Andien (lvl 60)

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[BC] name~

[C]\\andien frost//

[BC] nickname~

[C]\\din, an, din-din, andien, andin//

[BC] age~

[C]\\23 years old//

[BC] gender~


[BC] job/speaciality at~

[C]\\spy, scientist, book seller//

[BC] crush~


[BC] weakness/scared of~


[BC] sexuality~


[BC] type of eeveelution~

[C]\\umbreon fused with darkrai//

[BC] fur colour~

[C]\\black and red//

[BC] Move~

[C]-dark cloak
[C]-shadow ball
[C]-feint attack//

[BC] eye colour~

[C]\\yellow and red//


[C]\\ghost, nightmare, someone break her secure wall//

[BC] like~

[C]\\Reading, farming, video games, talking to herself(demon and angel)//

[BC] fav weapon/weapon~


[BC] siblings~

[C]\\ama, ahmad, salma//

[BC] parents~


[BC] personality~

[C]\\Seriose, smart, kind, calm, quiet, fast, mysterious, funny, sensitive, insane, Gentle, broken//

[BC] bio~

[C]\\[full bio|]//
[BC]"lies?truth? all look the same to me...why should i care"
(Most related)Siblings in law:blades (nana),spot (yusuf), aid (vor),street (blast)
Job/work:Soul guardian

[BC]"tell me what to do one more time and i swear to you i wont leave you alone until you finally annoyed"

[BC]"Beauty isn't always be nice"

[C]Backstory (eeveeteam war)
[IC]Once a glaceon but turn to a umbreon because of her death when Chris throw her and she hit a tree the branch of the tree stab through her chess.. but then thanks to aid who manage to save andin's live but andin turn to an eevee again for a few weeks she finally evolve to an umbreon and her evolution created devil and angel everyone knows what they do right? So i don't need to explain,andin become the soul guardian after a while of learning with devil and angel she knows better about lost souls,demons, mystic creatures,dark powers and ghost than anyone in eeveeteam is. She is cold hearted at war but when it comes on taking a rest she is more to aloof and she's always being dragged by tata and yusuf to go on another trouble making for no important reason. Plus as her being a sould guardian the funny thing is she's scared of horror movie (lol)

[C]Present (9 knight)
[IC]she joins aid,vor and slaught to find ghea and silent shock and in this part of story she isn't really important She's like a back character,but hey in the end she is still appearing... Don't worry she likes it when no one notice her but devil is actually more active in the 9 knight story than her,devil was said talking senia and beating up angel..maybe i forgot (see story in #9knight ) andin is more of a loner in here but she still is in the fight at the end,when the 9 knight over she doesn't decided to go back to Eeveebercity or stay in the 9 knight tower because angel had a vision about something bad going to happen but she never tell when as andin goes on a journey by herself with devil and angel by her side... Will she returt? Who knows

[C]Future (9 knight next generation over/at war)
[IC] good news she does return because grace convince her to return,andin was at the moon city a city that brings danger every night but it wasnt a problem for her,devil and angel,she was the first one to notice what is happening with the elemental guardians. Andin is not really a long range fighter she always strike to the enemy, andin was injured badly after the war and was unconscious in the pokecenter for more that a week but she's still alive.... Angel knew this will happen as she and devil always stays by andin's side untill she finally woke up,even no one could see it... Andin is already a hero from the start... From when she was an eeveeteam member,she willing to risk her lives untill she dies but she lived again and she does not have any trauma she keep on doing what's good and even devil said she could see the hero inside of andin...

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