Knocking on Deaths Door

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-Tomura's point of view-

Tomura ran with what little energy he had in him, all that walking today left him at his lowest output. Nonetheless he ran through the halls as if some indescribable monster made of pure nightmares was chasing after him but in this case he was having a race. A race with death to see who could get to you first, and he'd be damned if he lost you too. The building was bigger on the inside then on the out but that never stopped him from finding what he needed, hell whenever he would play hide and seek with y/n he'd win because he knew both the place and her so well. For some reason though it felt like his destination was on the other side of the world rather than the building.

"Come on, come on, what was the cell number again?" Tomura questioned himself as he made his way to the basement level. He made his way to the last cell and opened it, inside was some scared green haired middle schooler he picked up off the streets. Tomura faked being injured and this little shit actually believed it, now he was sniveling in the corner of a dark damp cell about to become a literal human sacrifice. That's what he gets for trying to be a hero.

"Today's your lucky kid, you get to save a life." Tomura told the boy before grabbing him by his collar and dragging him out of the dark cell. The brat kicked and screamed, he tried clawing at Tomura's hands but pulled back quickly when his fingertips burned to his touch.

"No! Please! Stop! Where are you taking me you villain?!" He cried through the halls as he was dragged to his inevitable death. The boys cries were in vain, and he knew it to, but it didn't stop him from trying to get through to Tomura.

"I won't tell anybody, I'll forget I ever saw anything, nobody will know, just please let me go!" He begged, but to this one Tomura smiled.

"Your right about one thing brat," Tomura said, the smile never leaving his face and his pace never slowing. "Nobody is gonna know." He reassured, but the assurance had the opposite affect on the boy and he just ended up screaming louder. So loud in fact that Tomura almost started to believe that dogs could've heard him through the 2 feet thick cement walls. He thought about the effect his acting out would have on y/n and decided to stop by his room to grab a certain someone. Dragging the boy in with him, he threw him down to off put him while he grabbed said certain someone off his desk.

"W-what is that...."the boy asked at the sight of your biological fathers hand, the last part of him that remained after Tomura disintegrated him.

"This is my father, but right now he's going to be my little helping hand." Tomura answered before planting the hand on the boys face, acting as a makeshift gag. The crying became muffled but it was still there, it would have to do. Tomura  looked at the alarm clock that read 5 minutes since he first brought you home. He grabbed the boys collar again and ran dragging him to Y/n's room, hoping he wasn't too late. He slammed open the door with the boy still giving out muffled screams of mercy, the sight of your physical state silenced the boy.

Your hair, what was left of it anyway, was plastered to your forehead with straight sweat that started to bead on your skin. Not to mention your clothes and sheets being soaked in a blood like substance.

"I need another life force, I can't put life into something without life." The Energy Switcher stated, he looked a little shaken up. Tomura threw the boy at the mans feet, he caught himself so the thunk wasn't too loud, and for some reason his eyes never left Y/n's form.

-Y/n's point of view-

Your vision blurred in and out as well as your hearing, you subconsciously compared this to your birthday, your birthday was a cake walk compared to this. Why does the grim reaper hate you so much! He brings you to the brink of death, but never finishes the job. What a fucking coward, oh wait is that him now?

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