🎈🎁Happy 13th🎁🎈

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#*Major time skip*#

"Come on mocking bird! Today's the day!" Shig head screamed from at the end of the hall. Today was going to be the best day ever!

Not only were you going to be another step closer to being an adult, but today was also the day you get to go to USJ for the first time ever! You spent the whole night before searching up maps and binge watching ride review videos about it.

"~Fun, Fun, Fun, Fun, Fun, Fun, Fun, I WANNA GO!~" You sang to yourself in your room. You have decked it out over the years, it didn't look like a cell anymore, plus those bodies that were originally in it sold for a nice price on the black market since it still had all its limbs. After picking out a good outfit that both incorporates comfort for walking all day as well as style for the multiple photo shoots you inevitably were going to drag Shiggy through.

 After picking out a good outfit that both incorporates comfort for walking all day as well as style for the multiple photo shoots you inevitably were going to drag Shiggy through

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(I'll let you choose which! I bet you'll look) (great in whatever ever you choose)

"Shut up you damn noob! Hurry up! If you don't get your ass out here we'll leave you behind!" Speaking of that Shig head, it's good to know he's excited about today too at least.

You ran out of your room and into the bar only to see Shiggy and Kuro dressed in their villain wear. The look of disbelief was plastered on to each of their faces, that and the fact that a few nameless goons were in the bar.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Shiggy questioned you, like he had no idea what today was. Even though he was a grade A asshat he never forgot your birthday and you never forgot his. It was the two days a year you both acted like, and felt like, real siblings. Tears started to brim in your eyes. Did they forget what day it was, you looked all around and not even a singular candle or ballon was in sight. "Damnit Y/N, calm your self for just one second and let us explain before you break out the water works!"

You held back the tears for now, but just till he could explain himself!

"We were planning on letting you lead this mission, as a gift. However if you start crying like a little bitch just cause you don't get your present just yet. We 'll take you to Chuck-E-Cheese instead." Shiggy explained to you, the tears left your face and was soon replaced with a smile. However before you could express your joy the screen in the back of the bar erupted with a screen of fuzz and a voice so terrible that it could strike fear into millions around the earth with a single word.

"Where's the birthday girl?" One for all asked from the other side of the screen, your heart skipped a beat. You never really got to hear from your father as it was too risky for him to be caught. Birthdays were the only exception and even then the conversation wasn't ever that long.

"Father! I was hoping you would call tonight after the mission, so I could tell all about what happened." You said, a hint of disappointment in your voice from your dream of the perfect birthday being crushed yet again.

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