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FLO REPLAYED THAT MOMENT OF TERROR OVER AND OVER AGAIN in her head, as she held marcus in her arms. she was down with him in the basement, as evelyn just shot a monster. the baby was crying in his arms, which made flo's heart break, and tears run down her face.

finally, evelyn walked over to the two, holding her hand out.

"let's go." she whispered.


THE FOUR EMERGED UP FROM THE BASEMENT, as flo had the baby wrapped in her blood-stained flannel. she was left in her black tank top, and she carried the baby with her left arm, the one not covered in blood.

they went outside and were greeted with the flashing red lights and a beat-up truck. walking around the truck at to the barn, they saw it was on fire. flo didn't know how this happened, and stared at it in shock.

evelyn turned towards the 4 kids, and handed marcus her gun. turning towards flo, she grabbed her newborn out of her hands.

when she did, her hands felt damp. looking at what the baby was wrapped in, it was a flannel drenched with blood. and looking back at flo, and saw the basically dark red flannel piece that was wrapped around her hand.

choosing to ignore it for the time being, she turned towards the barn and started walking towards it. flo thought she was crazy, but didn't question her.

regan then tapped on marcus and flo's shoulders, "i'm going back in."

flo pointed to her own back and then acted like she was hitting a ball, since she didn't know how to ask for her to grab her bag. regan nodded at her though, thankful she was at least trying.

"stay here." she finally said, and walked towards the house.

marcus turned towards the fire with a worried expression, and flo put a reassuring hand on his shoulder (the one not covered in blood).


THEY WERE NOW OFF ON THEIR JOURNEY AWAY FROM THEIR HOME. flo had her backpack on her shoulders over her black tank top.

they all carefully stepped on the sand trail, making sure not to make big noises. flo's feet were tired and dirty, but she couldn't stop just because of that. so she stayed in the back, looking straight forward.

evelyn came to a halt. the sand trail had ended. they would have to walk on crisp leaves now. turning towards regan, she nodded, looking at her map.

evelyn turned towards the leaves, and took a step, trying to make as little of a sound as she could. everyone behind her did the same, horrified for what would come next.


THEY HAD COME UPON A RAILROAD, and walked along the dead tracks. flo was now carrying a bag evelyn had on her back, since evelyn was now carrying the baby. they had kept walking along the tracks, until they stumbled upon a building.

carefully walking through the broken wire fence, evelyn thought she had made it out safe.

but that wasn't the tricky part.

she had tripped on a trick-wire, causing a bunch of bottles to fall down and make a huge sound.

turning towards the bottles with a terrified expression, she said one words to the kids.


she didn't need to tell them twice. they were running as fast as they could through the wired fence, and then running through the field of trash.

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