Chapter 8

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(Warning for scary stories, if you're easily scared [like me lol] then I'd advise not reading this chapter, it's not necessary to the plot. The ones I use here used to {and still do when I'm awake in the middle of the night lol} terrify me.)

I'm going to regret writing this chapter right before I go to bed aren't I...

"Alright gather round everyone..." Ethan leaned closer to the campfire, allowing the light from the flames to flicker across his face spookily. He grinned, his teeth shining eerily in the firelight. "Tonight I'm going to tell you the spookiest story you've ever heard... the story of the sleepover. 

When I was a child, I lived on a street with a haunted house. A large and happy family had lived in the house until a night when one of the children was playing with matches. The youngest boy of the family dropped a lit match on his bed but was too scared to call out for help.

The boy was burned alive under his covers. His parents and two sisters died with him in the flames.

One evening during a sleepover, my friends and I took turns trying to scare each other with ghost stories. It was approaching midnight and, unable to scare each other, we thought it would be fun to go to the haunted house in the dark.

We walked through the gate together and up to what remained of the door, still set in its stone doorframe.

The smell of smoke hung in the air, and thin clouds of ash were being blown in the breeze. But then we realized there was no breeze.

Shapes began to form in the clouds of ash and gray hands reached out from the shapes. As we turned to run, screams rose up out of the ashes. "Help us, we're burning!" they cried.

We started to run, thinking that as soon as we were clear of the house we would be safe. But the ash shapes and screams followed us. As we neared my home, the smell of burning was almost overwhelming, and as we reached my door, I glanced over my shoulder to see a hand reaching for me.

We piled through my front door, slamming it behind us and ran up the stairs to my room, slamming that door tight, too. None of us expected to sleep, but the fear had exhausted us and we fell into a deep slumber.

The next morning, in the daylight, we were all much braver. During breakfast, we talked about what happened and came to the conclusion our imaginations had taken over. We decided to walk back to the house in the daylight.

I opened my front door and my mouth dropped in a silent scream. There, on the door, were two large round scorches high on the door, like someone had pounded on it with burning hands. Lower down, there were two smaller sets of handprints, as if children with burning hands had pushed against it.

Finally, near the bottom of the door was a tiny set of burnt handprints, as if the youngest little boy had tried in vain to push open the door and get help for his family."  Ethan finished and looked around for how the others reacted. Bianca frowned and exclaimed, "The poor little boy!". Zoë snorted and muttered something about stupid boys playing with fire. Percy was acting as if he wasn't bothered, Beckendorf and Silena were leaning on each other, smiling, they seemed to have enjoyed the story. Luke scoffed. "What kinda scary story is that? I have a way better one," "Tell it then." I challenged him. He smiled and picked up a torch, shining it under his face. 

"Once there was a girl. Her parents had gone out for the night, leaving her at home with he husky. Before they left they'd told her to lock the doors and windows and to not answer the door to anyone. After they left she went around and locked doors and windows, made herself a big bowl of popcorn, double checked the windows and doors and went upstairs with her husky. The dog went to its usual spot under the bed and lay down. She got into bed and started watching a movie. She was very tired and fell asleep halfway through the movie. At some point during the night she was awoken by a dripping noise from the bathroom. She knew she should get up and go turn off the tap properly but she was too tired. She reached under her bed and her husky licked her hand, reassured she fell back asleep. A few more times during the night she was woken by the dripping noise. Every time she would reach under the bed and her dog would lick her hand. In the morning she woke up and went to the bathroom with the intention of turning off the dripping tap. She walked in and froze. The tap was not what had been dripping. Her dogs head was nailed to the wall, blood dripping on the floor. On the mirror, written in her dogs blood, it read 'Humans can lick too.'" He smiled creepily as he finished the story.

Fuck, that was actually terrifying. 

"My turn!" Percy grinned and shifted closer to the fire, copying Luke by shining the torch on his face. 

Update: I regretted it

(once again i forgot to write an ending so heres another half finished chapter for your enjoyment)

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