Chapter 7:Not my Fault

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Warning: Cursing ( honestly it will probably be cursing in every chapter. As both me and Nevaeh have a mouth like that 😂)

And it gets a tad bit more descriptive and touchy with the kiss. It gets a taaadd steamy. You will see when it starts in bold and when it ends in bold so you can skip it if you need to.


But that's all ruined when I hear a voice like the sound of nails on a chalkboard.

"UGHH why HER I'm so much BETTER! She's such a Bitch!"

Well. I hope I don't have to slap some bitches.


Bain looked at her like she was crazy while I looked at her irritated. I don't know who she thinks she is, and I don't care if she wants Bain or who leaves with Bain as their mate today. But she will not talk to me like that.

I look to my mom as if getting permission to curse this bitch out, but I see her coming over to me with a look I don't think I have seen before. Maybe anger. I held my hand out, palm facing her as to tell her to stop, because I got this.

" Jenny I would prefer if you not say stuff like-"

Cutting Bain off I said " so you think you can talk to me like that huh? You're the real bitch. Crying and whining for Bain to be your mate, pushing yourself onto him. It's pathetic really" I said with a smirk

She tried to say something but I interrupted her. I made sure I was real up close and personal when I said this, staring down at her.

" you would be lucky if Bain even gazed at you, you spoiled ass brat. But you better think twice before talking to me like that. Now go run back to mommy, bye~"

I ended that sentence with a smile but I guess she was still scared as she did exactly what I said and ran back to her mom.

Speaking of mom- my moms practically beaming at me protecting myself, my fathers even more.

However I feel a tap on my shoulder. It's Bain.

" I'm so sorry Nevaeh! I'm sorry I could not protect you, I completely understand if you don't want me anymore!"

Oh- I forgot males often think everything is their fault when it comes to their female.

" No Bain I would still love to have you as my Mate, and that was not your fault Jenny just does not like me. When it comes to her I can handle it. If one day she decides to get her males involved that's when you can protect me k?"

He looks at me and nodded "okay Nevaeh"

" Now if I may?" I look at Bain hoping he understands what I mean. He nodded and I could see the recognition in his eyes.

Gets steamy here————

Well there's my second mate. Once again having to get on my tip toes even though Bain is leaning down. I put my hand on his chest next to his heart and kiss him.

Whoa! I guess Bain is not as shy as Mark! I can clearly feel his hand sliding down my back to rest on my butt and even his hands playing with my ears. I started to pull back but he keeps pushing forward.

Well two can play this game. I reach my hands to have one around his neck and I touch his ears once and bring my hand down to his chest with the other. I bit his lip making him open his mouth and I took this chance to put my tongue in his mouth.

I can tell he was surprised not expecting me to do that. I guess I can take it a little further.

I slid his hands to my butt and grind myself against his front. He definitely was not expecting that, he let out a quiet groan while grabbing my butt.

Steamy kiss ends here—————

I guess this is when my fathers decided it was enough! Suddenly I'm pulled away from Bain by dada Zack with the rest of my fathers and my mother around him.

" your not 17 yet pup! And you! You touchy male! I wil-"

Wow, we just like intupting people today. As my mom interrupts my fathers " Oh let her have her fun!"

" Man, I can't wait till I'm 17" I say, smirking at Bain. And I can see the little blush on his ears!

"Pervert male!"

" Is our daughter not the one who's the pervert here?"

Got that right mom!

In the corner of my eye I see Jenny fuming and an older female next to her doing the same. I'll assume that's the mommy I told her to run back to.

" Well Um Nevaeh, I don't know if we will see each other anytime soon. But I will definitely be there when you turn 16 mate" Bain says before giving respects to my family.

As soon as Bain is out the door Jenny and her mother take this time to cause trouble.

"Mom, this is the female who took my male! do something!"

And out comes a growl from my fathers, and my mother too.

This is going to be good! Wish I had some popcorn.

Alright Alright I think this is the last chapter for now with a cliphanger!

I'm ready to fight jenny and I'm the one who made her character-

Have a nice day or night! I will try to update soon- already working on the next chapter!

Finished 8/24/2021

Not edited.

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