Chapter Ten

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Sondra and Roger were sitting in the living room coiled up in the lounge together — the TV was playing an old black and white horror motion picture with the volume set on low. The female character screamed as a zombie floundered towards her. The cemetery they were in was empty. Her brother laid on the ground with a head wound. She had to run. Sondra exhaled as her eyes throbbed. She was getting fatigued. They had been up for a while now handing out candy to the local children who had the courage to approach the house, believing the Boogeyman was living there under their noses, only the older children had the courage.

They were surprised so many children made it. Others cried at the end of the pathway out of fear, and the pair of them understood the fear that was associated with this house. Another knock at the door at Roger getting up this time, Sondra chuckled and put the blanket over her feet as she continued to watch the movie. The front door opened and she heard the familiar sound of children laughing, Roger gave them the last of the candy then closed the door and locked it and walked back into the living room.

"That the last of them?" His wife asked quietly as she reached for the TV remote. She grabbed it and turned the TV off, and as the picture shut down they heard a bang from outside in the shed. They turned their heads to the doorway and slowly walked towards it, Roger stepped in front of Sondra.

"What the hell was that?"

Roger shook his head from side to side. "I don't know".

Roger walked slowly across the house, the floor boards beneath him creaking as he moved. Sondra was behind him, as she walked into the kitchen she grabbed a wine bottle off the counter and held the neck of it and turned it over so it was ready to be swung. The walk to the kitchen was met with a long hallway that went along the side of the house, windows ran along the entire wall that allowed someone to look out into the yard, but they couldn't see anything. Roger looked out the window and then turned to Sondra and shrugged softly. He turned back and approached the back door and flicked the light switch on for the outside spot light. Sondra remained at the other end of the hallway watching him. He opened the door, stepped out and looked over at the shed. The door to it was wide open but inside was completely dark.

"Somebody in there?" Sondra asked.

A creak came from inside and Roger stepped back and went inside and closed the door, he turned to Sondra and approached the entrance to the hallway. Sondra held the wine bottle tightly.

"The door is open but I think it might just be the wind. Let's just go to bed" he said and then started walking down the hallway. He got to the third glass panel window when a hand came crashing through, Sondra screamed and Roger was grabbed around the throat and pulled into the wall. The hand then reached up and grabbed his hand with a firm grip and began crashing it into the wall.

Sondra held the wine bottle up screaming, she stepped back slightly as Roger's head hit the wall over and over. His eyes were shut tightly as pain rocked his body, blood was oozing from his nose and from a cut on the side of this head. The hand that was driving him into the wall was bloodied and dirty. Roger let out a gasp as he was released to the floor with a bang. Sondra didn't know what to do. She looked over at the hole in the window and saw the white Halloween mask looking in at her. Emotionless with black eyes. Suddenly the Halloween mask was leaning up through the window and entering the house.

Sondra stepped back more with the wine bottle gripped tightly in her hand as The Shape walked towards her, he stepped over Roger who was indeed still alive. She brought her arm back as she let out a scream, but The Shape's arm retracted first and he slapped the wine bottle down where it shattered against the wall and she stumbled back.

He towered over her but she ran past him with a violent shove. He turned and followed her with his head before climbing after her. She ran into the kitchen and grabbed a kitchen knife and turned and looked at the doorway and saw him standing there. Behind him on the floor was Roger, unconscious and unable to flee. She backed up into the corner of the kitchen at the fridge, she was holding the knife up when he stepped up to the stove and grabbed the light bar from the connection, pulled it free and smashed the end of it against the counter. He turned and held it out and her eyes widened with fear as more and more tears rolled down her cheeks. He walked towards her with it extended out and aimed at her throat.

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