chapter 2 : Subpart 2

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" Hey! can't - you - hear - me!", ment. Ai Nara called out at the sleeping student, trying to suppress his growing annoyance - but the slumbering student didn't even budge at all, instead his snore became Louder with the student's mouth wide open like a hippo. Spittle dripped from the side of his mouth. Unable to accommodate the disturbance to his lecture any longer, the lecture placed the volumptous book with the title; 'WORLD HISTORY AND MYTHOLOGIES" underneath his arm, strolling towards the student- his spectacles caught in the glare of the sunlight.
    The mentor halted by the student's desk and with a drawn finger poke the fellow violently a his sleeping head. Even though the fellows sleeping head rocked from side to side, he still didn't awoke - rather the lecturer was rewarded by an uncomfortable sound coming from the students throat similar to a gurgle which exited his mouth forcefully in the form of spittle and mucus, splattering unto the instructors face and spectacle, the student after giving out the hindrance in his throat snuggled comfortably on his desk, resuming his slumber-
    There was a general gasp in classroom,  girls perching a hand to their mouth, some to their cheeks. most of the male student in the class tightened their lips, reinforcing their palms to suppress a hard laughter that might cost them afterwards.  Shavan meekly blinked with an unimpressed look and dipped his attention back into his notes, ignoring the exchange.
    It seems as though the adiabatic temperature of the room suddenly spiked up, the source being the lecturer. His face became red, really red, his body shivering and little cracks became visible on his spectacle. The students traded uncertain looks with one another, their estacy subdued and replaced by the need to remain in safezone.
    A shadow disclosed the lecturer's feature making it indistinct. Nodding severally but slow, then more vigorous, he winged out the volumptous book lodged near his pit. and with both hands he raised the book high and probably nearing the speed of sound, swung it downwards, hard. Very hard.
    The book striked home. Creating a 'thung' sound that echoed across the classroom vibrating the glass window.
    *Yep. That seems to have done it*, shavan noted by the corner of his eyes as he revised his notes.
    The student who named himself as Brodessi Aodi jumbled up from his slumber with a startled grin and wild expression etched upon his countwnance-
    "W-what, what? did I score the goal!? Did the chick accept my propusal!? I'm dying here- yaaaaaaaaaa... !" he said, looking to and fro with bloodshot eyes, as though looking for confirmation from the other students. Instead, a burst of laughter erupted all around and rung about the class as the student thrashed at their desk and chair. Indeed, the class clown brought with him from dreamland the usual jest.
    One look at the mentor was more than enough to shut him up. Brodessi cowered under his red devil gaze. He immediately regained his sanity and sanctity as the lad began laughing awkwardly:
    "Ehe-he- he, you see dearest mentor I was - uhm - quite tired so I had to - uhm - wing down a little for a short na-"
    " You foolish lazy student! Do you really think I came all the way from the staff room to lecture a non-committal nocturnal student?", ment. Ai asked, his  boiling point clearing towering to a hundred.
    " Geez, the staff room isn't even that far", Brodessi mumbled under breath. The instructor rained down more berating:
    " Do you think I stand here relaying gibberish, that you can't even give attention for one damn, fucki- er, sorry", he stopped momentarily, mumbling guilt and forgiveness silently before picking up storm once more:
    " Do you really, REALLY think my teachings are something you could just throw away like it's excreta, eh? eh?" He loomed down over the sweating Brodessi, who cowered even further away with uptilt chair threatening send him crashing to the floor. The mentor slammed the book on Aodi's desks, fists below waist and brought his terrifying face closer to the boy as the nagging continued nonstop.
    Further away, from the student-teacher exchange - there she sat, two rows apart at the front of the classroom; the heavenly maiden as she was termed by the other students - Alvina Illumo, a member of the prestigious Illumo Raylineage.  she layed just three seats separated from Shavan.
    With a graceful and reserved air she screwed her head body a little backwards, maybe just noticing the commotion by the instructor. Shavan noticed her presence for the first and glared silently with narrowed eyes
    " Pardon my intrusion into your.... affair mentor Ai, but do you mind restating the last sentence. I'm afraid I didn't take it down", Alvina said. Wavy Hair hanging loosely down her frail shoulder, shimmering chestnut pink - the signature hair if the Illumo clan. Her skin, pale and radiant with a hint of lemon, stood out from the rest of the student with olive or dull white complexion. And her nose slim and uptilted complemented her slightly raised chin. Right there from Shavan view she appared like a beautifully crafted portrait... But-
    It seem her general appearance had the opposite effect on him unlike the other students that gaze profoundly at her person, some with jealousy and administration, others mainly the males with lust written all over their faces.
    *Tsk.. wretched, conceited doll. Flow Rayusers, there all the same*, shavan thought, evil intentions circulating his mind. He lazily rolled his pen by his palm, violet pupils seething ( flashing) displeasure.
    The mentor hearing Alvina immediately dropped all annoyance and strode to throw her his full attention. Shavan scowled.
    " Oh my dear Miss Illumo, ah I didn't notice you there. Off course here is the last sentence I dictated", the instructor retrieved his ginormous book, flipped through numerous pages, then finally dropped it at her desk,
    " Quite sorry for the inconveniences", the instructor stuttered, scratching his balding head
    " No offense made mentor", Alvina simply said, totally ignoring the instructors uncomfiti. He stood eagerly by her side as if waiting for a bribe, almost forgetting the class is still in session.
    After done jotting from the tiny print book, the instructor withdrew it.
    "Ok now, settle down", the instructor barked, facing the whole students.the sound of shifting desks and chair followed next.The instructor paced through lots of pages before finally halting at the middle
    " Alright, all of you to page 435. Make it quick", sitting towards the end of the class, Shavan weeped out a book of similar nature to that of the instructor - Eerie pupils gliding through flowing pages until he stopped at the required:
    Shavan raised an eyebrow, then looked up at the mentor. The man had a mysterious air about him as the mentors spectacles were caught in a glare, facing down at the book he cradle in his arms.
    Shavan narrowed his eyes, staring at Ment. Ai intently and with suspicion:
    *Wonder why the balding man decided to revise the 18th chapter, of all pages.*, He thought,* seems he's taken a preference to it, hasn't he? Hm... now that you talk about it, he gives references in his previous classes to this same chapter. Wonder what he's trying to achieve here. Let's hear him out, shall we?. Even my eyes have limits-*,
    "I'm quite aware you find my lessons to be 'tiring' and 'tedious' as some of you...", his body vibrated a little, seemingly like he's having issues uttering a particular word( or words!) but instead the instructor settled for something less emotionally damaging.His body resigned to a calm state:
    "... that some of you..... interesting students reported secretly to the principal", a forced smile strained on his lips, his eyes turning bloodshot. The other students shrinked back in fear. Shavan simply hid behind his erect left arm propped up on the desk. He wore an impassive contenance as the teen tap his fingers at the desk impatiently awaiting the sound of the bell.
    After few seconds, ment. Ai Nara for the time being swallowed his grudge. Letting out a deep breath, he buried his attention once more Into the book he held:
    "Even though my tutoring style might be 'unsatisfactory', I still bid you all to get the significant out of my lessons especially...The Great Catastrophe",
    * Wha-!?*, Shavan could have sworn that the mentor just glanced his way - no, glanced and smirked his way. However, using the genetic prowess inherited via his Raylineage;hyper sensitivity, he didn't sense any malice in his gaze.... but it's still unsettling due to the fact that maintaining a low profile both socially and in physical appearance- though off course that itself bears jts demerit of being capsuled in a shell, isolated from the rest of the world.
    That's why just a meagre interaction with classmates, giving favors with invisible strings attached and some few nod greeting here and there could be beneficial - you never know what might occur - you never know when you might be in need or who you might need, so best to prepare your 'multi- insurance empire'. He isn't so delusional as to believe he can get by in life without the aid of no one to carry on, regardless of the subconscious repugnance he bear towards human nature - it's ugly side-
    So then how is it possible for the mentor's gaze to handpick him from the other students, for someone of his nature who camulflage amidst the crowd without hazzle, maybe he's been trying too hard to stay unnoticed, so that itself might have back fired.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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