Chapter 2: subpart1

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With a wall of red bricks surrounding the space of air, taken up by rows of metal-foam desks and chairs occupying hung head students. Two projector boards upon which virtual writings and equations of radioactivity and some dates in history were scribbled atop, hung facing the students. The instructor, a man of slim statues in black suit, having a balding grey hair, a stubble, with spectacles, steadily roamed about the rows of seated students. With a volumptous book on one hand and the other residing in right side pocket, he read the book at a mercilessly fast pace to the tired students, scribbling notes hardly able to keep up with the instructor - their arms begging for rest. Yep Mentor Ai Nara, one of the few instructors in the school, who still acts professional at his job for it's own sake rather than the students. The day he cackles a joke or even strain a smile might probably be a dream, either that or the apocalypse of the earth.
Yes, his dream...
Shavan, amidst the panting students, with fist tucked below chin and half- lidded eyes scribbled at an unusually fast but cool pace. He sat hardly paying any attention to the instructors 'sayings' but still persistently kept up.

It didn't seem much of a surprise to his person as he was partly able to decipher what the mentors next sentence will be. Partly due to the reason of studying beforehand and also partly as a result of his genetically-gifted prowess.... his ray lineage. However, instead of engrossing himself on his writing, with sharp bewitching violet pupils, almost sparking an eerie glow- he stared point first at the instructors who by the way didn't noticed his gaze, almost a glare - as the history mentor kept chattering nonstop about one happening or two. To be more accurate, Shavan not only took in the instructor's physical features but also observed and followed his movement with gliding eyeballs, the mentor patrolling amidst the seated students; creased forehead and absentminded.

He could distinctively mark it all - his body gestures, the slow but uneven breathing rate, fingers thrumming gently by the book's side - off course not that he's a creep, neither is he interested in bodily gestures to that extent. honestly at this point he couldn't careless about anything not worth caring for; but rather, sometimes he just couldn't help but observe- you call it a curse for one who wishes to associate less with the external world and be more embedded, more secure in his internal metaphysical presence. He preferred to awake in the morn daily to view himself in the mirror rather than sight the world - humans true wretched, twisted and contradictory nature for what it is.... makes quite some sense it seems.

He dropped his pen from grip, inhaled a handful of air, letting it gush outward as he relived the stress of his back on the chair, crossing his arms.* There, I'm done.* He thought with a not so impressed if not doubtful look, exchanging glances between his jotted notes and the other students around him who kept on with their notes with sweat trickling down their faces. Almost taking him off guard, as he arched his neck to the right to complete the rotation- a crumpled paper flew straight at him and dabbed him gently at the cheek before retreating to the floor.

Raising his head, Shavan sighted the thrower seated three desks from his side - a small dimpled smile met his raised brow, * oh, just hazy acquaintance. What does he wants from me I wonder?* Shavan thought, his glaring eyes reflecting his displeasure on disturbance of his tranquility. He was just about to steal his gaze away( thought of ignoring his 'friend'), when the blond haired boy gestured silently at the window, which shavan reluctantly followed with his eyes.

* Tsk!* Shavan hissed internally.. *So, the idiot liegua messengers have finally arrived , huh? about time, those fools*, shavan thought, silently clicking his tongue a titbit from loud. The fellow glanced to his side once more to see his 'friend' wearing equal contenance of displeasure except that he's had a touch of sadness to it. Shavan stared back at the window, beyond the window, where a flowing breeze tickled at the long carpet of Lucius green grassland sprawled all around, insects roaming about either in air or wet earth. The air carried the pleasant scent of rain and soft earth intermingling with a sweet, sickling scent -

Yes. Across a flowing stream of water, situated some meters from the glass-plated school building - on a small hill stood two members of the liegua administration. Shavan sighted the lads, the males, both clad in navy blue Tang suits signifying their low statues as a messanger- their long sleeves were loose and flailing in the gentle wind and a sigil, the sigil of the liegua; a tigers head with stripes of bright multicolour, it's mouth wide open and some form of pale light gave way. The sigils were emblazoned at their center chest and constitute of silver alloy.

There, the two officials took shade in the swaying blooms of a large Sakura tree. Numerous petals rained lightly from the tree soaring over them dispersing spots of a pink colour, some lodging at their balding hair and suits.

*would have been quite a nice day, if the idiots hadn't showed their outdated faces*, shavan thought, as a shadow formed over his eyes.* Though, I suppose that would have made my other days be like hell*.

Shavan whisk his stare from the glass window down to his 'friend'. It was a subtle sign he sent to the the dimple boy; rapidly sliding his pupils to and fro from the left edge of his eyes, doing the same to his head, his lips becoming a hard thin line. His 'friend' flashed another dimpled smile signalling his understanding as he absorbed himself with the ongoing lecture once again.

The instructor kept on 'chattering' as shavan calls it seemingly without end. Either the middle aged man didn't noticed their diviation from class or chooses not to let it bother him The mentor even passed by shavan, not noticing his lack of jotting, with words from the book he held reflecting on the mentors spectacles.

Glancing once more, beyond the window, he noticed that the two officials slapped a handshake with discussion turning a little vigorous. From afar at shavan's position in classroom, it might seem as though a serious issues was been addressed - but the boy knew better. Squinting his eyes, it appears his suspicion was validated.

They, officials and messangers of the greatest military force that shield the light earthin, a force that would have almost stand on equal footing as the current political administration; the leached dogs of the light earthin -

Shavans eyes widened and twittered, his palm on the desk clenched tightly into a fist. Just what the hell. He knew the lord liege looked down upon the 'less significants' only even letting them free pass into the liegua force just to appease the mass... but this-

At his view from the window, the two men... laughed and messed around without restrain. They stooped there blabbering silly jokes some of them not appropriate for younger ears such as his. The official to the right even giving a well detailed handsign description of a particular 'something' he did to a lady on his way here and the other hearing him out in estacy and anticipation. That was the last straw. He's studied and trained like someone in the oven of hell, many sleepless nights, drained himself till radier debt, earned permanent scars from ugly bruises and deep wounds at the length of his arm..... especially-

Shavan favoured his chest with a shaking fist, therein lies a deep x-scar continuing down from below the collar of the white shirt of his school uniform. *Damn those wretched liegua creatures! Sure, they protect us..... * shavan bit on his lips, * but hell, It doesn't give them the right to treat us like garbage. I swear if I ever get the chance to kill the Liege I'll surely Chuck my knife into his synthetic body over and over and over and ...

" You there!", Shavan got interrupted from his venomous ruminations as the angry voice of the instructor reverberating across the class block. Shavan, a little startled tilted his head up assuming he's been called, but got it wrong.

Diagonally, some few desks from where he resided, the disturbing noise of a snoring student took away the attention of the entire class.

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