Forget Me Not | Harrison Wells (E2)

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Summary: You lose your memory and you're not sure why Harry is acting so strange around you
Warnings: sweet Harry

"Are you sure I'm a superhero? I don't feel very hero-y right now." You drink the glass of water Caitlin provided and nervously tap your leg.

"I'm very sure. Don't worry, there's no permanent damage so you should get your memory back in no time. You just need a strong connection to jog your memory. I'll have Barry take you around town to try and stir things up." She assures you.

You glance around the room. It's like a futuristic medical room from a movie. Although you aren't sure which one. Caitlin had shown you a picture of you, her, Barry and Cisco hanging out in a bar. You trust your gut and decided to trust her. After all, she practically exudes kindness.

A man suddenly rushes in and sighs with relief when he see's you. He steps towards you and you back away quickly. He looks hurt by your rejection, his blue eyes full of worry.

"She's suffering from amnesia." Caitlin explains.

He rubs his temples and pulls at his black hair, obviously stressed. He looks kind of cute when he's worried. Wait, am I allowed to think that? Caitlin didn't mention a boyfriend so you assume you're single and shrug off any guilt.

"And you are?" You ask.

"Harrison Wells. I'm from another earth. We, uh, we work together." He explains.

"Are you a superhero too?" You ask eyed wide.

"No," he's growing more frustrated by the second. "I'm a scientist. I'm sorry but when exactly will she get her memory back?"

"When a powerful enough memory kick starts her brain." Caitlin explains, surely dumbing it down for your new state of mind.

"I'll be in my lab." He rushes out without a goodbye.

You face Caitlin and scoff. "Is he always that rude?"

"You have no idea."


"I'm sorry. I feel like I'm such a failure for not remembering. You guys are my best friends! I should remember you!"

"It's perfectly okay. We'll try again tomorrow." Caitlin lays a reassuring hand on your back and smiles. "Until then, it's probably best you stay here. You don't have full control of your powers and can't defend yourself properly."

"Caitlin is right. I'll take you to some more obscure locations. Maybe where we first fought Snart together. Don't worry, you just need more time." Barry puts on his jacket and leaves. Caitlin trails behind him and you're left in the medbay, not tired enough to sleep.

Although they already took you around STAR labs you decide to give it another go. Maybe them being there threw me off? You get turned around a few times but eventually make it to a sleeping quarter. The door is wide open and inside you see Harrison Wells preparing for sleep.

"Hi, Harrison." You wave awkwardly.

"You call me Harry." He says, sitting down. "Or Hare." He whispers so low you almost can't hear it.

"Sorry. I'm really sorry if I'm slowing you guys down. Or making you angry."

He laughs, shaking his head. "Memory or no memory, you still over apologize."

His laugh brings butterflies to your stomach. Seeing his smile makes you smile too. You walk around the room, scrunching your eyebrows in concentration. "Am I in here a lot? It just feels really familiar. Like Jitters or the medbay."

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