Ch.5 You are and still is no sibling of mine

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Areena's P.O.V
"Pathetic idiots knocking me out from behind. Cheap Shot!" I mumbled to a empty room. After being knocked unconscious by a man of muscle and metal. I woke up finding myself in a medical room and by the looks of bent up needles some one was trying to take my blood. Pathetic! No one can drug me or try to stick something posionous  in me because my skin is indestructable........ most of the time. The man of muscle and metal shall fall before my feet when I kick his sorry butt all the way back to the forest. While I was in deep thought slut (Jean), wilderbeast (man of muscle and metal), and Beach boy (man with sunglasses) decided to walk in. "Well, Well, Well the three stooges decided to take some time out of your schedules to meet up with the Goddess of War." I grinned smugly at the way Jean's face turn red and seeing her hand ball up into a fist. "You are no Goddess you're just a mutant like me." Jean said folding her arms. I growled letting myself off the table I was sitting on and took my hair out of it's ponytail. "Little girl," I snarled getting in her face " I am nothing like you slut I am truly a living breathing Goddess because unlike you I can truly get a man."

It was so quiet after I said that you could hear a pin drop then all of a sudden hell broke loose. Jean decided to punch me in the face breaking her hand in the process. It took that as the chance to escape and I was almost out the window until Wilderbeast who Beach boy called Logan grabbed me from behind holding me in place. "Let me go!" I yelled turning to look Logan in the face making my eyes turn red. Logan growled holding my arms in place behind my back. "Sorry bub that aint gonna happen. You love to start some chaos anywhere you go." I rolled my eyes seeing Beach boy trying to hold Jean back from fighting when she already has a broken hand. Pathetic! Jean frowned at me "I'm not pathetic you need to stop saying that Areena." I was about to shout a retort but the door decided to open revealing a bald man in a wheel chair. I raised an eyebrow looking at the man with interest. I have seen this man before but where? I narrowed my eyes in thought thinking back to my past. "I can't believe I have a twin who is s-so unloving, Charles," Jean screamed turning in my direction. " You are the worst sister I ever have. Do you even know how to love because you are the most emotionless person I have ever met."
I snapped hitting Logan in the face with the back of my head. Breaking free and zooming forward I grabbed Jean by both of her shoulders and slammed her into the wall. "Listen here and listen now you pathetic excuse of a woman. You didn't give a care about me back then so don't start caring now. I moved on with my life becoming the best fighter in the world. The thing you really should take to heart is you are and still is no sibling of mine!"

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