Prologue: Part 2

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???: Ugh, kid, shut up! You're going to draw attention to us... and not the good kind

Ian: Hold up, excuse me... DID YOU JUST SAY NOT THE GOOD KIND!!?

Eda: Yeah. Look kid, I am Eda The Owl Lady! The strongest witch on the Boiling Isles! And also most wanted...

Ian: .....Yeah, no. We're leaving, Asiah.

Asiah: Wait! Ian!

Ian pulls his sister with him as he walked away from the strange lady.

Asiah: Ian! We don't even know where we are! 

Ian: Getting lost here can't be as bad as getting involved with her!


Ian: I stand corrected...

    Ian and Asiah are now on the edge of a tall cliff. On this cliff, they got a good view of The Boiling Isles. To say the least, it was absolutely atrocious. The Island they were on actually seemed more like a giant corpse than an island. No, seriously. Like you can see a giant skull and legs. Heck, you can even see the ribcage! Even if somehow this wasn't a giant inhabited skeleton, it sure smelled like something that was decomposing. The obnoxious scent permeated the entire area. If they weren't so hellbent on getting home and actually focused on the things around them, they might have thrown up at what they were experiencing. Just before they can turn around though, they hear a familiar voice in Ian's right ear and Asiah's left.

???: Regret running now, huh kid~



Ian: Damnit Eda! You almost scared me to death! Literally!

    As Ian said that, he looks over the edge of the cliff they are currently standing near and shivers. Ian was trapped between a rock and a hard space. This was a lot of responsibility on the 14-year-old's shoulders. He could choose to put his sister and himself at risk by following this clearly not-all-the-way-there stranger, or he could continue to run and get lost even worse than they already were. He already knew which one he was choosing. At least this way, he could have someone with knowledge of this terrible hellish island. Plus, if she tried something, she looked pretty weak and scrawny, he could easily overpower her.

Ian: Hey Eda! We'll help you sell our stuff as long as you tell us how to get home.

Eda: Deal!

    Eda snapped her fingers and they waited. Ian and Asiah both looked at Eda, unimpressed. All of a sudden, Ian picked up on a sound coming from straight across where Eda was. There, flying toward them, was a stick or in this case, a staff, hurling toward them at Mach 1 level speeds.

Asiah: Eda watch-!

Eda catches the staff, which they can now see clearly, has an owl at the top.

Eda: Come on back to the shop. I'll give you a ride.

Ian: A ride?! Do you have a car?

Eda: Haha, very funny. We'll be riding on this!

She shows off her staff.

Ian: You want three humans, or two humans and whatever you are, to ride on that broomstick without the broom?

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