The confessing tree

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This story was my first and ended up slightly AU, but the following are Poyraz « Master of brood » and Haziran « Amazon » Sedefli POV during the most poignant scenes of each episode, IMO. Or just me filling the gaps when I feel something's missing... Enjoy!

How could he allow himself to fall so fast? Hadn't he learned the lesson about the dangers of love early enough?

"Poyraz Ali Özgür... I wish you never have to ask for forgiveness in your life. I will not let you hurt me anymore. I don't deserve to be treated this way, and if you can't see that, I am the one who never wants to see you again" she had said, after another shouting match where once again he humiliated her, in front of the hotel guests, and worse, in front of Idil.

Staring at her face, he had immersed himself into her turquoise eyes, feeling them penetrate his soul. It was almost physical. Even when they were at odds, so far apart, he felt seen by her, deeply into his soul.
Maybe that's why he felt like everything inside him was falling apart whenever he looked at her. Before she burst  into his life, he had taken so much care in surrounding himself with controlled interactions. His life was simple, sensible and satisfying. He had caring friends, a loving grandmother, and his island. But she had shattered his defensive world, convinced him that perhaps the most beautiful thing in a life that kept sending unfair trials his way was to take a leap of faith... but once again he had been badly burnt. He should have known better.

Her eyes. Her stare looking deep into him. The pain and the despair. The iron behind it. Was he being unfair to her...?
If he was to honestly reflect on their time together... No, he could not risk opening that door, too many shadows were dancing behind it. He shut it down definitely after his father's death, the moment he realized his mother would never return.

Still, he was by her window, peeking into her room. It was dark inside. Her bed was tightly made. Where was she? It was already late. She wasn't at the hotel. Biricik was with Alper, so she wasn't at her house either.

He knocked at her door, feeling a somber pit growing in his stomach. Has she left for real? Without seeing him again? That was what he wanted, wasn't it?
Don't be stupid, Poyraz. She couldn't leave the island in the middle of the night, even if she wanted to.

Well then, where was she?
Something felt wrong. He had to know.
He pushed on the door handle and found it open. Everything looked in order inside, but the power was out again. He instinctively thought that he should be back with his toolbox to fix it, before chiding himself, irritated "Bana ne?"
He picked up the flashlight on the shelf and put it on to look around. It wasn't even a real flashlight! What was he supposed to see with this silly city-girl toy, he mumbled, turning towards the tree on the wall. And then he froze, stunned. He read lie after lie in the painted tree branches, the secret confession of all that had broken his heart and turned his world upside down days before, eventually stopping at the one crossed-out sentence. His heart wavered. Wasn't it another lie?

"Poyraz Ali Özgür... I wish you never have to ask for forgiveness in your life."

He had to find her.

Ada Masali - One shotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin