
21 0 0

I woke up to arms around me,
Holy shit it was Liam.

He was still sleeping so I got up,
20 texts from my brother and 10 miss calls?

Oh boy

I sent my older brother a text saying I was okay and I stayed at Liam's.

I heard Liam wake up and I sent a smile in his direction which he gave me one back.

His stepdad dropped me and him off at school and I went to my first class,
I hated biology.

After class I was about to go to my locker but passed the gym and heard mason speak,
"And he was apparently on steroids"

I peeked my head in and saw Liam lifting a load of weights.

"Jesus Christ Liam you're not gonna try lift that" I said,

I knew it was his strength and he would be fine lifting it but mason was bound to assume something was off no normal teenage boy could lift that.

Then mason went on about the game tonight and who they were up against.

I didn't hear the announcement and by the looks of it neither did Liam.

"Liam it's your old school,
Devenford prep"

I heard his heartbeat speed up,

Oh no.

He rushed off to the locker room so I told mason I would follow him and said goodbye.

I was about to walk into the locker room when I heard him growl and being held up against the locker.

I walked in to Derek holding him up by his neck and Scott came behind me,

"Liam" I said and he locked eyes with me and calmed down.

"You're right he is angry"Derek said letting him down and facing my brother.

The bell rung and Scott told Liam to go to class,
Just as I was about to say something
"You too kelaya"

I groaned and walked off to class.

I ended up missing one of my classes because stiles dragged me to all the lacrosse gear with him, Scott and Kira talking about how the murderer is on the lacrosse team and how Scott or Kira could die.

"Hold on murder? Scott or Kira?" I asked obviously worried I mean Scott was my brother and Kira was like a sister I never had.

"Or Liam" Scott added as I sent a worried look his way,
They started telling me a list they found of supernaturals in beacon hills,

"How do they know about me?" Kira asked.
"They know about everyone" Scott answered.

"Do they know about me?" I asked confused.

"We haven't got the second part you might be there" stiles explained as I moved closer to my brother.

I left the room mostly because I didn't want to know what was gonna happen to my brother, I didn't wanna worry.

After a few more classes I saw mason following Liam,
Liam's heartbeat going very fast so I followed them.

"Brett" he called out and started breathing heavy.

"I just wanna say" I grabbed his hand trying to signal him to calm down.

His heartbeat went back to normal,
"Have a good game" he held his other hand out.

They started laughing at him,
God I wanted to claw their eyes out.

"That's cute, Liam. Is that what they told you to say in Anger Management? Apologize and everything's fine? You demolished Coach's car" that Brett guy said.

"I paid for it!" Liam answered. I looked at him with a confused look.

"Yeah, you're going to pay for it. We're gonna break you in half out there. And it's gonna be all your fault" I saw Liam's other hand start dripping blood and signaled for my brother to come and stop it.

Stiles pulled Liam back into Scott and started talking to them,
I wasn't listening I was focused on making sure Liam was okay.

Scott and stiles brought him into the showers to cool a now werewolved Liam down.

I watched as they kept pushing him into the water until he finally gave up and sat down.

I went over and stood beside stiles while Scott asked about the car and what he done and Liam answered him.

Liam started explaining about how they kicked him out of school and got him diagnosed with I.E.D.

"I.E.D? You're literally an I.E.D? That's great. That's great. You gave powers to a walking time bomb" stiles said as I stood on his foot really hard.

"Did they give you anything for it?"scott asked.

"Risperdal, It's an antipsychotic" Liam answered.

"Oh, this just gets better" stiles said as I growled at him and he backed away.

He started explaining why he doesn't take it and Scott told him to tell coach his leg is still hurting.

"No, no! I can do this. Especially if you're there" he said as he looked at me.


Scott looked at me then continued on,

"But, Liam, it's not just about the game. We think whoever killed Demarco might be on our team" he explained

Liam asked who it was and stiles told him.

"We think the person who ordered the keg killed Demarco"Scott explained.

Suddenly I heard Liam's heartbeat pick up,
Scott noticed it too.

Scott looked at me and nodded towards Liam.

I rolled my eyes,
"Liam? What, you know something?" I asked as he looked at me.

"I don't know who ordered the keg. But I know who paid for it"

Dw tho I changed it in the chapters I used the wrong name :-)

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