break your little heart

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I decided to go for a walk to clear my head...luckily the bus had stopped as we needed petrol I jumped off the bus and went where ever my legs took me, it turns out I'd gone to a bar.

As I walked into the bar my heart sunk the one person who I loved with all my heart and hated at the same time was sat at the bar with a girl but...I knew this girl she was my ex.

Well who was I kidding The Ashley Purdy love me? I gulped and walked over to the bar with my head held Hugh I tried my hardest to not look at him as I ordered a large jack and coke.

It seemed like forever for the bar tender to get my drink but as I got it I sighed and downed it and soon enough I was smashed.

Alcohol has always given me confidence so I decided to walk over to Ashley and....His girl.

{Ashleys .p.o.v.}

I had gone to a bar to get my mind off things, I'd just ordered a drink and a girl came over and started flirting and after everything that had happened I just wanted go go back to normal, after all ...CC wasn't going to be here ....was he?

Well I thought wrong someone walked up to the bar next to be and ordered a drink and their voice sounded rather familiar ...It was cc...

I had looked at him all night and I could tell this girl was getting annoyed with me but I couldn't care I just wanted cc but I just couldn't stop being typical me and sleeping with girls.

He came over and started talking, struggling standing and slurring his words...god this wasn't going to end well..

I gulped down another shot of jack and coke as he asked who the girl was...she gulped and stuttered her name.

I-I -im s-sam she said without making eye contact I could tell she was scared do I put my arms around her wait protectively. ..CC didn't like this I could tell he was getting angry.

I asked his what he wants as sam snuggled into me...I was just about to leave when he threw the girl off me onto the floor and started to throw punches at me.

I was covered in blood and he knew it...The girl must have called an ambulance because I came back into conciseness just as cc was screaming

"I'm gonna break your little heart

Watch you take the fall

Laughing all the way to the hospital"

And he was right he had broken my heart I didn't think cc was even capable of hurting someone yet alone me...The person he loved...

(Yes I know what your thinking...break your little heart by all time low) :)

Ashley Purdy and CC smutWhere stories live. Discover now