Desk Date | Neville Longbottom

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Summary: Your professor asks you to stay after class to talk about your behavior
Warnings: super sweet, semi-long build up, aftercare, age gap, praise, L-bombs, multiple orgasms, creampie
Nickname: Love

You stare at your professor, not bothering to listen to his lecture. How could you? Of course he's smart and interesting, but who could focus on plants when Professor Longbottom is teaching it? With his dark hair, light eyes and stubbled face. The way he licks his lips when he's thinking. How his shirt rides up when he writes on the board. And those moments, just milliseconds really, when his eyes land on you.

"I think we'll end this lesson a bit early. To those of you enjoying the holidays away from Hogwarts, the train leaves at six sharp!"

All at once the students hurry out of their seats, chatting mindlessly about their holiday plans. But you already knew yours. Homework, existential dread, and of course dreaming about your professor. You'd chose to stay at Hogwarts to catch up on work, how else would you graduate in a few months?

You straggle behind the others, treating yourself to the sight of your professor for as long as possible. He grabs your shoulder before you're out the door. Even though his hand is barely grasping you, your body pulses with electricity.

"Not so fast. I'd like to see you in my office."

"Am I in trouble?" Your voice comes out higher than you mean.

He offers a crooked smile, removing his hand from you far too quickly. "Oh no, nothing like that. Please, follow me to my office."

You straggle behind him as he leads the way to his office, you'd been in there only a few times but remember it vividly. Especially the desk, the fantasies you'd had about that damn desk…

"Hello? Anyone there?" He waves his hand in front of your face. You jump slightly, just now noticing he'd sat down on top of the desk. "Please, sit." He waves to the seat in front of him.

You sit down in the leather chair, now eye level with his crotch. This wasn't going to be easy. "Sorry, professor." You mumble. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Well, exactly that." He gestures towards you. "Lately I've began to notice a decline in your work. You're not failing, but I know you can achieve better grades." He sighs, reaching behind him and pulling out two of your essays. "This paper, from the beginning of the year is quite brilliant. And you grew the perfect mimbulus mimbletonia."

You perk up at his compliment. "Really?"

"Of course, you're a natural in herbology. You could probably pursue a career in herbology." His smile turns into a look of concern. "If your work improved, that is. I used to look forward to getting your assignments. But lately you've been slacking. Daydreaming in class, turning in assignments late, and in your latest paper," he hands you the remarkably thinner paper, "you're regugitatung the same old talking points. Is everything alright?"

Your mouth goes dry as you try to come up with a lie. You settle on a half truth. "I guess I've just been a little distracted."

He leans forward, no more than a foot away from you. "I can't help but feel this is my fault. I asked the other professors and apparently you don't act this way in their classes."

Your heart races. "You've asked about me?"

For once he's the one caught off guard, a small blush creeps into his cheeks. "Of course. You are my favorite student, after all. Which is why I want you to succeed. Tell me, what am I doing wrong?"

"Nothing!" You say a little too quickly. "I mean- you're amazing. I just can't focus on the work."

"And why is that? Because you're looking at me. Every time I glance your way, you're focused on me completely."

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