Childhood Nostalgia

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"You think those heroes went easy on Sensei when they took him away?"


"You think they're gonna take it easy on you if they ever find out who you are?"


"Do you honestly believe you're strong enough to face All Might head on?!" Shiggy pounded those questions into you as hard and as strong as the blows he sent into your stomach. He didn't stop hitting you till you were either on the ground dry heaving since your not aloud to eat till you land a hit on him, or you passed out from exhaustion / malnutrition. Usually it was the second option and you ended up eating something that looked like oatmeal, but all of this training was to make you stronger. That's what you've been told at least, by Kuro.

"Take it easy on the young miss. Tomura, her father would be furious to see his little song bird covered in bruises." Speak of the devil, Kurogiri warned Shiggy as he launched his foot into your stomach. You threw up your dinner from last night that time, but as a happy plus it landed on your bastard of a brother's feet.

"Sensei thinks this brat is at some off shore private school in the U.S. to get some top notch learning, I thought who better to teach his daughter than his star pupil?" Shiggy explained with much enthusiasm to Kurogiri, all while wiping his bile covered foot on your back. You hated your brother, hell you question each waking second why your father picked him out from the gutter he found him in. But.....thats it, no but, you just really hate this bastards guts.

"Your his only pupil Tomura, and don't you think he'll get concerned when he reaches out to the school and is told his daughter never arrived?" Kurogiri questioned the idiot, but like always the bastard had a plan.

"I called the school threatening to blow it up if they said otherwise, those Americans get bomb threats so often I had to actually blow up their gymnasium for me to get my point across." Once his foot was clean he walked off the sparing mat and threw a towel at your trembling body. You reluctantly used it to try and get the taste of "oatmeal" out of your mouth when he screamed at you and indicated it was for you to clean up your puke first.

"Ducking butt head, no wonder his parents are gone. I'd wanna die too if my baby was that butt ugly." You mumbled to yourself under your breath as you began to wipe up your vomit. Apparently you didn't mumble quiet enough since Tomura stomped over to you and smashed your face into your vomit and used your blindness to keep kicking you in your already concave stomach. It became so hard to breath that you began to see a light at the end of a dark tunnel and you ended up feeling utterly weightless. At first you thought you were finally going to the big place in the sky, but your not that lucky. That feeling was just Kurogiri sending you through his warp portal and into his arms.

"Now that wasn't a very proper thing for a young lady such as yourself Y/N, say sorry to Tomura and then afterwards I'll make you some real breakfast." Kuro promised you as you laid still and weak in his arms. The mention of real breakfast made your stomach do backflips, although it was probably more like face plants from how bruised your insides felt.

"But he started it, also I'm 12 years old, I'm basically a teenager! Don't call me young lady." You fought back, despite having puke matted into your hair and more than likely a few broken ribs, you were a stubborn brat just like your mother. At least that's what Shiggy has told you.

"True, but no sorry means no chocolate chip pancakes." Kuro persuaded, he knew you all too well.

"Fine, Shig Head. I'm sorry I insulted your dead parents, I'm sure maybe even your mother could've loved your face." You half heartedly apologized all while still being in the safety of Kuro's arms. That was apparently enough for Kuro since afterwards he dropped you off in your room to clean yourself up while he went to go make you breakfast. You took a shower washing out all the chunks of oatmeal that didn't get fully digested yet, you watched as they slowly went down the drain. After a good shampoo and gentle body wash, to avoid the bruising on your stomach, you walked out of the bathroom into your connected room to get dressed. Your hair dripped onto the hard wood as walked out but you didn't have the energy to care.

With no other girls in the building it kinda left you in the dark about self feminine hygiene, hell you didn't learn what eyeliner was was until you were 16 because Toga said you looked like a cute drowned rat. Let's not get ahead of ourselves though, let's focus on the now.

You threw on an oversized shirt that you stole from Shiggy, as well as some shorts Kuro brought home for you the other day, basically pjs but they were clean and free of stomach acid.

"Breakfast! Come and get it while it's hot!" Kuro yelled down the hall toward your room. It took less time for him to finish his sentence for you to get your butt on the bar stool that had your breakfast. Just like he promised on your plate was a stack of chocolate pancakes, topped with syrup and a dollop of whipped cream. For a bartender he was an also amazingly good chef.

"Wheres mine?" Shiggy complained from the entrance to the bar, his hair was wet too. He looked like he just got out of the shower despite the only workout he did consisted of using your stomach as a soccer practice.

"You didn't say sorry for turning my spleen into mashed potatoes, so all the pancakes go to me!" You exclaim in triumph as you shove another bite of the sweet sugar coated goodness into your mouth. This ultimately pissed him off, but he had his ways own way of making you suffer.

"I understand, but have you ever wondered what pancakes would taste like on its way up? I mean it's already incredibly greasy, not to mention how sticky the syrup would be. All slow and bitter, the sweetness mixing with the stomach acid would end in what could only be described as a hot early morning mess." Shig head teased you while taking the canister of whipped cream out for behind the bar and shooting a dollop into his mouth."Man, just thinking about it makes me all queasy." he continued, but this time the whip cream in his mouth splatted out and all over the half stack of pancakes you didn't get to finish. This meant war.

"~Shut, shut, shut your mouth and learn to ducking chew, even though you're old as shit I have more more manners than you.~" you sang to him, causing his mind to momentarily pause and for him to fall over from losing his balance so suddenly. You giggle from atop your barstool with ruined pancakes in hand.

"~Open wide, shut your eyes, and eat this traAash~ When your done, we'll have fun, and experiment with guns!~" you finished, and like you sang he opened his mouth wide enough for you to smash the ruined pancakes into his face. Revenge is so much sweeter when it's in the morning.

"Blech! What the hell Y/N?!" Shiggy spat out the pancakes onto the floor and you could've sworn his pupils had fire in them from how furious he was. It took him mere seconds for him to push you off your bar stool and for him to jump on top of you as he held your throat in his hand.

"Tomura! Don't!" Kuro warned him. You couldn't help but feel tears begin to form in your eyes as his hand just grazed your skin, that was all that was needed as a patch of your skin to disintegrate from your neck. Tomura's eyes widen at your state and what looked like a hint of regret filled his eyes. However instead of jumping off and apologizing for almost offing you, he leaned down closer so his lips were at level with your ear.

"Don't think just cause you got lucky with your quirk, you can do whatever the fuck you want." he whispered to you then jumped off and headed to his room. Your neck, the spot where he touched you, burned like hell. Kuro bandaged you up quickly, it was basically muscle memory at this point from how many times he's done it before.

Neither of you talked after words, you just thanked him for the breakfast and went back to your room so that you could recover correctly. You felt terrible, both for physical and mental ereasons for being used as someones stress ball and having what is supposedly one of the strongest quirks to exist and to never be able to use it. When your older and stronger and better, he'll have to listen to you. Than everything will be better end you'll be in control!

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