Chapter 1

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    "Darn it! if only eget my hands on the damn third scientist's  pride stuff, eget to change this  god forsakened eyes." Dr. Botman cursed under his breath. Just some moment not so far ago he bumped into a leadsuited condenser cleaner who happens to be carrying a heavy dark viscous liquid in a transparent container. Naturally the thick liquid splattered onto his already ruined labcoat making him resemble a graffiti artist. The Doc. could have nearly killed the pour soul had it not been that his colleagues were observing the drama by the side of the metal-erected corridor. So he quietly left, hung his shoulders in silent rage and embarrassment. Due to his nearly blind, barely opened eyes, accidents of similar nature to this had been occuring frequently to him. His body was rotting fast - spoiling rapidly. And he only made it worst by the fact that he had refused to take a bath,  claiming that he can't risk his radier-engined core getting 'jammed', even though the ancestor engine proved to still be 100% water proof.
    "Blasted captain! poor me innovated the stuff condensers, set up radier driven Lectricity and even set up bionic replication of his damn broken finger - yet treated me like em nothing but the damn others. Surely, e'll report this haphazard management to the lord", he mumbled onwards,
    He limps, movement a little clumsy with ruined labcoat swishing from side to side. Presently, he was in the underside of the 'Heavens establishment' as the natives named it.  The structure which was a complicated and intricately planned arrays of dark steel towers with pointed ends , height extending to about 300m into the dark, fogy, menacing heaven, each thrice the size of the most ridiculously big mansion you could think of. Embedded on their walls are little bumps of smooth metals causing a rough but still consistent surface to be exibited. These towers all flanked an even wider, 'fatter' building exibiting a somewhat dark aura around itself - The Metal house ; being it's official name.
    As the Doctor Went by, the number of cybermechanics and other staffs progressively decreased. The illumination of the building by the Ignius celling lamps also declined. He qdid a compulsory wave of hand to one of his superior who was walking by amidst his three friends,  which the person didn't even noticed - or pretended not to - bastard dogs. Dr. Botman was someone who, not a sane person in the once earth would willingly want to associate or partner up with. Both his accent, body and personality are what one would simply label as highly repulsive - even his body scent which was an unpleasant mixture of the stench of new metals, sweat and occasionally ammonia. Was he aware of these defects hindering him from socializing? Off course he is , does he care , off course not. Then why not? - because he doesn't see people as people anymore.
    He recalled the really annoying nickname that seemed to be stalk to him, which his colleagues even the lower ranks secretly call him - Dr. Went by. This is of the fact that at certain periods of the day he would mysteriously disappear and can't be found any where in the whole of the metal house. So, when one of his   ask for his presence his colleagues will reply with the usual : he just went by.
    MrBotman, after 2 minutes of walking, hobbled into a darker compactment : The storage area,  as it was etched on a plate  atop  the large semi circular entrance which loomed far above him. He went in there casually after hitting his defective butt,  knowing full well that he was growing blind anyways.
    He kept moving in slow uneven gait through the partly lit circular corridor, having lots of wild , leaking metallic pipes studed roughly around the walls and curved celling. You might be surprised that the pipes were metallic , but since this era was the ' fallen tecnological metal age ' as he calls it( which the other board scientist  all scorned off course), it was only natural that such is the case ( they have their ways of avoiding metal poisoning). The pipes carries lots of liquids not just water. Various pipes carries excretas of solid and liquid kinds which were taken to the recyclers, while a few other pipes of special alloys convey Ignius energy or ..... radier.
    The technician halted his awkward pace.He stopped, about to branch into  by a deeper corner after passing by numerous locked slide doors on both sides. Little mists roamed gently above his boots partly illuminated by tiny light holes by the walls.  With hands in his labcoat pocket and a protective helmet, he screwed his head backward one last time to ensure that no one was around the corridor, or staking him, before taking a left turn. There his limping feet was the only sound that permeated the air as it was echoed throughout the corridor. It opened into a much larger one similar to the size of a Subway stations with lots of interwoven cables at the concrete ground. He kept limping, a stray cable almost made him crash to the floor. He muttered a hand full of curses. He rsesumed his gait, casually as if he had not a single care in the world when in fact it was the reverse. In his right lab pocket was an Ignius-based point shooter with a 90 % accuracy targeting range of more than 6 km.
    Always best be cautious. Always. Never trust anyone, not even yourself. Your own self could betray you if you listen to it too much, he believed. And that's why if you want to survive in this present world always hid as much weapons and ammonitions in you as you can. Referring to the other sanctioned weaponed he embedded in his stinking clothings - and even in the visceral of his body.
    The subway- like corridor was only lighted by side blinking Ignius lights arranged on both sides in row. He took  a left dive in to a very narrow corridor. Just as he moved some few feet, he halted. A sigil by the left of his labcoat shaped like a flashed a dim scanning radiation which went upward before gradually turning downward.  Immediately, a howl of pain spread from a particular area in the dark corridor, like a human being tortured.
    "Ah, spies stuff. The damnable Lighten insects just won't give up now won't they?" he thought," hmm, but it quite looks like the other barely avoided the stuff. Hope the stuff didn't get too far.
    This time, with a bionic arm containing exposed wirings inserted through piercing metals, he took out the point shooter. Embedded on it two tips were long 8 inches needles of steel with some form of Lectro red current circulating around and between the two needles almost randomly, illuminating a circular area around him from the dark. The point shooter was Ignius based, which is the energy syphoned from the deep core of their once earth. Neat but far from pure.
    " Okay! here we go!", the cybernitician said, in an almost enthusiastic manner as though this was some kind of game.* Finally, a little something interesting before me duty to engage in* he thought.*now, eget to test this automatons after ... Is it more than a century. no, two centuries ethink since I last blasted some damn spies with it. Hot stuff.", mumbling a little excitedly in his hardly understandable language, his half burnt lips curled into a sadistic smile. As he limped onward in the narrow corridor, Ignius based standlights studded on both sides of the elapse walls lighted his way as they radiated a uniform orange light. The standlights works in such a way that they detect his signature heat the cybernetician emitted and therefore a counter system is wakened thereby igniting the lamps.
    The standlights he passed by slowly died off since they could no longer sense his heat.
    As he went deeper into the mist , using his human arm, he took out something bigger than a splint, the size of a thermometer. Immediately the tip glowed fiercely red signalling the presence of human chemicals suspended in the air. In order words, blood nearby. This excited him even more knowing full well that the supply of the 'precious sweet radier' could increase. The present human radier sources were getting worned out, sooner or later will have to be replaced discarded away. He was glad it's sooner. * By the six tecnogods I hope the spy  e'nt dead yet. Tecnogods the damn lighten has to be alive, he prayed. *Yes, gonna get me some new radier vessels. Yes.*
    His hobbling increased, footstep reverberating across the cylindrical metallic corridor more intensely. He halted. With his point shooter aimed to the forward darkness, outside the range of the standlights and his human hand gripping something in his left labcoat pocket, he yelled in a half radio voice: "TOTAL LUMINANCE".
    At once more, Ignius standlights came into view above the elapse celling, brightening the whole of the narrow corridor.
    Stpew! Stepew!.   The sound of firing weapons ringed unpleasantly through the air. With the  curved corridor now brightened up, everything now became clear to his half blind eyes.
    Yes, they were spies just as he predicted.  Clad in blue Tang suits, with the symbol of the Liegua force etched at centre of chest - one stood with both hands clenched tightly at a plain dual pistol, trying to shield his comrade who lay wounded behind him. He was bath in a  pool of blood which splattered all around the floor and stains on wall.
    "Hey!", the rayfighter with the gun yelled, he was a young fellow of late twenties." Hey! I know you're still hiding there like the rats you all are. You'd better surrender yourself before I approach you. Hey!"
    Off course, The cybernetician didn't comply. He sniggered silently, as he stooded behind a slide of metal giving out from the wall.
    " Don't think I'm joking around! Come out now!" The rayfighter yelled.
    Dr Botman wasn't much of a combatant, but he still have one or two trick back in the technological era, up his sleeves. He signed through half his lips. *Yep, that's rayfighter for you., he though. They're all same insects. Even they be still at apparent, unavoidable danger. They be still sticking to their Creed of ' fight till the end'. That's why they be dying in numbers like insects,* he repressed a sniggering laughter, fallen lids vibrating gently.* E better end this quickly. Don't want me poor lord being angry at me*.
    He got up from his stooped position, one human palm resting on the appeared slide which he sheltered behind, horizontal to the vertical metallic wall, while a bionic arm gripping thighly to his point shooter.
    Something strange began to manifest at the slide of a metallic walls he placed his arm onto."System call", he whispered," slide allowance, 6 row from unknown human radiations." As he said that, putting more pressure on the slide wall with his right palm, faint horizontal lines formed around his fingers which branched into verical lines, horizontal again. The blue luminous lines spread into branches of horizontal-veritcal lines similar to a web work. The slim lines cut through the mettalic slides and branch into the metallic wall by his right. The 'lightened' lines began to gain momentum as they cut through the smooth surface of the wall in edged branches until -
    Both the rayfighter of the liegua force, unknown to them the luminous line reached their area opposite to the side of the wall.The rayfighter were gradually becoming more agitated, the one sprawled at the floor starting to cough large amount of blood twisting and slamming the floor in agony. The other rayfighter with the gun glanced severally between his almost fallen comrade and the slide, behind which the sly cybernitician hid unsure of what to do. He is definitely aware of the disadvantage he had but refused to acknowledge it-that also will lead to his still inevitable death.
    Yep, that's the viral radiation all right. Exposure to it, and yea as good as yea ancestors. The stuff radaition sends millions of activated virus missiling straight into the cell of yea body. Hehe he. He laughed within, * slow but painful death. Hehehe.* Though e still wonder how the other insect still stands uneffected.
    As he celebrated his  forseen victory, the bright lines he sent forth began to concentrate more densely in more edged lines of horizontal-vertical patterns at the right wall to the oppositeof the rayfighter  unbeknownst him. He decided to have a little fun with his absentminded preys before their death. He got out from his hiding spot behind the thick slide of metal, feinting panic anxiety. The rayfighter noticing his appearance hardened the grip around his gun
    " Oh! please, oh don't hurt me dear mighty rayfighter. Oh, just show me mercy ,I beg oh, i beg " mrbot man begged so, with hands above head, fainting the voice of a worried mom with ra
    The rayfighter raised an eyebrow, but immediately went back to his guard.
    " You surrender, is that so?" The rayfighter questioned
    " yes please! yes I really do" The cybernetician answered nodding his bald head vigorously.
    " Okay, then drop all Arms. and do so with haste", the rayfighter barked. Dr. Botman immediately complied, flinging the point shooter to the feet of the rayfighter which he stopped clumsily.
    " Don't even think of trying any funny move because I heading towards you" ,just as the rayfighter was about to take a step forward, Dr Botman glanced to his side with his almost fallen eyes.*foolish rayfighters, never let your guard down when in front of a darkin. But off course.... Your kind learn too late.*
    " Zhakra by your side! ,Dodge!!", the other laid rayfighter try to warn his standing rayfighter, but as the cybernetician said, too late.
    The crushing of numerous bones , and more slamming echoed noisely acrosse the air. A thick metal slide zoomed off from the opposite wall and slammed straight at both the rayfighter sending them crashing straight at the opposite wall. Blood spewed violently all around the crushed rayfighters as the metallic silde kept slamming and slamming rigorously non stop onto the opposite wall with the now dead rayfighters in it's course.
    Dr Botman stood there, face drenched in estacy. It's being quite a long time since did something as pleasantly unpleasant as the hidieous site before him. In his mind, instead of feelings even a shred of guilt, the aura he gave off was that of pure nostalgia. Yes, that's right pure nostalgia.He knew he'd gone too far due to the fact that preserving these almost unrecognizable corpse will be a great hazzle to the autopsy scientist not to talk of the precious radier they badly need which the corpses possess. But still the man, more appropriate to be referred to as a sadistic freak didn't care about that right now. Yes, all he need presently is right before him.
    The once rayfighters, now corpses weren't even given the privilege to scream and gurgle out their life before they were totally squeezed into a mushy, bony mess of flesh bone and blood.
    "The Lord's really gonna be proud of dear old me." He said in satisfaction. As the metallic slide kept jamming into the corpses,  almost forming a viscous pudding, he then limped to the slide and perched his palm where he initially did so. Then muttered: "system call: slide regression."
    Removing his palms,  though he knew  the place he was in is too isolated by soundproof mirage field barriers to reflect sound. He signed quietly, regaining his previous senses once more. * Darn it! Not enough time. Need more time*.
    The sigil at his left breast - of complex silver alloy and was alike to the shape of a spider and became emblazoned in  rings of electric red light which spread in slim rays like a scanner bathing the mettalic corridor and the ignius based standlights. As like light emitted died out, all the ignius standlights went off. The bright corridor he was in switched to partial darkness as only the standlights by his flanks still glowed.* Best not to waste anymore energy juice*, he thought. The scan like rays it emitted was also to reinstall all the security traps back to the original as if no incident occour.When he turned towards the corpse, they were ashes with faint trailing smoke letting out .* Works perfectly*.
    He resumed his Hubble down the corridor, not even bothering to move across the jumble of corpses but instead stride with a shrug, marching the mess in the process, blood footprints marking his trail.
    As of before, only the standlights he passed by will light up but soon afterwards automatically turns down. This is off the fact that theses specific standlights were designed in such a way as to recognise his visceral heat, thereby responding as required. Everyone has a signature heat wave or pattern which naturally emits from his body mostly hinging upon the activity of the individuals basic metabolism rate(BRM). This is of similar analogy to the uniqueness in the scents given off by different individual- or finger print variance.
    For a mid rank technician like Dr. Botman to possess numerous standlights that his and only his signature energy must be due to some form of hack or alteration in the plans setup during the erection of the whole structure. They all aren't aware of his origin, of the tremendous talent he possess as a cybernitician in which the probability of finding a person on equal footing with him is almost definitely nil.... Almost.
    The cybernitician hasn't changed much all these centuries. He still had his humble potbelly, and the unkept mustache that grew disheveled like a bush. His right arm - the human arm, was embedded with numerous pipes which act as vessels, except that these vessels do not only carry blood, but also the luminous fluid - Radier. Some of the cybernetician artificial vessels thumped and quivered as liquid the strange fluid flowed in full amount. In short, the surface of his arm was a whole lot worse than that of an elderly one, the veins giving faint blue glow underneath the skin. Soon his body will tarnish, very soon. But till then, he still has to keep studying and researching non-stop to achieve  the second reason he chooses to still breath - full-body cybernitization. His achieving so will completely set him off from all his former colleagues back at that time at which he can be deemed as a complete human - or a even human at all.
    He angled into a v-shaped corner. A little disappointed he didn't get the chance to use his most precious point shooter, as he gently slid his human palm down the smooth metallic tank of the deadly Ignius-based  weapon. He did so as if reassuring the device that there'll be a bigger next time where it could land it's paralysing needles. The device was specifically designed to counter the rayfighters as it paralyzes their vasomotor system completely. The more sophisticated ones could probably cause chronic vessel bursting.
    Limping across the metallic passage, with the feel of radier-mixed blood flowing turbulently through external pipes of his bionic arm. He did a long sigh.
    Yes, that moment. The period some 300 years after the fall of the technological era. Yes, that time in which the overlapping glass slides acting as a hatch flew open. With lots of gas and freezing nitrogen vapour, he, in an slow and maladroit manner emerged head first from the cryonic condensers, his predecessors embedded him in. He was Naked, shivering as he placed a feet on the cold dark tiles. His right forelimbs and left hindlimb was not attached to his person - severed via clean cut and surgically treated. He rest his bottom at the side of the capsule( condenser he was in) barely balanced due to his cut off limbs. Overall, his body seemed to be very lean, detached of a lot of fat and even flesh as due to his duration in the condenser of that era.In short, he wasn't very off from a living skeleton embedded in a not so thick layer of flesh.
    It was then he heard the voice that was like a salvation to him. After more than 250 years of darkness and unconsciousness in that damn freezing condenser he was rewarded by the voice of his master. It appeared at his indistinct face as computer screen with a long stand fixed into the tiles. The computer spoke; an almost indistinguishable and cracky voice like that of a robot thrown into water - or more like a barely living patients with rasping breaths speaking through a anaesthesia mask;
    Come dear servant. Come o ye with sense and duty. Come and serve me. For verily your Lord has returned, and verily I remain." These were his master's first word to him. A slow smile crept along his half burnt lips, as Dr. Botman replied:" me master I follow till the very end. Me master I was greed by and me master I be grateful to."
    " Yes, Yes.", the strange voice that gave out of the computer screen seemed pleased. In the screen was the texting of the words he spoke.
    Mr Botman at that period, screwed his head from side to side as he viewed other locked condensers like his, arranged in rows. These arrays of condensers went on for quite a while, their total number ranging to a lot more than a thousand. He noted that many of these condensers had buttons which glowed deep red by it's top, signaling that the condensers had surpassed it's expiry date of preservation - in other words the people in the capsule were no more - death via cryopathy ; extreme freezing which causes the gradual death of tissues. Initially, these cryogenic condensers performed the function of preservation or elongation of a person's life up till a specified time based on the state of the person's body and the cryoanaesthesia along with other available medical resources - this preservation is through the lowering of a person's BRM( basic metabolic rate).
    After a while of mutual silence of understanding, it was then Dr Botman realized how lucky he'd been to be choose out of all others before the expiry date of preservation hits. His master, whose only means of communication is through the computer screen, with body elsewhere, was mute for a while as he waited for the cybernitician to take in his surrounding.
    Soon after, putting a halt to the silence, the computer screen screeched in a louder audio, it's screen emitting wild blinking wave of light and sound that resonated across the whole unit like a sonorous metal: "system call: half body cybernitization." Immediately ,' tentacles' sprouted from all around, surrounding the cybernitician. These tentacle were of metallic rods and pipes swinging almost randomly. They beared at their tips arrays of differents sophisticated tool, some for surgery. One of the tentacle perched an anaesthesia mask on the technician, causing him to layback with heavy eyes back in the capsule, landing with a small bump. All the sprouting metallic tentacles' were controlled by the - system master, his lord. The pipes all converged on him, Sparks and few trails of gas springed from the centre in intermittent as they temporarily brightened the dull and dark unit. It was as though some form of body operation was carried out - yes, body cybernitization.
    Mr Botman came to a halt in the corridor. He placed a robotic palm once more on the side of a particular metallic wall except this time a hole gave way in his palm through which little gas flew off. He connected the palm with a particular protrusion with slit like spaces around it's cylindrical body. The hole in his palm fits perfectly with protrusion. He pressed harder, causing lots of luminous lines to escape from his palms into the walls drawing horizontal-vertcal patterns, transferring his imbued radier-x energy to the rectangular segment of the wall . The patterns spread to the shape of a slide. Instantly, the wall with the lines sprung to life as it pushed inward becoming a metallic slide and then glided to the left revealing a compactment. He went in, the slide shifting back to its original position becoming a wall once again as the luminous lines faded away.
    Presently, he limped to the hand hold of the mezzanine he stood. The view below was a spacious room with a large ... tank?
    *Hopefully, me master isn't awake. If not he be mad at dear me for delaying so long*, he thought as he limped at the side of the square mizzanine that hinged above most of the unit, a few of his heights below the dome like celling.the secret unit his person was in would have been pitch dark if not for the gigantic tank which spawned near the top of the done and occupied close to half the space of the compactment. As  the technician round the cylindrical tank using the mezzanine, he finally found the stairs which lead to the groundlevel of the compactment.
    Mr Botman still now was never used to the tingling and shivering sensation that the radiation of radier emitted. He stood some distance away from the tank which was isolated from all sides with long green flowing curtains that made the radiance of the tank seem greenish. What separated him from the tank was a large circular space of dark nothingness. This emptiness seemed to dip downward continuously neverending like a eternal well, obscured- up untill the... Power plug - which is the bed rock of the heaven's establishment functioning. Most likely, what the spys he slayed sort after. Off course this wasn't the first or the second or the third of a time spies were persecuted. Over the decades many had managed to infiltrate the almost overwhelming fortifications erected around the border not so far of from the landing and stationing drifter port. What emerged or permeated some kilometers from that...... Darkness. The light earthin, out of desperation must have stooped so low as to recruit spys to not only check the reason for their years of inactivity but, also to sight and foretold if any scheme that may stake them at greater disadvantage is being implemented. The spys sent weren't rayusers so as to lower risk of being weeded out due to radiation detections.
    Mr Botman went to a palm print he's memorized, groping the dark wall as he rummaged for it's exact location. As said, the brightness emitted by the partly obscured tank illuminated the compactment, but not every area of it as the position circumventing it's elapse walls where shadowed
    Ah, he finally found it. The man based on accuracy referred to as a gradually decomposing human not only in flesh.. but mind nonetheless.He slammed a hand onto the electrostatic surface of the palm print. An eye scanner which he gladly exposed his almost downcast eyes to- red beam waving down his eyes.
    'ACCESS GRANTED' a synthetic voice chriped through a speaker by the side of the  palmprint.Before he detached his hand from the point, a control console slid out of the floor some feet from the ginormous tank. Not only that, but rectangular plates formed from the side he stood which hinged to one another side by side as a crossway is formed going across the deep well of darkness below to the location of the tank - like some kind of bridge with no handhold. He hated this part, but nevertheless will do it.
    With moisure forming at his forehead, he went for the limp to the tank. The noise of his boots became sonorous with the segments of mettalic plates in the bridge. He made sure his only view was the tank, ignoring the seemingly bottomless pit below. At one of his gait, he nearly balanced his weight a little too much on one side of his flanks, making him to tremble as he nearly tumbled over into the pit. But, a good start has a good end, right?
    Anyhow, the Cybernitician crossed the 'bridge' which resembled metal plates pivoted more together like a xylophone - a little out of breath.* Now it's the walk back from the tank, he thought in dread.
    *Damn system*.suspending his lament for later he hobbled over to the console which was like a sophisticated arrangement of keyboards with an upper and lower deck. The man crisscrossed his hand, building pressure to give a good cringing noise before placing a finger on a key. Upon doing so, holographic like keyboard sprung some centimeter from the normal. He started typing in commands with skilled fingers, moving from keyboard to keyboard, both side to side, upper and lower, solid and holographic. He kept on murmuring some of the commands as he invited them: " system call: 75% impure luminous fluid replacement ; system call: air renewals superfunction ; systemcall: open air recycler; system call: facilitate bodywaste removal.
    Doing some finishing touches, the technician stride from the tank system console to stand some distance aforemost of the tank where he nodded severally with a crooked smile, in satisfaction?
    Yes, indeed. His eyes roamed from the curtained below, past even the highest level the curtains able to envelope, to the level far ahead nearing the titanium chrome dome. His ruined labcoat, awashed in the radiance made greenish by the curtains. If there's only one group of people he adores, even worship - it'll be the legend makers, the scientist back at the era at which science surpassed it's limits - the technological era. The present earth, or rather once earth is nothing more than a decaying exoskeleton of previous.
    Yes, the tank and some other device creations were few of the remaining functioning automatons created at that era. It was simply that of a genius, indeed. The downcast, almost blind eyes of the cybernetician observed all the nooks and crannies of the device right from the numerous intricate wirings that interwined and branched and interlinked all around the tank, supported by three giant rectangular metal tower on either sides and behind carrying not only the cables but fluid-flow pipes
    At first, he almost didn't notice his lord, but there he lays, floating in the tank. He appeared from his view exterior to the curtains as - the shadow of a tattered shirt. * Hmmmm, the stuff's quite slow but still effective. Hopefully eget to carry out full body cybernitization for me lord, just at the right time*, he thought,* but damn hell of a scientist job just won't get me some free time for master. Let me lord just order dear me to blast them all*, with a clenched fist, he referred to the board scientist's. Just as he was about to dive deeper into the frustrations in his life -
    Bubbles, lots of bubbles rippling from the tank behind the curtain drew his attention. These bubbles emanated from the top of what seemed to be a shadowed mouthpart.
    Dr Botman limped closer to the tank almost wanting to rip through the curtains, but decided against it.
    Then , voice screeched at low pitch through the speaker of the console which he dashed to. * Could it be*,he thought as he strained his ear near the speaker. Mostly signal disruptions and indistinguishable noises at first, but after some second, of the technician adjusting the frequency and wavelength via keyboards it finally clicked.
    Yes, his lord has finally transmigrated from sending unconscious information waves to that of subconscious communication. That quite possible through interceding his brains neurones, letting his thoughts and feelings combined to be vocalized through the speaker. It was of comparison to the analogy of communication in sleep through dreams.
    A surprisingly smooth but authoritative voice boomed from the speaker: i....  am alive?"
    " Oh yes, yes indeed you are my dear lord."Dr Botman replied. Estacy engulfed his face, his almost closed eyes curving into a smile.
    "I see. I see.....  I see"
    "Oh Lord, right from the moment your body almost disintegrated completely in the explosion of your battle automatons, my dear humble self right at the brink of time went for the hatch luncher. I typed the landing coordinates just in a jiffy sending you straight from the light earthin. And then I received you" "I see....... I see" his master replied. It appears he was deep in thought, as even after the technicians short explanation he didn't reply with haste. More bubbles jetted in the tank.
    " You're ...Dr ro - no that's not right." He contemplated. the technician waited in anticipation." I suppose you're.... Dr Botman then?"
    " Excellent me lord. Spoken with splendor", Dr botman did a quick bow" yes me lord. I am Dr Botman, your humble servant and your most reliable cybernetic engineer."
    " Is that so?" the being asked with an inkling of sarcasm." Well it seems I have to work with the tool I currently have at my disposal then"he said in a less audible voice.
    " Quite so my lord, quite so." the technician seemed not to mind being called a tool or rather chooses to ignore." If you'll excuse me-" without waiting for a reply, using his bionic arm, he took out a memory chip from his labcoat pocket, and inserted it into an input at the console. He typed in some permissions via keyboard before he patiently waited while tapping the desk as he viewed through monitor the data transferring - more than a thousand gigabyte of info converted from current to impulse which he send to the brain of his master. He complied the information before hand so as not to narrate the whole thing to his master who, through his rasp breathing looks like might turn unconscious any moment from now. The rippling of bubbles in the tank grew louder and louder.
    " Yes, yes I can view it. I sense it. Send in every bit and brief of the past occurance."
    " B-but me lord are you sure it's wise. Afterall it wasn't so long since you partly awakened. I think some fragement-"
    " Do you devalue me?!"
    " O-of course not me lord. Never, will I attempt such deed"
    " Send in every bit of information!" , this time in a more forceful voice. The cybernitician, a little disturbed, did as he was ordered to. He pressed in the enter button on the keyboard, causing a blue line to span from one side to the other in the monitor showing that the whole information in the memory chip has been transferred. The technician breathes a sigh of relief. Nothing went wrong it seems he thought, placed both hands on the console desk to support his weight. He thought the heavy drive of information must have made his lord become unconscious as for some seconds there was nil response from the speaker, but he's mistaken:
    " Hehehehehe. Not so bad  a progress I would say", the said voice boomed out of the speaker, this time a little more lively.
    " Sectorx Botman, review me of the current arsenal statues of the heaven's establishment"
    " Ah ,um ,see-"
    " W-well me lord the ignius consumption has decreased quite drastically, seems like the abductor spys we send are filing their duties-"
    " Nevermind the ignius core dependence. Brief me on the fate of the weapon resources ?" the voice commanded
    " Me lord, the weapon manufacture mostly the beam erupter and cryogenic blasters are still slow in the making due to high cost and decreasing availability of raw materials. Also- the inefficiencies internally has been found to be related to the mindset of the machinery employees; they believe the avenge to be pointless. Also the -
    " Ah, is that so? Cut out half the weekly payments of machinery workers and harass any not seen performing duties effectively.
    "Yes me lord, but there is more. A hand full of weapons usually weekly for some reasons are misplaced. Estimations have been made on the product amount which can be derived from the raw material... But such estimation by surprise I quite far from accuracy. The investigators rigidly such there's only one cause.... Spies"
    " Spys?!" The voice thundered. " It seems the liegua is getting desperate, eh?
    " Seems so me lord", the cybernitician replied with a bow.
    "...... Stopping so low as to result to 'spies'. I swear if you happened to catch any more, don't go for the kill, I repeat don't go for the kill. Yes, yes. The said spys shall be given torture of highest and made to vomit out every single detail. Everything!" He barked. Despise writhing wildly in his voice. The cybernitician was slightly shakened by his Lord's anger.
    " Those wretched hippocrstes! Those.."the voice trailed of momentarily.
    " Me lord?" ,
    "Hehehe, let the liegua have a taste of their own medicine. Ah, sectorx Botman,"
    " Yes, me lord?"
    " How be it the condition of Scale the stealth master",
    " What! master! not scale, definitely not him. The bastard dog almost-"
    " Sector x Botman, you will putoff the set timeline of  scale's cryogenic condenser, awakening him , and you will enlighten him on all the happenings since he took leave in the condenser. Send him leave to partake in the damnable Liegua recruitment excersice as a mentor. Do so 3 days to the event.
    "Yes, and of course I need not remind you to lock the paralyzer chain on him the minute his out. The wretched creature has a freak sense of time and awareness recovery. Damn those Space Linens a thousand times. Do I make my self clear?"
    Clearly unable to hid completely  his dissatisfaction, he slowly nodded in obedience: " yes.... Me lord"
    *That damn creature stuff. He shall surely die like a stray pig after his mission, for - for what he be done to poor Eziekel* he thought in pure hatred, half his face screened by shadow.
    Momentarily pushing behind his wrath, he  Switched to his controlled accent of addressing his lord as he said:" me lord, I encountered two spys bolting their way, most probable reason to be in search of answers"
    "I'll assume you dealt with them.... In the right fashion?"
    " well, ahem me lord I went, mistakenly too aggressive on them".
    The voice, with a sigh cautioned: "Always put your desires in check, Botman. Your desire is second nature not first. Repeat no such handling next time.
    "Quite certain I won't me lord", he said with a pointless bow.
    Silence went on between them as the technician waited patiently for his master to relay his orders.
    "The spys of the liegua, were they of rayusers?"
    "Seems not me lord. The lighten insects were at least smart enough to tell that there be radiation detectors, hidden secretly all over the factory. It appears they be taking a different approach from their haphazard last time."
    "Ah, the factory. How goes your recent experiment on the bionic organisms. Enhanced or a complete failure. Which?"
    "But you see me lord it be not such issue because me research still be under progress. And I'm sure I be completing it before the next 4 years."
    "Is that so?"
    "Quite so. Rest assure me lord that the research on radier imbuement on the bionic organisms shall be fruitful"hd said with pride." But you see me lord, I'm afraid a great amount of radier is required to run a whole thousands of them. The present amount we have, well....."
    "Worry not, Botman. Your task is single and simple and that is to persist in the research. You can leave the resource provision to....
    "Ah! what a reunion. It seems either your sources as as keen as ever or the foolish technician is as foolish as ever." Mr Botman was quick to realise that he wasn't been addressed. He sensed: immediately he brought out his point shooter and swirlved backward, aiming at the outline of a shadowed figure.
    "Didn't your mother ever told you it's rude to aim an ignius-based point shooter without any intension of firing? Such a meanie you are." the figure said in part mockery, part amusement, "Unfortunately there'll be no need for any chaos to ensue. Drop the weapon Botman", the figure appeared to view from the side of the elapse shadowed wall. Mr Botman shocked to his bone couldn't phantom how the figure could sneek in without his knowledge or even have information about the occurance here. That leave only one option: *spys!*, Mr Botman thought in distain,*they be all the same. Any kind. I hate them all be it of the liegua or the heaven's establishment. Damn them all to hell."
    He was separated from the figure by the deep trench which circled the area round the tank.
    Mr Botman jaw hanged, with mouth agape. The captain. Yes, he revelled himself. He just couldn't process what happened: with a gentle pressure of boot on floor the captain was able to close the distance and space between them, twisting in the air as he crossed over the deep dark hole without a bridge.
    He landed neatly on his feet. With a thump.
    " My lord. I am yours to use as you see it fit" ,the captain said as he bent for a brief gentlemanly bow. The captain- tall and having a carved well sculptured face was clad in some form of black military uniform with a false round collar. Facing the radier imbuement tank less than a meter from the tecnician, the captain didn't utter a word for a while, probably didn't see the technician as worth his attention.
    The cybernitician, still shocked couldn't help but steal awkward side glances at the captain
    Things were already about to get interesting.
    " Dr Botman, after all these centuries, huh. You're a mess", the captain said not facing him. Captain Romnadi, the ultimate fissure lancer. Known to have skewered hundreds of rayfighter at his episode during the ancestor wars. Ah yes, the first man to have carried out forced radier imbuement. Something, went wrong, almost derived him insane due to the process. That feel of pure radier caused his body to be addicted. Injecting dosage after dosage of the luminous fluid. Yet, seems only one type of radier could probably give a stop to his ailment - the grand radier. The reason he still decided not to betray the lord.... That's if it's even possible to seize control from such a being.
    It appears the  freak of a sword master must have been made conscious from his cryogenic condenser before the technician - either that or somehow the captain managed not to sustain a fatal injury in the war. Upon the long period of time the cybernitician resided in the metal house after the ancestral war, he was really shocked that the identity of the captain whose management of the authority he disagreed with - is a former comrade of his. Initially, he assumed that the present authority might be the few survivors of the war who still believed could strike back at the liegua. But this... Why didn't the captain revealed his presence to the technician. Oh! That one's easy - simply, the captain didn't see it as worth the effort, as an unnecessary hazzle. But wait, does the lord knew of Romnadi's existence beforehand?
    Mr Botman unable to wrap his head around his arrival, shoved his point shooter in his labcoat pocket, crossed his arm and clicked his tongue silently. The captain didn't even noticed his dissatisfaction, maybe even forgotten althogeter that his former comrade is present in the compactment with him.
    After some moment of silence, the lord, an authoritative voice from the speaker finally barked:" okay. Enough with the little reunion. We have matter of utmost importance to discuss", the technician leaving beside his annoyance for everything, leaned forward on his console to listen. The captain by his side simply gazed at the forced radier imbuement tank by his right- with a cool but almost bored expression(facade). The meeting proceeded:
    "Captain? Brief me the statues of the drifter port. " The voice commanded. With a bow, and a quick side glance to Dr Botman as if not trusting his secrecy, he replied:,
    " My lord, the spaceports, kilometers from the boundary has been all rejuvinated. Just waiting for his All presence to command.", The captain with a polished air, gave another elegant bow.
    The cybernitician could not help but scoff within. * Sugar coating, eh?* He thought, * think he can easily derive special treatment from me lord, eh?. Good luck with that.*
    "And the drillers, their activities?", The voice boomed louder,
    "Why rest assured my lord. The drillers all function tiptop shape and are in good hand",
    "Is that so captain ?"
    "Quite so my lord. Also, two or six sub ignius ponds have been discovered. Thus, the factory need not worry about source of power", said the captain, swallowed in a black military uniform, with a stray lock of hair dangling by the side of his forehead. The voice, instead of barraging him with more question kept mute for a while then in a slow testing voice, the lord enquired NO.... distortions". Dr Botman hardly repressed a snigger at the captain, which the completely ignored still maintaining his outward appearance with ease. Fainting a worried tone, with palms on cheek, he replied: "Of course not my great lord, why I'm simply stating :
    " Tell me, captain Romnadi. How goes the general security of facilities and equipment.
    Are you implying that everything goes smoothly and there was the we've made tremendous improvement. I am quite aware of the spy problem.... and the bloody mess of a handling the foolish cybernitician left aside the corrid-"
    " Are you mocking me !" The cybernitician glared ferociously at the captain, his bionic arm mere inches from his labcoat pocket, threatening to pull out the point shooter
    " Isn't it glaringly obvious. Dummy.", The captain undisturbed by his unspoken threat said so almost teasingly."oh, and I bid you to not cross your league.... for your own sake of course" he added, even though he still wore his thin smile, danger sparked in his eyes. Mr bot man shuddered and retreated a step backwards.
    " ENOUGH!" The voice said," do not make squabble enemy among yourselves. We have a single target of conquest which is the lighten, and we mercilessly crush any foolish enough to step in my way. The linen and their treacherous Modem not exempted."
    The lots both nodded, as they were brought forth to order. The captain within his cool smile was a little shaken by the voice. He had a little suspecion that his lord isn't as vulnerable as he appears to be from the tank. Yes, that's it: overall system connection. No wonder using advanced radier hearing, he felt as though his presence was been monitored all around. *This lord of mine,* the captain thought,* what sort of being has he become... Or is he still becoming. A god perhaps?*
    " Now, resume your highlights captain", the voice barked. The technician kept glancing cautiously at the capain before retrieving his place at the console.
    " Yes..... my lord." The captain answered with another gentleman bow."As I was saying, the drifters are quite ready for the show. Packed with effective armaments, Higher momentum capability and varieties of harsh condition innovation and adaptability. All that's left for the radar scientist is nothing more than to type in the coordinate path for lunching... At your command of course."
    " Hmm... I see. Sector x Botman", the voice called
    " Yes me lord?"
    " These drifter, everything; whether the melee weapons or farshot weapons....   Make them all radier cored.
    " Me lord!" The technician gasped. Even the captain eyes widened momentarily. They both knew that such change will be like the restart of an entire project. An infeasible project considering the resources- luminous fluid, required. But, what if .....
    " sectorx Botman, the condensers of the recent few condemned to their fate. How much time did the geneticist predicted is left before the acclimatizaion of foreign mixed radier transfer is completed?"
    "N-not so long be waiting me lord. Geneticist Hidan and Lore suggested a year and a half of patience before radier transfer and acclimatizaion is completed." The technician replied with some nervousness( secretly estacy). He took out a projector tab from a drawer at the operating console table, which he perched on the desk. 3d translucent film image boomed outward above their head from the tab, showing the image of the spherical radier molecules. The energetic molecules moved about randomly like sperm cells, interacting with the dna of an unknown animal organism with lots of interchanges taking place between structures in the helixes causing new codes of the nucleotides to be formed - artificial Gene programming via radier intervention. Their sole purpose of the whole blueprint - The Noma creation.
    These Nomas are artificial ( scientist found a way to cause Gene alteration at organism level of development instead of the cellular/zygote level. Such mutation is mainly targeted at every cell of the individual during normal somatic cell division. Thus, the new cell formed exibit these strange properties.
    Dr Botman after viewing the illusion above turned to the tank. Almost fallen eyes, and a raised imaginary brow:
    " But me lord, me humble brain still get not how the Noma creation project, will supply more radier. Is it not be the Reverse case me lor-",
    "Oh right! Almost forgot there your very disgusting body is rotting rapidly", the captain interrupted, feinting surprise.He then flashed a smirk towards the technician " ah, maybe your brain is rotting as well to not grasp my Lord's strategy".
    This time the Dr. Botman replied not. Instead his fist quivered in red hatred. Very callous intentions raced about in his mind- though even he is aware that most might not be implemented. The captain faced the technician, totally ignoring his growing temper as he dived into explanation:
    " You will understand that when my lord speaks about the nomas, he viewed them for use as soldiers. . Which is the whole point of the project, definitely so," the captain paused putting a hand to his smooth lips, assuming a calculating posture," finding the probability of a noma bested by an average melee rayfighter insect, I would say.... roughly, let's see... 20th of a percent."
    "So? What about it 'captain', how be that supply more radier ", the technician scoffed.
    "Therefore sending the nomas via a smuggle drifter purchased from the Linens along with a preservation tank will surely go a long way to bringing home lots of bodies", the captain went onward, choosing not to notice the technician's taunting," other words more radier supply vessels. The first plan for the nomas is to serve the bait function, to draw in more and more of the liegua insects, which they will be slayed and their bodies used for the production. With over a thousand of these rayfighters, surely this would suffice for bountiful resources."the captain paused, with a cool smirk growing wider," a gold dig will be getting our hands on the special class rayfighter - The radier freaks of nature" the captain closed his eyes and giggled silently, amused at his ingeniousness
    " Purple... Purple....... star", the voice mumbled
    " Yes, me lord?
    " My lord?" They both screwed their heads to the speaker.
    "The.... The scientist .......  Pride", static attacked the speaker rendering them unable to comprehend what their lord is trying to relay.
    Both the lots stood, unable to do anything. Mr Botman dived into a feat of typing commands and permissions seeing lots of complex figures roam the monitor in rows.  The static from the speaker worsened, giving out jumbles of noise and meaningless sounds. Dr Botman, after a while, gently slipped his fingers from the keyboard in silent resignation. * Yep* , Mr Botman thought,* for now that be the limits of me Lord's pseudo-awareness. Nothing more we can do but await till he give signal*. He sighed.
    Before the communication from the speaker died out, only one word came as a screech: "pur-ple... s-star!".
    Silence once again creeped into the atmosphere as the signal from their lord died out. The lots stood afix for some seconds hoping in vain for some kind of miracle from the speaker. Seeing none, the captain said:
    " Well, the lord has commanded his wishes anyways. Let's get to work.....  'Fellow comrade'". This drew Dr. Botmans attention. He jumped. The captain, some footsteps from him had a shadow formed at his eye and a mysterious grin etched on his face as he looked upon the cybernitician by the corner of his eye.
    " M-my humble self s-sees fault in your loyalty to the lord. I'll definately-",
    " Oh Botman, old man botman. Fear not, for all is well and fairly stable....  at least for now", the captain said, his face hardly reassuring any comfort as a slyness came to his grin, " let's get to work  'old friend'. Time draws near.", With that he left the technician all alone, with a light but powerful leap into the air, landing at the other side near the entrance. His movement was majestic as though he could perfectly manipulate his weight. The captain slammed his foot at the slide door resulting to its wreakage as it hurled through the corridor.
    With a blown kiss via gloved hands, the captain took his leave, black cape trailing behind him.
    A sweat trickled down the cybernitician forehead. * That be too close* he thought. *My poor humble self could tell he would have done stuff to me if it wasn't for the Lord's ultra-awareness.*.

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