Chapter 1

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I felt like a vampire.

I made this inhuman noise that was like a scream, hiss, yell, and sneeze. At the same time. Plus some blood came up.

"Shut the hell up," said a very rude sounding voice. I would've retorted something nasty, but I felt like crap and was so freaking hungry that I could've eaten crap. No. That's exaggerating. I wouldn't eat crap. That's just nasty.

I groaned and cough simultaneously.

"What did I just say?"

He smelled rather familiar. Is that weird?

I groaned again.

"Listen, tomato, you're messed up. You're with the wrong kinds of people, tomato. Now look what you've got yourself into."

Tomato? That's new.

"If your horrid friends don't listen, you're getting a bullet lodged right in that brain of yours. And you'll never see Ethan or Philippe again."

I squinted, still feeling like a vampire. Wasn't Ethan that . . . ohhhh yeah! I remembered it all nicely. How he called me Red. I wanted to go back and eat waffles with him and drink coffee and snuggle and -

"Look me in the eye, tomato."

Still with the tomato thing? Dude, that's just old.

I looked up at him, my eyes burning. WHY IS EVERYTHING SO BRIGHT?

"Poor Philippe," he muttered, pacing in front of me. "Accused of something he didn't do."

'Scuse me? Wut?

"Oh, you didn't know? Such a shame."

I watched the masked man, who is caressing a shiny gun. I liked shiny things. They were so shiny. These drugs were interesting. Everything looked shiny. Everything.

"If only your sweet fiancé didn't get sentenced for life." He laughed bitterly. "An innocent man with a life sentence."

Philippe? Ohhhh yeah! I knew that guy!

"And Ethan, who is just as innocent, and is missing his little Red Riding Hood with the ohm tattoo on her lower back."

I had an ohm tattoo on my lower back! Woah!

"Sweet tomato, you don't know what Boss has in store for you."

Isn't that Philippe guy Boss? Woah! But he's in jail! Double woah! Woah woah! Ohhhh yeah! I bet this guy's Boss! Woah! Everything was so shiny! Even my foot was shiny! Woooaaahhhh!

"Listen to me!" Boss snapped his fingers in my face.

Woah! This guy's eyeballs were shiny too!

"Once Cecily comes around, we'll start the rounds." He cleared his throat.

Woah! That's like a magical noise! AHEM!

I thought it was amazing and I tried it myself. It came out raspier than I imagined it would. "AHHHHHHEMMMMMMMMMM!"

Boss stared at me. I bet he was so amazing at my magical noise. His shiny eyeballs were darting all around super speedy. He was all like, "Woah!"

"I'm done." He walked out.

Man, he was so amazed that he had to leave because he was just so amazed.




So. This is chapter 2.

Whaddya think?

She's all drugged up, if you haven't noticed. That's why she's all like "WOAH!"

I'm sorry for not posting sooner. Will you FORGIVE and FORGET? Then we can make friendship bracelets and gossip all night (The Office reference).

Bye, tato.


****PS Final exams are approaching, including the End of Course Exam (for Algebra students only - so that means me ._.). I won't be posting much until the end of May. And band camp is for nearly the entire month of July. After school practice for marching band is three days a week in August. Whew. Not much posting, so I'll get as much as I can in before July :P tank you, tatoes<3****

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