Puzzeling finaly to a crazy day!

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"Oh...my...god", was essentially both of our reactions as we entered Melissa and Kokatsu's home.
I actually expected to enter the den of some wild beasts considering their personality and how they treat each other.
The last thing I expected when I entered was to see an absolutely spotless house.
Each and every corner of the house was sparkling like a shining diamond. No matter where we looked, we weren't able to see a single spec of dust.
The mere thought about how much effort it takes for the both of them to make their house this clean honestly terrified me.

"Welcome to our humble home, please make yourself comfortable while I prepare dinner.", said Melissa as if she was greeting some high-class guest.

"We'll help!", exclaimed Mary as she rolled up her sleeves.
"Id loves help, but... you see... there is a brand new copy of the latest Ygloo game in Kokatsu's room begging to be played. What to do... what to do.", answered Melissa while faking a disappointed expression.
"A new copy of Ygloo: allies of the galaxy?! Let's play it Tom!", screamed Mary as she dragged me to my friend's room.
"Won't they get mad that we entered his room and touched his stuff tho?", I whisper to Melissa.
"Just count it as revenge for him having a loose mouth.", she whispered back while keeping a perfect smile.
Heh... scary...
And thus, time flew by quickly as Mary and I played through the game. I was thankful that didn't start playing it yet since the game's opening screen changed depending on the last mode you played.
And just like usual, our tag-team crushed through the levels we defeated enemies after enemies with our top-notch teamwork.
Coincidentally, Melissa called us to eat dinner at the same time that we beat the second boss, talk about timing.
"Or was it really a coincidence?", I thought as I noticed that the food wasn't quite as hot as it should be, tho Marry just ate without a care in the world.
"I can't get enough of that adorable eating face.", I thought as I observe for a bit Mary chomping on the food voraciously.
I take a bite of food and... marvel at the explosion of flavors that proceeded to happen in my mouth.
Melissa's food was absolutely marvelous to eat and it was so varied too; from the chicken, the soup and... the bowl of cheese pasta?
Wait what?!
"Oh ignore that, that's Kokatsu's favorite meal. He just can't go a day without it so I made it in advance.", explains Melissa as if she read my mind.
Wait, was my expression that easy to read?
I'm pretty sure I did a good job at hiding it, just how perceptive can she be?
And thus, we ate in silence as we savored each and every bite.
Once we ate, I volunteered to help her do the dishes and Mary went back to playing the game, tho she wasn't as enthusiastic about it as before.
I'll have to make it up to her somehow.
Oddly enough, Melissa didn't use a dishwasher for some reason.
"The one time I used it ended with the machine destroying my precious tableware so I kind of have trust issues with it.", immediately answers Melissa.
Seriously, what's her secret? At this point, my pride as an observant person was completely shattered and had turned into dust. I'll really have to ask her to become a master or something.
What's with the cheeky smile?!
And now she's giggling... is she reading my mind or something and mocking me for my thoughts?
No way... that's impossible... right?
"It'd be really interesting if that was the case tho.", I thought as I recleaned the same fork for the fourth time.
And it still wasn't enough, guess Melissa's standard must be really high considering the neat perfect state of the house, huh?
" Kokatsu had just as much, if not, more trouble than you at doing chores. But I was able to drill the basics into his skull so he became quite helpful.", commented Melissa as she finished the 5th plate.
Is it weird that I'm seriously questioning whether she was being literal or not when she mentioned the word "drill"?
Anyway, I needed some kind of conversation starter to make the atmosphere less awkward, so I'll be using Kokatsu for that, sorry in advance.
"Kokatsu's a pretty weird name when I think about it. What do you think passed through his parents' mind when they gave him that name?", I jokingly ask to break the newly formed ice.
"I'm the one who came up with it to make fun of him, I never expected him to seriously use it.", she answeres back causally.
"You're telling me that he's been giving us a fake name this whole time?! What's his real name then?", I ask, accidentally rising my voice out of sheer surprise.
" Keep your tone down, I'm right beside you. And I don't know.", she answers even more casually.
What the hell is with this sudden bombshell?! How the hell do you live with someone for months and not even know their name?!
"He never opened up about anything regarding himself. He acts as if he doesn't have one, so there's no way he's going to give it up willingly. Besides, we made it a rule to not peek into each other's business so I never really tried. Now stop spacing out and focus on the dishes.", explained Melissa as if she, once again, read my mind.
I never was quite able to focus on those dishes as everything I learned today was eating away all my concentration.
Today was... quite an eventful day.
I learned a lot about these two, the name thing is the most surprising.
But, most of all, this day made it absolutely certain in my mind.
I hit the jackpot.
Kokatsu is definitely the main character I was waiting for.
And now, I couldn't wait to see what he was hiding.
I then proceeded to get kicked out of the kitchen for continuously spacing out... I'm just glad she didn't use the stun gun

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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