Annoying school tour

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"So that's the gym! Wow it sure is big.", exclaimed Kokatsu while entering the said gym.

While the dumbass was admiring the basic-sized gym, I took a long-awaited break and sat on the ground.

This tour was the most exhausting experience I've ever been through and that's coming from a veteran Mary mess cleaner. That prick's been asking so many damn meaningless questions about everything, he's acting as if he never went to a fucking school before. I never expected a guy with glasses to be so damn chatty, guess that's on me for discriminating.

The most frustrating thing is, he somehow avoided any questions I had for him, so I actually learned nothing about him.

So, from my perspective, he was essentially playing hard to get while taunting me with stupid questions.

Well screw him, I'm not giving up just yet. He is definitely hiding something and I will uncover it.

It was while I refocused for the 100th time on my objective that we both stumbled on quite the scene.

One of the Hinami demon's many goons, I presume, was trying to brutalize a poor guy that simply bumped into him.

How annoying.

Seems like simply using a name as basic as the "Hinami demon" was enough for half-assed gangsters wanna-be to throw their lack of weight around. Though this very pitiful scene wasn't the only reason behind my disgust.

"Hmm... shouldn't we help them or something?", asked hesitantly Kokatsu.

"Naw, you wait a bit and... oh there she is.", I simply answer as the main protagonist of this farce comes in.

The lady that just came dashing in like a hero is our school council president, Veronica. This chick had your usual "perfect girl" reputation at school. She was a political beast and got the student council leader seat every time she applied for candidacy. Everyone looks up to and bla bla bla... you get the gist.

At first, I didn't have any problems with her, in fact, I had quite a bit of respect for her.

I mean, her life must be so much more interesting than mine and she has the courage to take things head-on.

Gotta respect the hustle of an honest working woman.

Until I realized that it wasn't the case.

As per my nature, I never quite believed the "perfect girl" reputation she had, so I always kept a bit of a critical viewpoint on her actions.

While it was fine for a while, her credibility in my eyes completely cracked the moment the Hinami demon happened.

As per usual, she made herself the hero of the situation by promising that she will take action against him... but let's not kid ourselves, she could never mobilize anyone strong enough to beat that monster.

He wasn't a simple opponent she could overcome with her smarts and reputation, the only to put him down was with pure strength, something she cruelly lacked.

So, to appease the mass and make them think she's fighting him directly, she's organized these stupid-looking scenes of her saving poor innocent victims by repelling the bad goon with a simple glare.

And there was the fake delinquent acting scared after she simply threatened him with "actions from the student council" ... laughable.

While I could give her the benefit of the doubt and say she's simply buying time... come on, you can't tell me this isn't pathetic.

The saddest thing is... most of these suckers can't tell it's fake and spread positives rumors about her, skyrocketing her reputation even further.

Look, by example, we're probably going to have stupid Kokatsu over their gush about how much of a "hero" she is.


That's an odd silence, was he that impressed by that shitty performance?

"Sorry... I just couldn't help myself but admire-"

There it is.

"-how half-assed that shitty performance was."



"Come on, don't tell me you didn't notice. That looked fake as hell! Just who do you think she's fooling?", harshly criticized Kokatsu.

Would you look at that... I guess he wasn't as stupid as I thought. Maybe we could get along after all.

"Unfortunately, most people here decide to simply depend on her. It's obvious that she's not going to be able to keep her promises... yet they still believe in her. The power of stupidity, I guess.", I cynically explain to my new classmate.

"Ugh... just what the hell did I expect from these people... they are as dumb as I thought.", scoffed Kokatsu as he turned back and started walking.

Wait a second.

"What do you mean by that? Are you saying that the students of building B are idiots?", I ask him as I grab his shoulder.

I wasn't going to just let him insult all of us, this school had people like Mary, and I still had my pride as a Hinami-High building B student.

"Hmph, if stupidity was limited to this school, then this society wouldn't be such a mess. Come on, let's get a move on, someone's waiting for me at the entrance.", simply answer as he continued his path.

What... did he mean by that?



Ugh... it's alright, in fact, this was a breakthrough. Kokatsu wasn't simply a foolish and shy kid with glasses in my eyes, he's hiding something... I'm sure of it.

At least, I hope.

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