Swin (Lvl 31)

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[BC] name~

[C]💲\\Gavrilovich Zhenechka //💲

[BC] nickname~

[C]💲\\swin,swiny,lil' swin//💲

[BC] age~

[C]💲\\21 years old//💲

[BC] gender~


[BC] job/speaciality at~

[C]💲\\seller in black shop//💲

[BC] crush~

[C]💲\\Tia(canonically married😎)//💲

[BC] weakness/scared of~

[C]💲\\slaught finds out his job,he forgot everything//💲

[BC] sexuality~


[BC] type of eeveelution~


[BC] fur colour~

[BC] Move~

[C]-confuse ray
[C]-fake out

[BC] eye colour~



[C]💲\\someone stop what he was going to do,being tell what to do//💲

[BC] like~

[C]💲\\playing cards,being paid,doing his job//💲

[BC] fav weapon/weapon~


[BC] siblings~


[BC] parents~

[C]💲\\arona and loaki (both dead one killed by vor and the other one by blast)//💲

[BC] personality~

[C]💲\\tricky,annoying,savage,crazy,fun,sassy, polite,clever//💲

[BC] bio~

[C]💲\\swin is the most trickiest among his siblings rarely seen at home where is he? No one knows but when he comes back he bring money. Which is worrying slaught and blast about where have their young brother go... swin often out at midnight and back at morning for some reason he didnt tell even if slaught ask where have he been he just ask 'i dont know' all the time even if slaught angry.. //💲

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