Drag (Lvl 71)

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[BC] name~

[C]🏎️\\Albertina aloisia//🏎️

[BC] nickname~


[BC] age~

[C]🏎️\\22 years old//🏎️

[BC] gender~


[BC] job/speaciality at~


emesin grounder team, Lawyer//🏎️

[BC] crush~


[BC] weakness/scared of~

[C]🏎️\\being forgotten//🏎️

[BC] sexuality~


[BC] type of eeveelution~


[BC] fur colour~

[C]🏎️\\yellow and orange//🏎️

[BC] Move~

[C]🏎️\\-icy wind
[C]-ice shard
[C]-ice fang

[BC] eye colour~



[C]🏎️\\losing a race, being fogotten//🏎️

[BC] like~

[C]🏎️\\winning a race,annoying his siblings,doing something that takes attention//🏎️

[BC] fav weapon/weapon~

[C]🏎️\\almost anything he find//🏎️

[BC] siblings~


[BC] parents~


[BC] personality~

[C]🏎️\\annoying,loud,brave,show off,sassy,funny,risky,full of suprises,quick,arrogant//🏎️

[BC] bio~

[C]🏎️\\she can be found on almost every car race and of couse always having a Race with the eeveeteam member tata, or sometimes she can be found racing a random pokemon on the road and the same goes like moto and rider she always being chased by a police because she never listen to her surrounding...  Just crushing things on her way what can you say? She will never obey the rule becaus eits not fun for him if ve obeys.. just like rider, the different is she is a very arrogant pokemon and basically refuse to lose at others. Now that the eeveeteam decide to wear clothes she choose to take off her Visor (Sometimes she wear it again for a reason). She also start to go down from the race track but she might return back as a former champion now that end and moto have a family she as the 3rd oldest have to take care of her siblings meaning working to get money//🏎️

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