A Little Training Never Killed Nobody

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"Come on Y/n, the sooner you get this quirk under wraps, the sooner you can go outside again." Shiggy egged you on. Your throat felt like you swallowed a at least a handful of broken glass, then drank a mug full of battery acid to wash it down.

"EAsy for you to say." Your voice breaks on literally every syllable causing your face to flush with embarrassment. Shiggy laughed at the reoccurring breaks in your voice, you punched him in the arm as a sign of annoyance. The punch just made him laugh harder, the red in your face reached your ears as the embarrassment turned to anger. Using your anger you focused your breathing and in one breath and released the anger in the form of one of your old messed up rhymes from when you were younger.

"~Roses are red, your laugh is fake, do "yourself a favor and jump in a lake. "Forget to breath, release your breathe"
"then accept the grasp of death~"

You mocked, it was just meant to be just a sick test of power, a joke. That is until his eyes turned a glazed over white and he slowly made his way for the door. As he made his way to the door and slowly turned the knob to leave, you questioned if you went too far? You guys are siblings, death threats are equivalent to an average every day greeting.

"Come on you over grown brat, cut it out." you grabbed onto his arm and pulled but that didn't work. Hell you planted your feet into the ground and used all your body weight against him, nothing. He didn't even slow down or budge in the opposite direction, it was like watching him become an unstoppable force.

"StOp it you Shig head!" You demanded, but he just kept going. He walked out of the room, and shortly after the building altogether with you being dragged behind like a carriage attached to a draft horse. Your mind was racing at the realization of what happened, did your quirk actually work?  Every attempt you made in the past ended with either those around getting temporary hearing loss and you ending up on the ground some how, or it was vice versa. Why now, gosh darnit of all the times to work it's when you joked about killing your dumb half brother! No, can't think about that now, now you need to figure how to stop this.

When you originally used your quirk it stopped the moment you stopped saying the rhyme or lyric. You weren't singing, weren't even talking let alone humming a tune. You tried being silent and just followed Tomura few steps but that did nothing, so you looked away wondering if that was what kept him under your quirk, but when you looked back he was half way down the road and crossing through live traffic.

Ok, so what do you know right now pertaining to the situation? You know the nearest body of water was about two blocks down the road at the town pool, but the nearest lake was miles away in the middle of a forest at the edge of town. Whether he was gonna take the words all the way to heart or not was something you didn't quite understand just yet. For the record you didn't mean for things to go this way, it was just a joke!

"TOmura Shiguraki, SNAP Out of it!" You screamed, beating into his back, something you found out was that despite pushing him forward he stayed at the same pace he was already. This is insane, analysis isn't your thing, you didn't even know that Tomura could actually touch you until you were thirteen as long as long as he didn't use all 5 of his fingers.You looked back on the memory and smiled.

*almost a month after your birthday*

You were laying in your room in a cold sweat throwing up almost a full bucket of blood. Your hair had fallen out to the point it looked like a five year old got a hold of some hedge clippers and tried to make paper dolls from your once beautiful h/c hair. New hair grew in though, it was stubby at the moment and you couldn't bring yourself to look in a mirror to see what color it was. You wanted to cry at how pitiful your state was, you wanted to scream for what your father did, and most of all you just wanted to give up and die.

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