVERYONE!", I ordered as we built our formation and took on our last wave.

The ultimate battle had started.

Clenching my fist with all of my might, I charged at the first undead bastard and-



Was that... my beloved Mary?

How could that be?

How could the woman I loved, who died during the great 5th wave, be alive in front of me.

And this place... this was Hinami-High!

Is that what heaven looks like or was that another one of those cruel dreams taunting me by showing me everything that I've lost.

No... this felt too real, I truly was back at Hinami-High.

I came back from the past! God has given me a second chance!

This time I swear that I will use this life to protect evr- just kidding!

As if something as cliché as a zombie apocalypse could really happen lol. And time-traveling sounds way too convoluted to even be possible.

Welcome to my boring life, my name is Tom... boring name I know comes with the boring routine.

A life so boring that's I'd gladly trade the safe being of the entire world for anything exciting.

"Come on, wake up properly Tom! Class is about to start!"

And the adorable girl that woke me up is Mary Sue, the only color in my pathetically grey world.

Just as her ironically hilarious name suggests, this girl is as kind as they come. She'd always try to help anyone that's in need... even if it puts her at risk. And the job of cleaning up after her messes is mine to fulfill.

While it's annoying sometimes, it never quite failed to amuse me. If it weren't for her, I'd have died of boredom a long time ago.

Anyway, my name is Tom, and welcome to Hinami-High building B, the best school in district 7... and the only school in district 7. 

Back to Mary, alas, this cute munchkin just isn't ambitious enough for my own dreams.

Indeed, I already know the spot in life I want to take. And, unlike in my dreams, that spot was inspired by my favorite character in all of fiction: the great Watson.

Indeed, Watson had the perfect spot to ever go for. Not only did he get to experience so many adventures at the side of Sherlock Holmes, but he also never got to put out the same effort or be a genius like his good friend.

A perfect spot for a narrator, I would be able to experience all kinds of exciting events in the comfort of the support character's seat.

The problem... was that I just couldn't find the perfect main character material I needed.

I couldn't quite expect my adorable girlfriend to take that spot due to how much of a klutz she was, and I can't be bothered to even remember anyone else in the class.

Seems like my life is destined to never change... how regretful. Would be nice if God answered my multiple daily prayers.

"Kids, please take your seats, I have an announcement."

And that's our teacher, mister Jean. He, for some odd reason, can't seem to see us as the young 17 years old adults that we are and keeps treating us like kids.

And did he say... announcement?

"A new transfer student will be joining your little group. Please treat him well."


What? A transfer student? At the near end of the year?!

No matter who much I thought about it, I couldn't understand why anyone would choose to transfer in such an odd time... interesting.

"Not only that, but the new kid also actually came from Hinami-High Building A."


This normally trivial piece of information initiated an explosion of clapping by the entire class, the news made everyone hyped.

Indeed, Hinami-High was divided into two buildings: building A and building B.

The elitist building A and the gangster-filled building B. Students and teachers from the respective buildings never quite liked each other, a dislike that caused a never-ending rivalry between the two schools.

And so, every student that came from building A felt to us like a victory over them, a sort of way to reduce the strain on our reputation that was the "Hinami demon".

The demon was an old classmate of ours that seated right next to me. For unknown reasons, he became extremely aggressive and started to slowly form an extremely dangerous gang that had members flaunting their power around even on the school grounds.

But you may ask if all of those interesting things are happening around me, why am I so bored?

Because... NONE OF THEM AFFECT ME! For some reason, I've somehow avoided any form of trouble that should have been thrown my way. Mary says that it's because God is protecting me or something, but I can really only see it as a curse.

If I wanted to involve myself in something, I needed a competent Sherlock.

And I hope with all of my might that this transfer student is exactly what I need.

"Alright, so I introduce to you kids: Kokatsu. Kokatsu, please come in and introduce yourself."

Kokatsu... that's a weird name.

And a good start.

My expectations came crashing down when said transfer student came in.

"It's my pleasure to meet all of you and I hope that we can enjoy the rest of the year in peace and harmony."

A simple non-introduction from a simple-looking guy. Looks-wise, he looked like your average Joe.

Whether it was his skinny body that lacked any sorts of muscles, his brown bowl cut, or his glasses, the boy truly had nothing interesting on the outside.

First impressions were disappointing, but I didn't quite lose hope yet.

It definitely was abnormal that someone would come from building A at this time of the year so something was amiss.

Perhaps his appearance was a devious disguise to infiltrate us and hide his identity as an alien.

Perhaps he was a time traveler trying to stop some tragedy.

The saying "more than meets the eye" has to apply here... right?

Come on, he HAS to hide something... and it was my job to find it.

Well, only time will tell. Right now, my priority should be to find an opportunity to befriend him.

"Tom, can I trust you to guide the new kid and show him around?", asked the teacher as he took my name out of a box.


Seems like fate is on my side after all.

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