Forgotten Sisterly Bond

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Jean’s P.O.V

10 years of sadness and guilt had been resting in my soul for so long. Scott can’t fill the emptiness in my heart that reaches out for my twin sister. Ever since that fateful birthday I stood in the bedroom looking out that window waiting for Belle to come back. I wouldn’t celebrate any birthdays or even acknowledge my own father’s existence until my twin come home. After 5 years I finally gave up even trying and now look at me 18 without a care in the world, and an amazing boyfriend and leader. I usually think about my twin whereabouts like what is she doing now and how she looks!

3rd Person P.O.V

Jean was in the middle of a struggle with herself when Wolverine decided to knock on her door very loud.

“Come in Logan,”

Logan frowned as he walked into the room to see Jean staring into the abyss. ‘What the hell is wrong with her never saw her this deep down in the dump’

 Jean stood up off the bed and walked to Logan to only stop in front of him.

  “Logan, I only going to tell you one time. What do you w---?”

Jean wasn’t able to finish because Logan decided to grab her and kiss her. Though it didn’t last long because Scott decided to walk in at that moment. Jean eyes went wide in shock and realization and shoved Logan off of her.

“It’s not what it looks like,” But by then the damages was already said and done.

“Whatever, Jean we’re done you can make out with your new hairy boyfriend. I just came to tell you we found your sister she’s meeting with the Leaders of the U.S. Don’t worry about that you have a new amazing boyfriend!!!”

Jean heard the door slam with a huge bang. Her longtime boyfriend just dumped her because of the dumbass Wolverine!!

“Jean I---,” Logan stuttered out.

“Get out! Get out! Get out! I hate you so much this is all your fault!!” Jean screamed then broke down in tears. Logan tried putting a hand on her shoulder only to have her move away from him.

“Fine, Bub I am done with you as well. I am sick and tired of being turned away by you all the time. So for now on we’re just team mates!”

And with that he walked out the door closing it behind him. Jean crumbled to the floor after that wailing in silence. ‘Losing a crush and a boyfriend on the same day to only figure out my sister is back. I think I need to take a bath,’ Jean said going straight for the bathroom. ‘ A long one,’ and the door closed swiftly behind her.

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