Chapter 6

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Your mind is something to be explored,
full of ideas that can't be ignored.
Your mind can be dull, your mind can be plain,
but no one's mind is exactly the same.
People's minds can be colorful and bright,
but your mind can also fill you with fright.
Overthinking can sometimes be good,
but so can be standing where the devil once stood.

Tyler was a vivid guy. He was one of the "popular" kids throughout high school. His pride took a turn for the worse once he entered college. Because of his pride, he became a monster.

He had brilliant ideas.

We became fast friends. We thought alike, except for his ideas were more on the extreme side. First, it was TPing people's yards. Then it was crashing parties. After those came kidnapping people (for "fun", he said).

Everything came crashing down after Sammi had Talia a few years back. Tyler went into a fit of rage.

It all happened so fast.


"Erik hasn't returned. His wife is deeply worried. We need to send out search parties ASAP, pronto."

"Where was he last seen?"

"How am I supposed to do? I don't even work here!"

"Do research. Drive around town. DO SOMETHING, LACKEY!"

"Yes, sir. Right away."

I sat up in the cot, my head pounding. No bullet wound; no blood. I was alive! It couldn't have been just a dream. It was too real.

"Erik?" I stammered, looking around.

"Top of the morning, crook," a guard sarcastically greeted me.

I frowned. "I know where Erik is."

"You're nothing more than a jailbird," he said. "You haven't been out of the cell in eight months."

"And I've only got three years to go." I snorted. "Just listen to me. Go to the old mansion. That one that's abandoned? Yeah. Go there."

"If this is some wild goose chase -"

"I'm not going to escape. I'm being honest. Look around there. My girlfriend - erm, my friend went missing a few days ago, I think. Please, listen to me."

"We will," he said. "Escape, and you see what happens, boy."

I nodded. "Don't go alone."

"You're crazy." He shook his head. "But we'll go look."


What seemed like an eternity later, the policemen/guards returned. They looked furious.

"There's not a sign of anyone," hissed the guard who spoke to me earlier. "What the hell is wrong with you? You're delusional."

"I swear to God," I said angrily. "There's something going on there."

"I swear to God," he related. "You're hearing things that aren't really -"

"Officer Lloyd! Get your ass out here!" a gruff voice hollered.

The guard swung around. "Sir?"

"They've found Emerson!"

"Erik, sir?"

"Who else?"

"At the mansion?" Officer Lloyd replied.

"In the mansion's basement. He's been dead for a day or so."

"Yes, sir."

I blinked. "Find anything else?"

"Did you find anything else, sir?"

"We didn't snoop much, but we found a few guns lying around."

"Any humans?" I asked.

"Did you find any humans?" Officer Lloyd said.

"Other than Emerson, no. But again, we did not search the house."

"Thank you, sir. Are you going to inspect it further?"

"Is this Twenty-Q, Officer? Come talk to me face-to-face, rather than hollering like a effing redneck."

"Yes, sir." He looked at me. "See you later, boy."

I nodded. He walked away.

I needed to get to that mansion before it was too late.

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