Rydel imagine

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So imagine that You and Rydel are Bestfriends. You guys love to shop,talk and everything else girls do. You and Rydel met at school,while you were having English your teacher announce that theirs a new student that's being added to the class and needed someone to show her around school. So your English teacher had asked someone and she choose you,she knew that you would a be good student to show Rydel around.

So after you had Shown her around school,you gave her your number and told her to text so you both can hang or shop sometime. after that you both became really close and ended being really close with her family,to close enough that boys like to give you both a hard time.

So it's Friday,your both hanging around her house after her band rehearsal. Having the music turned up to loud and having a dance party in her room. Wearing a Black Crocheted crop top,shorts,a pair of sandals and having yor hair in wavy strands. And for Rydel, a KISS tank,shorts and converse,having her hair in a fishtail braid.

"RYDEL, (Y/N),TURN IT DOWN PLEASE WERE TRYING TO WATCH THE ANGLES GAME!!!!!" Yelled the boys. " WE'LL TURN IT DOWN IF YOULL QUIT YELLING,BESIDES WERE GOING TO THE BEACH!!!! SO HAHA" Said Rydel in a funny voice,causing you laugh alot. The boys ended coming up to her room,crashed on her bed while you stood at her minor and Rydel packing a bag for the beach.

"So your going to the beach? Is (y/n) going??"asked Rocky "Yes she's going. we're gonna get out the house and have some girly time. ain't that right (y/n)??" Asked rydel, you turned around to face her, when you turned around the boys smirked and gave you goggly eyes especially Riker,who is your boyfriend. "yes I'm going. And I agree with Rydel,were going to have some girly time. plus we texted Savannah and Lori to come and meet us down there. "You said and started packing your beach bag. "so no boys aloud?" Asked Riker " you can come but I'm telling you this no pranks. the last time you pranked us (y/n) and Lori were stuck in a situation that doesn't need to be said. So yes you can come but no pranks,in pranks I mean Rocky!"said Rydel angrily "DUDE take a chill pill. don't get your self worked up over a prank. So calm down and take a breather"you said while walking over to Rydel and making sure she calmed down.

"OK I won't pull any pranks. so when are we leaving?"asked Rocky "In a few. why don't you guys go get ready and then we can all leave at the same time? "You said,they all nodded and left Rydels room. before You could return to packing your bags and calming Rydel down,riker pulled you out Into the hallway with your hand in his.

"Hey babe"you said smiling wrapping you arms around his neck and leaning up to kiss him while he wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer. you both leaned in,after you kissed you spoke,

"What's up?" You asked "I wanted to give my beautiful girlfriend some loving before we left for the beach " said riker "why can't we show our affection for each other in front of everyone,why do we have to be so private about it??"you asked while looking at him,"because I want to keep you safe,ever since the bands got famous there been mean sayings and I don't wanna hurt you or even loose you because of rumors"he said . you loved him a lot and understood why he wants it that way . It's his career that you could ruin but you wished that you could show people that your his and just see what would happen if you did show affection.

Mean while you were still in the hallway with riker. "Babe there will be day were we'll show our affection so people can see that we are a couple but my career is most important right now"said riker "So our relationship isn't really important to you? Whatever Riker,look I have to calm delly and get my bag packed so I'll see you later."you said disappointed while walking into Rydels room shutting the door behind you.

Rydel was sitting on her bed and had her bag packed,ready to go. "(y/n) what's wrong??"she said while looking up at you. "it's nothing Delly. I'm just hurt that's all. after I get my bag packed we can go."you said while gathering up your bag"is it riker?"she asked walking up to her bedroom door with her bag in her hands,you nodded while going to stand next to her,"just not worry about it ok? Let's go have some fun time at the beach."said Rydel patting your back as she opened the door to the boys. You quickly walked past them,down stairs and out the door to Rydels car.

She followed you,once she got outside she got in and both of you left for the beach with the guys following behind . once you got there,you saw Lori and savannah,ran up to them and gave them the biggest hug ever. Rydel did the same.

You all had fun talking about girly stuff,took funny pics and danced around singing songs. the guys got in on the fun and watched you guys,taking vines,instagrams and just videos while laughing. You Rydel,savannah and Lori were up on the shore line doing poses. after they walk away,you stood there thinking on what riker had said,just wishing he would go with the idea of affection in public .

While you were thinking,you heard whispering,yells and smacks going on behind you,and it didn't bother you as much. so you bent down in the sport you were at and wrote with your finger 'Riker+(y/n)=Love',took out your phone and took a pic of it. After you took a pic,you went back to your position and watched the sunset.

Rydel,Savannah and Lori had managed to come up behind and surprise you. Making you jump consciously. they saw the writing and instantly knew why you wrote it and gave you the biggest hug that they could think of. "Hey (y/n) I managed to talk to Riker. Now I know your upset with him, you really don't deserve the way he's treating you. " said Delly "No you don't trust me you dont. Ever since Ryland&I started dating people always said that there was gonna be drama with fans of ours,but they were completely wrong about it. At first we didn't want people to know about us and Ryland was the same way Riker is being now,putting his career before us,but until one day I posted a pic of us. I thought at first was ' fans aren't gonna like us' but after I posted it fans went wild and totally were ok with it. after that we were known as a couple. So post a pic and see what people think and if they like it then yeah,if they don't then keep it a secret." said Savannah

Lori and Rydel were amazed on what Savannah had said to you, "Wow Savannah I never thought you would tell that story again"said Lori shocked "Well it had to be said for (y/n)'s case, besides I know what's she's going through and its tough. (Y/N) you got my support"said Savannah "you got mine and Lori's support no matter what happens with you and Riker we'll always be your best friends no matter what" said Rydel,they said in the hug. you thought for a second on what Savannah had said and got her experience.

You guys let go and walk back towards the guys. your phone had buzzed and took it out, revealing a twitter update from Riker
"@Rikerr5 @yourtwittername My Love,Bestfriend and a amazing girl ." with a Instagram attached to it and saw a pic of you and riker standing on the beach watching the sunset,with your head on shoulder and arms wrapped around each other.

Maybe all the whispering that you heard was Rydel and the girls telling Riker to make you happy and get past the fight . after you saw the post you smiled while walking back towards riker and the guys. once you sat down next to him you cuddled up against him and he knew he made you happy and wrapped an arm around you. Making the night instantly perfect,being with your boyfriend and your Bestfriends makes you happy and makes them happy too.

Overall you had a fun day with your friends and can't wait to make more memories with them ..............

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