A/N and Apology

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Heyo potato.

I was sick, then I got better, then my brother got sick, then he got better, and now I'M SICK. Currently I am in bed, coughing up a storm beside a garbage can filled with tissues.

Sucks, I know.

That's pretty much the reason I haven't been writing, not that any of you mortals care. BTW I just sneezed. ALL OVER MY FREAKING iPAD MINI SCREEN. DAMN.

And I have writer's block, which, in my opinion, is worse than any cold or flu.

The grass in my backyard is now partly green and I am freaking mad. I had spring and summer and sunlight and happy things.

That's it.

Please pray for a girl at my school who ran away from home. Thank you and God bless. (Wow. That religious side of me hasn't submerged in forever. I've pretty much considered myself an Agnostic.)

Goodbye, cough cough.


Tootles, potatoes!
SINCERELY YOURS, (not really)
AmbrosiaRose xD

RevengeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz