melina (lvl 15)

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[BC] name~

[C]🌪️\\Aksana Melina cyclora  Fumiko//🌪️

[BC] nickname~

[C]🌪️\\Melina, cyclora, mel//🌪️

[BC] age~

[C]🌪️\\7 years old//🌪️

[BC] gender~


[BC] job/speaciality at~

[C]🌪️\\A Child OF THE DEVIL lmao jk I'm not a devil//🌪️

[BC] crush~


[BC] weakness/scared of~


[BC] sexuality~


[BC] type of eeveelution~


[BC] fur colour~

[C]\\red, black n white//🌪️

[BC] Move~

(some of her moves are based on cyclone)

[C]🌪️\\-cyclone rush
[C]-wind disc
[C]-cyclone tornado

[BC] eye colour~

[C]🌪️\\red n blue//🌪️



[BC] like~

[C]🌪️\\playing,learning new things,running//🌪️

[BC] fav weapon/weapon~


[BC] siblings~

[C]🌪️\\Ari, Vossy, Squible, kona, Dami, kohaku//🌪️

[BC] parents~

[C]🌪️\\Ghea n scatter//🌪️

[BC] personality~

[C]🌪️\\calm, funny, clumsy,quiet, sometimes can be creepy,shy,polite,Intelligent//🌪️

[BC] bio~

[C]🌪️\\her first word was learned because Ghea accidentally swear..., Melina can speak she just to shy to do it.. Same based like vossy she took the hobby of staring at everyone while just sitting in the corner of the place.. I blame vossy for teaching her that, Melina have cyclone power but no one notice except Ghea and earthquake who actually related to cyclone. Melina isn't from the future so Ghea can't f**ked up the future again... Even her low lv l Melina can still be very scary if she's angry and yea she have a yvetal wing just like Ghea.. But Melina haven't learn how to fly in fact she rather walk then fly because her fear of height, she usually be with scatter instead of Ghea because she just gonna be the worse mom by killing someone Infront of her, scatter can also be a bad example but at least he can fix his mistake unlike Ghea who kept making the same mistake again and again...,she keep annoying Dami and take a fight with him but in fact she actually really loved him //🌪️

[S]Her first word is f*ck which vossy feel proud of his sister that learn to swear

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