Feeding Time

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*Tomura's point of view*

I left Kuro Sensei with y/n as I started for my room, well emphasis on started. A portal opened beneath my feet as I was about to take a step out of the door. Ended up falling face first in my room nonetheless, guess Kuro didn't want me to track bloody foot prints all over the base. With thought in mind the first thing I did was take a shower. I was covered in sweat, lake scum, and a mixture of Y/n's fluids, to do anything else was idiotic.

The water flowed down my body and turned into a brownish blackish shade as it went down the drain. It took almost a full hour to get myself clean, and the clothes I were wearing ended up in the trash from how pungent they smelled.

"Damn, I liked that shirt too...." I said to myself like some psycho, I guess I had to be a psycho after going through a day like this and still being semi-sane. A smile tugged on my lips after looking back at everything, the memory that replayed the most was when Y/n hugged me. Even after I screamed at her so mercilessly, she hugged me like she was going to lose me.

"Oh sweet song bird, what should I do with you." I asked my self, then I felt something trickle down my neck. I swiped at it thinking it was just some water that dripped from my hair, only to pull my hand back and see a red smear. Must've been scratching again, and I was doing so good about that to.

"Did you feed the child yet?" A formless Kuro Sensei asked from the other side of one of his portals, I jumped for my towel as I have still yet to get dress.

"Ever heard of knocking!?" I screamed at him, he remained emotionless. Not that he wasn't used to this, I swear he just has a natural sensor built into his eyes or something.

"I brought some spare clothes, he was covered in Y/n's blood when he I sent him through the portal. Remember not to kill him, and a unopened and dehydrated pack of ramen noodles does not count as food." Kuro Sensei said, he tossed a pair of pants and T-shirt through that were definitely going to be too big for the middle schooler. I smiled at his last remark though, thinking back to the last prisoner we had. The idiot ate the wrapper and everything.

"Fine, I'll grab a rice ball from the fridge. Now can you leave so I can get dressed!" I demanded, and with that the portal closed and I was alone. I ended up pulling on a black sweat suit and a pair of red sneakers, both colors are perfect for hiding the blood that this brat was about to lose. I made my way to the kitchen that was behind the bar while my hair  dripped down my neck. Blow drying and self care was never really my thing, so I just pulled up the hood of my jacket and let my body heat work it's magic. The kitchen was empty when I arrived, not that I was expecting someone. Usually though Y/n was in here making some travesty she called food that she found on Pinterest or some health site. In the end I always ended up the being the first test subject, hence the reason I get the flowing blue locks of hair and she ends up looking like that guy from the 5 stages of a bad haircut video.

It's hilarious to watch, both the video and her meltdowns, but yet again the silence is so nice...

"Where is it.....come on, Kuro just bought a pack the other day..." I spoke to myself seeing how there was no one else in the room. I mean I could say I was just talking to the bottles of watermelon soda my dumb glutton of a sister had stashed in here, but myself sounds more sane. After rearranging the mess of a fridge I found the rice ball, it was over a day expired but at least he was getting food.

The trip toward the brats cell was faster now, now that I wasn't being pushed against time it actually felt faster than before. Hell before I knew it I was already in front of the door, when I opened the door though I was hit in the face both by the smell of blood and a random projectile.

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