Chapter Seventeen

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From the moment Laurie arrived at Marion's car she knew something was very wrong. She could see the glass that had been showered out across the ground beside the car and she saw the rivers of blood that had rushed down the side panel of the car. But she couldn't find Marion. She walked closer and retracted her knife from her belt and slowly approached with extreme caution. She was expecting something. But she wasn't expecting to find Marion laying in the car with her throat slit. Laurie closed her eyes and backed away and turned her head, she let out a deep sigh that rattled her frame as she processed the image of her friends body.

She looked around the street. There was nobody. Everyone had gone back inside and she checked the time on her watch. It was 11:21, the night was almost over. Halloween was about to end and she knew it would be the night evil died. She turned back to the car for a second and then hurried back to hers. She climbed into the drivers seat and called Karen and told her to meet her back at the house. Karen called Tommy who called Brackett and they all went back to Karen's house.

Laurie continued to scan the area as she drove. But she never found Michael.

Laurie arrived at Karen's and backed her truck up the driveway. She jumped free from the truck and went to the garage door and opened it and hurried into the house, leaving it open. Shortly after Brackett and Tommy arrived with Karen shortly after and hurried inside also. Brackett went in last and noticed the back cover of the tray was uncovered, he pulled the thing back over then went inside and closed the garage door behind him and engaged the lock.

"Where's Allyson?" Karen asked quietly as they entered the living room.

"With Cameron at the clinic. She's safe" replied Laurie as she went around the room and turned over all the locks and pulled the shades down and dimmed the lights.

Karen stepped at Laurie. "What? What happened?"

"Michael attacked them at the Myers house, it's okay. They're okay" Laurie said. She walked towards the island in the kitchen and placed her revolver down on the bench. "Marion, however. Is dead".

Brackett lowered his head and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Okay, where is Michael now?"

Karen stepped up again and chucked the mask onto the bench. "He'll be trying to find me".

Tommy didn't look at the mask, instead he looked away from it. The Boogeyman wore that mask. Karen looked down at it with a look of pure hatred, but looked at her mother who turned to Brackett who pulled out his phone.

"I'm going to call in the state troopers, give us a hand with this asshole once and for all" explained Brackett. "I'll also call officers over for added protection until we can get a plan going".

Leigh walked off as he placed the phone to his ear.

Leigh went into the hallway and waited for an answer on the other line. In the corner of his eye a hint of a face was watching him, he turned his head and the face vanished into the shadows. He didn't think anything of it and turned back and continued to watch the front door. He'd get Deputy Logan in to assist with looking over the Strodes as well as Deputy Pierce who would be able to assist if needed.

Deputy Logan was there the night Michael was arrested in 1978, he was a second responder after Hawkins arrived on the scene to stop Loomis killing Michael. Deputy Logan wished he never stepped in and stopped Hawkins from stopping Loomis. All this wouldn't have happened. Deputy Logan was close with Leigh after Annie was killed. But how was he supposed to know a simple kitchen knife would do so much damage to a small town that just wanted to be left alone?

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