Tita (lvl 66)

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[BC] name~

[C]\\Tita tina seadra//

[BC] nickname~

[C]\\tina, ti't, tita, angel//

[BC] age~

[C]\\29 years old//

[BC] gender~


[BC] job/speaciality at~


[BC] crush~

[C]\\sling (former crush? Swin)(canonically married😎)//

[BC] weakness/scared of~

[C]\\ghost, dakr places//

[BC] sexuality~


[BC] type of eeveelution~

[C]\\Vaporeon fused with charizard//

[BC] fur colour~

[C]\\blue, green and orange//

[BC] Move~

[C]\\-Flame thrower
[C]-Water pulse//

[BC] eye colour~

[C]\\dark orange//


[C]\\Reva always right, sling (yes their relationship is hate and love kinda thing), ghost, blood and gore//

[BC] like~

[C]\\Novels, books, study, messing around, flying//

[BC] fav weapon/weapon~

[C]\\her claw//

[BC] siblings~


[BC] parents~


[BC] personality~

[C]\\sensitive, polite, easly distracted, fun, loyal, responsible, independent, Reliable, Self confident//

[BC] bio~

[C]\\She join the protector 14 weeks after the war started, she gets along with blades really quick and always pick a fight with sling. And here where the sad story begin-, the war is still going she admit that she like swin (for an unknow reason) and that's where reva and her rivalry START reva doesn't WANT her to be with swin BECAUSE On how much reva Hate swin... She Doesn't actually hate the yellow espeon but she thing tita CAN do better then that (so in reva eye swin is a low level thing F**KING GOD REVA STOP BULLYING THE SAD GUY) when the war ended tita notice that swin like someone else and she didn't want to think about it but after a few weeks she decide to gave up on him, she also decide she want to travel around the world finding new things. After a few years of adventure she return and surprisingly sling gave a nudge to their relationship a bit further by asling her out, she wasn't intrested but Giving the guy a chance is a good idea. In the end they married and have a daughter name melushya//

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