Chapter 11

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Ethan moved in with me. I gave Philippe's things away, even though it hurt.

I sent the engagement ring to the girl who Philippe was having an affair with, along with a nice little note.

Dear Ms. Don (Hannah),

This is someone who was so close to you that we were just like family. But you've probably never met me, nor seen me, nor heard of me. So, I bet you're wondering, how do I know YOU?

Well, for starters, we both are (hmm, were) very close to Philippe Chan. He is Singaporean. I was so close, in fact, that we slept in the same bed, lived in the same house, and shopped together. I even wore his ring and held his hand, and kissed him. Isn't that just crazy?

Back to the initial question, how do I know you?

You and Philippe (or Phil, as I called him) had a secret little romance, now, didn't you? Was it fun, running around at night and meeting at hotels on the weekends? Let me tell you, you must've been a good one. Phil came home miraculously first thing on every Monday morning. And because of you, he got to take off time from WORK that paid off BILLS. And because of THAT, we were in DEBT. That wasn't what you intended when you met him at the bar two years ago, was it?

Oh, I knew. I knew all about you.

"Who is that girl?" I'd ask when I would see your contact in his phone.

"My cousin," would be his reply.

"How come I've never met her?" I'd ask.

"She lives far away," he'd say.

Likely excuse.

How come there was lipstick on Philippe's cheek when he came home one morning?

He claimed he had NO IDEA.

I hope you're happy with him. Because you totally deserve that lying, filthy ass of a man.

Oh, and enjoy that ring! It was once on my finger, but I'm pretty sure it was meant for you.

Have a fabulous day.

Much love,
Misty Tora
(who recently became engaged to someone who almost died for me, unlike you getting engaged to someone who planned my murder and paid someone to stalk me and blackmail me for months)

PS Your finger might be too fat to fit in the ring, because it was originally fitted for MY finger, but Philippe decided he didn't love me anymore (and therefore wanted to give the ring to you).

Sucks for you.

And I sent the letter.

Ethan DID propose (yay!) a few months after he got out of prison. No ring yet, but sort of a symbolic engagement. I had an invisible ring on my finger. In other words, the ring would be bought later.

I was happier with Ethan than I was with Philippe.

I finally didn't have to be worried about anyone stalking me, or trying to kill me. And I was with someone I loved and trusted.

What more could I ask for?

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