prologue part 3

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At the other less chaotic side of the large field, in a placed obstructed all around by the Designation forest which spanned a great deal, almost without end - a large waterfall stood between them. Little mist trailing in the air among and above the trees. The raging and coursing sound of 'wild water drained other noises - it's presence domineering. The two figures both stood at the feet of the falling water that slide down the stomach of a mountain. Vegetation embedded the whole area of land, the mountains not exempted with only the great sprinkling waterfall standing out - the only existence not muffled by the green. Even though it's noise raged in the air, the atmosphere seemed strangely quiet, as though the noise wasn't enough to drown out the tension of silence that germinated and spread outward from the wide clearing around the waterfall.

" Don't you have something..... anything to say" ,Shavan asked( his eye sharper). Though he said so in a forcefully controlled tone of voice, what he felt inside him was strong emotion.
" I'm under no obligation to account to anyone on my decision , not even you."

" Just why, why ! did you choose to abandon your comrades for the sake of some goal. Are you saying all that memory we shared together are just, justa slide show " he yelled in anger and frustration, unable to maintain his emotional boundaries.

" Exactly so."he retorted, causing a shudder from Shavan. "you've changed quite a lot, Shavan. I wonder what happened to the once untrusting prrson, who is contented partaking in situations from the sidelines... being passive. You see Shavan, over the time of our stay I've realized quite a lot, Shavi . And if its one thing I've discovered is that all these connection are simply temporary, bound to disappear sooner or later. we're in a position, a line of work were the physical situation's being more imperative rather than the social. Sure Ment. Nadi might say whatever he wishes about forming strong connections with comrades, but see, I view such idea as a hindrance. I mean, just look at the bigger picture for a moment, see, the vast of what we chained dogs do have an apex aim of survival. Just why do you think you form bond with people who you'd rather not associate with? just why do you think the liege so desperately desire the scientist pride to such a level that he would risk his troopers with out a second glance?
boy I tell you, it's all survival, all Darwinism of a more sophisticated level for this present day humans. so as you can see, I too am commiting myself to survival-"
"by stabbing your mates in the back! Tell me what's so special surviving in a place where you have no one who you could count on, no one to have your back,tell me!? you might think that you're perfectly self-sufficient but these are just delusions of people who can give a second thought for why humans form groups in the first place - to suffice for the blind spot a single individual may possess and he in turn will do the same for another of his group, to create a form of cyclic structure, a impenetrable barrier where no weak spot is apparent to view by outsiders. Damn you, you delusional scoundrel!", for some reason Blasmus didn't seem offences by his insults, but rather said calmly:
" I never said I'll be alone. I have the rightful side where I belong... that is off course the ore of the Metalcrust. They give better deals. If it isn't the bond then the people with whom the bonding occur shall share similar fate ... sooner or later. Forming bonds isn't a problem for my person but rather forming unbreakable ties, ties which won't give way for any unforeseen situation, now that's were we might not get along.Survival is my number one priority, so why not free myself of all that shit ' cause guess what? they're just holding me back."

Shavan took a step forward wanting to storm at him, just less than a feet from the flowing river that separated the fellows but decided against it . A shadow formed at his eyes as he bit down on his lips and clench his fist. Shaking .

"Wow, you're not usually one to lose your cool " he said almost uninterested.

Ignoring his taunting Shavan replied: " our friends-"

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