Dami (lvl 34)

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[BC] name~

[C]🔪\\Dami Daniel necrozman//🔪

[BC] nickname~

[C]🔪\\Dami, dan, the assassin//🔪

[BC] age~

[C]🔪\\19 years old//🔪

[BC] gender~


[BC] job/speaciality at~


[BC] crush~


[BC] weakness/scared of~

[C]🔪\\his real dimensions//🔪

[BC] sexuality~


[BC] type of eeveelution~

[C]🔪\\green umbreon//🔪

[BC] fur colour~

[C]🔪\\black or grey and dark green//🔪

[BC] Move~

[C]🔪\\- sword dance
[C]-dark pulse
[C]-shadow ball//🔪

[BC] eye colour~

[C]🔪\\brown and orange//🔪


[C]🔪\\Melina, losing a fight, mostly everything related to animal abuse, loud place,someone who hurt his family,being ignore by ghea//🔪

[BC] like~

[C]🔪\\training, killing, animals//🔪

[BC] fav weapon/weapon~


[BC] siblings~

[C]🔪\\ari,Squible, vossy, Melina, kona, kohaku//🔪

[BC] parents~

[C]🔪\\Ghea,Scatter (former father silent shock)//🔪

[BC] personality~

[C]🔪\\cold, quiet, sarcastic, easy to annoy, serious, polite but in the bad way, carefree, hardworking, hot headed, brave, ignorant//🔪

[BC] bio~

[C]🔪\\Dami has returned back to our dimension but he's older and he have evolve to a umbreon his actually dimension has fallen to darkness as he flee back to the real 9 knight dimension and return to being Ghea son.. Its not hard to deal with his brothers since he can actually get along with them especially the cat but... He and melina as both Ghea biological kids the two keep trying to beat eachother because they do have the same personality and the same mind that doesn't making them closer that just making them hate eachother but everyone know deep down inside the 2 actually care for eachother.. But they show their affection by trying to make the other feel annoyed, while Melina train with drago Dami choose to train with sixshot same as vossy. Even tho Dami looks the same but he actually have a few different thing happen to him in the past 5 years.. But he keep it all a secret//🔪

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