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So here are some info about me

Fav song of 2017?
-I can't really chose!! There are so many,but if I had to pick Something just like this by The Chain Smokers ft. Cold play. I like both artists for the colab💟

Go to karaoke song?
- Dancing queen by ABBA. If anyone who doesn't know ABBA is,I'll tell you about them!!! My fav 60s disco artist that has good music for any family occasion.

Celeb crushes?
-Calum Höod#1
-Grayson Dolan
-Dak Prescott
-Ezekiel Elliot
-Emery Kelly
-Machine Gun Kelley
-Rocky Lynch
-Olli Maatta
-Pete Wentz
-Taylor Lautner
-Ethan Dolan

5 facts about you?
-My name is Emily,usually go by Emmy,Em or penguin
-I love all kinds of music
-sports fan(Olli maata from the Pittsburgh Penguins,I named my fish after him)
-I'm currently talking to someone which I hope will ask me out. The boy is really cute 😂❣
- I love to travel and make friends,so please hmu if you ever wanna chat

5 accounts tagged at random,gotta do everything in the pic

That's everything ☺️-Emmy

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