Chapter Three

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Sundays and Mondays are always my days off, which I am thankful for. I took Azula to my parent's house for the day on Monday to go swimming. It was hot and Azula loves the water. I call her my little fish for a reason.

I changed her into her swimsuit, lathered her up with sunblock and put her floaty on, before she could eescape me in the yard. She knows not to go near the pool without an adult, but I am always worried. I shimmmied out of my shorts, then headed to the pool. Azula took my head and I carried her into the pool. "Sim. Sim." She chanted ass her toes hit the water.

"Okay, you can swim with momma." I told her letting her go. She floated, and then began kicking her legs and arms as she treaded water. Seeing her swim, you wouldn't know she was only not two yet, but I taught her young in order to be safe with the pool around.

"Look at her go!" my mom called from the kitchen window. "She's like a mermaid." Azula beamed as she reached my arm and held tight.

"Gam, Gam!" Azula called waving at the house. We climbed out of the pool, and wrapped up in a towel. Azula tried to run to my mom, but fell scrapping up her knees.

I scooped her up to comfort her. Inside we cleaned it up and put a band-aid a quick kiss. "All better." I told her as she smiled at me.

My mom came over with a popsicle. "Such a brave girl deserves a treat." Azula took the popsicle happily and went to the living room to see my dad.

"Hey little angel." he said picking her up onto his lap. "Are you going to share with papa?" she turned and pointed to my mom causing ua all to laugh.

"That girl is so smart." My mom replied. "I can't believe she going to be two next week."

"Time flies."

"Are you ever going to reveal who her daddy is?" my mom pushed. "A girl needs her daddy, Karin."

"Mom, please, don't start. I made my decision for a reason, and I'm not going to change my mind."

"I just hate the reputation you have now. No guy is going to want to be with a girl with such a bad reputation." My mom has always been worried about what other people think.

"Momma, please. If a guy wanted to be with, he would come to me for the truth not listen to the town gossip. I told you and daddy before, I do know who it is, but I don't want to say. He broke my heart, and chose to cut me out of his life, so he doesn't deserve to know about her. Besides, I'm not looking for a man. My daughter is enough for." I explained. I peeked into the living room where Azula was sound asleep on my dad's lap. "Why are you bring this up again?"

"It's been two years Azula; you could at least tell us." My mom was stubborn.

"Why so when someone is talking about it, you can tell them all and by the end of the night the whole town will know? Momma, I love you, but you are the worst when it comes the gossip and drama." I respond shaking my head.

"Karin Uzumaki. I have no idea what you are talking about." My mom huffed. "It's not nice to talk like that to me."

"Oh, come off it, Su! You know she's right." My dad called from the other room. "You just can't stand the talks at the heir salon. I told you to tell Mikoto to mind her own damn business. Our angel is perfect, no one needs to know who her daddy is. Karin will find a nice man in time that Azula will call daddy, no need to worry about who her donor was."

I was pleased to see my dad finally came around to see things my way. As for Mikoto Uchiha gossiping about me, it was laughable. If only she knew the truth, I smiled to myself at that thought.

I got pregnant around my 19th birthday, and Sasuke was 20. We were each other off and on for almost 3 years, but he asked to keep it quiet. I obliged because I didn't really see the need to tell anyone my personal life anyways, so when I found out I was pregnant, I kept it quiet for as long as I could. Ino was the first person I told, because I needed support and my best friend has always had my back.

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