I don't need your help pathetic fool!

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Areena’s P.O.V

Flying all the way to the white house was quite the trip. But seems like I got here on record time unlike most pathetic humans. I decided to use my body to the advantage running at top speed. Since no one was at the door I decided to let myself in as usual. As soon as I walked in guns was pointed at me from all angles.

            “Nice way for you to great new guests from out of the country.” Stepping forward was part of the plan a few men jumped back out of fright.

            “Sorry men can’t stay to chat I got places to go and people to see y’know,” and with them being distracted by my wise and mighty words. I used my powers to make an axe appear in my hand and with a swift throw knocked out every single man in there. Raising my arm the swinging axe landed in my outstretched hand. The next room had really poor looking lasers which by the way didn’t slow me down at all. Finally I kicked the door open with my army boot. Only to glare with rage making my eyes turn red to see the X-Men in a fighting stance.

            “Wow this is quite the show I have here mutants standing up for humans against a Goddess. Now that is only one word---,”

            “Pathetic,” a red headed woman said with disgust written on her face. I gave her an evil smile showing all my fangs towards her to see sad eyes looking at me.

            “What does that stupid word mean to you because it seems to me you love that word way more than your own family,” she screamed getting in my face; I might add. But at that moment realization dawned on my face only for a huge frown to form. I side kicked the red head in the face hard knocking her to the floor only to pick her up by the neck.

            “You ugly slut you have no right to say I didn’t care for you and Dad. You are the one who abandon me. Just because you have powers doesn’t mean to start jumping on that high horse because--.”

  I made a huge adamantium sword appear out of thin air into my hands.

“I am more powerful than you’ll ever be.” I grinned and dropped her knowing I scared her badly only to hear her scream.

            “Logan Now!!” and to only see pitch black afterwards…


Two are born but One is noticedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora